Monday, December 10, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US SD - Bureau Of Administration Bid - Hvac System Replacement

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received by the State Engineer on behalf of the Bureau of Administration at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol, Pierre, South Dakota 57501-3182 until 3:00 PM CT, Thursday, January 3, 2013 for labor and materials for the Bureau of Finance and Management, HVAC System Replacement, Capitol Building, 500 East Capitol Ave., Pierre, South Dakota, 57501, OSE# ACC12--23X/BFMHVAC. Combined Bids will be received for HVAC System Replacement including all necessary work associated with the HVAC system replacement. Contractors Please Note: A pre-bid meeting will be held December 18, 2012. Meet at the Capitol Building, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre SD, Buildings and Grounds conference room (room B-01) at 1:00 PM. Attendance is not mandatory, but this will be the bidders ONLY opportunity to visit the site prior to bidding. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained by bidders at the office of West Plains Engineering, 4609 South Techlink Circle, Sioux Falls, SD 57106, telephone number 605.362.3753. Copies are on file for viewing purposes at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota 57501-3182. Anyone requesting, reviewing, or copying Plans and Specifications for this project (such individual is hereinafter referred to as “bidder”) agrees that they are doing so for the sole purpose of submitting a bid on the project. In consideration of the State of South Dakota providing such Plans and Specifications for the purpose of preparing a bid, Bidder further agrees:
A. The Plans and Specifications are the sole property of the State;
B. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications obtained directly from the State will be returned to the office of West Plains Engineering immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs first;
C. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications made by the bidder will be destroyed immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs first;
D. If bidder does not submit a bid, bidder will fulfill the requirements of B and C above on or before the date of the bid opening;
E. The Plans and Specifications are to be used only with respect to this project and are not to be used for any other project or purposes other than preparing a bid for this project;
F. The Plans and Specifications will not be disseminated to any person or entity for purposes other than obtaining pricing information without the express written approval of the state;
G. All information contained in the Plans and Specifications is confidential; and
H. Should the bidder disseminate the Plans and Specifications to an individual or entity for purposes of obtaining pricing information, the bidder will require that individual or entity to adhere to the terms set forth herein. The bidder, however, assumes no liability for the misuse of the Plans and Specifications by such third party or such third party’s failure to comply with the provisions contained herein.

Should bidder be awarded a contract for construction of the project, bidder does not need to return or destroy Plans and Specifications until after completion of the project.
Each bid in excess of $50,000.00 must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or draft in the amount of 5% of the base bid and all add alternates and drawn on a State or National Bank or a 10% bid bond issued by a surety authorized to do business in the State of South Dakota and made payable to the Bureau of Administration of the State of South Dakota. The Bureau of Administration reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein.

For more details please visit:

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