Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MS - State Of Mississippi Bid - Energy Management Consultant Professional Services

Alert Type:

Energy Management is an ever-more important and complex endeavor resulting in
continuous improvement of building operations, as well as, a reduction in the use and cost of utilities
consumed. The following list of expected services, not all inclusive, describes the general scope of work:
1. Periodically review and monitor building performance using the EMC energy performance
2. Assist in establishing energy usage budgets for each building.
3. Assist in establishing benchmark Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) for each building.
4. Perform energy audits when directed.
5. Direct and manage ECM projects when so directed.
6. Develop and oversee a verification protocol for each ECM.
7. Train DFA / Office of Capitol Facilities Personnel.
a. Review the general concepts of the program and the intentions of working with
The maintenance staff to operate the building efficiently and identify opportunities for
b. Provide training when an ECM is implemented to make sure that the staff understands
what has been implemented and the implication to operations.
8. Review utility bills on a monthly basis and provide recommendations for savings and
9. Review operations and maintenance procedures.
10. Assist building occupant energy awareness programs.
11. Review and monitor utility usage using the EnergyManagement & Control (EMC) System.

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