Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Berwick Area School District RFP - High School Boiler Replacement Project

Alert Type:

The Berwick Area School District is requesting the Design Engineering services of qualified
firms for the replacement of the existing National Register steam boiler system and to provide
for an independent summertime domestic hot water system at the Berwick Area High School
location. The Design Engineering firm will be responsible for furnishing all engineering and all
of its associated direct and indirect costs, stamped drawings, as well as a complete bid
specification covering construction labor, all required removal and disposal, materials,
equipment, supervision, tools, transportation, and supplies required to complete the Berwick
Area High School boiler replacement scope of work.
The plans (drawings) shall be dated, stamped, signed and sealed by a licensed engineer
and shall be presented to the Berwick Area School District as part of the completed project
package (submittals).
The system design of boilers and directly associated pumps, piping, and equipment shall be
sized to provide 100% redundancy for the heating system, to protect the building in the event of
a failure on the main boiler. The new summertime domestic hot water heater will be sized to
provide domestic hot water for summer use without operating the primary heating boilers. The
engineering firm will be required to present calculations by a licensed engineer as part of the bid
The Berwick Area School District is requiring that the boiler system controls be electronic and a
new computer based system be included as an integral part of the design.
The scope of work is as follows:
Design and engineer a boiler replacement project.
Develop a complete bid package including all related drawings and blue prints.
Provide budget projects including estimated project costs and efficiency / payback analysis.
Assist the Berwick Area School District in the process of advertising and bidding of the project.
Provide consulting and management services throughout the award, construction and
completion of the project.

For more details please visit:

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