Thursday, September 20, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MD - City Of Takoma Park RFP - Environmental Sustainability Action Plan

Alert Type:

The City of Takoma Park invites qualified firms to submit a proposal to assist the City of Takoma Park in the development of an environmental sustainability action plan and preparation of a greenhouse gas inventory. A contract will be awarded to a highly qualified and experienced firm with a strong record in developing environmental sustainability strategies, particularly in the local government arena.SCOPE OF SERVICES
The Firm shall provide the following tasks and deliverables:
1. Develop a methodology to evaluate potential programs to achieve greenhouse gas reduction and environmental sustainability in Takoma Park. The evaluation methodology
must be presented to and approved by the City prior to its use. Evaluation criteria should compare environmental benefits, greenhouse gas reduction, implementation costs (public and private), and estimated penetration rates across residential and commercial sectors. Identifying the financial resources required for such programs should be a critical component of the evaluation criteria.
2. Evaluate existing City programs that address environmental issues (e.g., tree canopy, stormwater management, solid waste management, energy use, and recycling). Identify 3 low cost programs to fill in any programming gaps, taking into account the City’s limited staffing capacity.
3. Analyze climate action recommendations outlined in the Local Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2000) and the Task Force on Environmental Action’s 2010 report.
4. Create an Action Plan to improve environmental quality to include short, medium, and long-term programs. The Plan should include necessary staff resources, costs, and implementation schedule. Recommendations should establish a funding level for implementing new programs and maintaining existing programs. The Action Plan should identify the programs for the City to implement that will have the most impact on environmental quality and encourage residents and businesses to take action to reduce their carbon foot print. Action Plan recommendations should be based on review of existing
City reports (2000 and 2010) and effective greenhouse gas reduction programs developed in similar jurisdictions, as well as any other recommendations of the Firm. The City is particularly interested in the reduction or “greening” of energy use. The recommended programs must be able to be applied and implemented under the existing regulatory and legislative powers of the City.
5. Using inventory methods such as ICLEI and the World Resource Institutes GHG Protocol, produce an updated greenhouse gas emissions inventory for 2012, for the community and government of Takoma Park. Recommend a base year to be used as a comparison.

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