Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - Town Of Poughkeepsie Bid - Hall Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

Separate sealed Bids will be received by the Town Clerk, Town of Poughkeepsie, One Overocker Road, Pough- keepsie, NY 12603 until 11 a.m. (local time) on 02/06/2012 at which time they will be pub- licly opened and read aloud for the “TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE TOWN HALL HVAC REPLACEMENT“. All bids must be made upon and in ac- cordance with the form of proposals prepared by the Engineering De- partment and shall be submitted in sealed en- velopes so marked “TOWN OF POUGH- KEEPSIE TOWN HALL HVAC REPLACEMENT“. Work proposed under this contract shall be performed at ONE OVEROCKER ROAD, as described in the “R- EQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TOWN OF POUGHKEEP- SIE TOWN HALL HVAC REPLACEMENT“. The “PROPOSAL FOR TOWN OF POUGHKEEP- SIE TOWN HALL HVAC REPLACEMENT“ docu- ments may be reviewed and obtained on 01/09/2012 at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Poughkeepsie, One Overocker Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. There is no charge for the Docu- ments. Each bid shall be ac- companied by an ac- ceptable form of Bid Deposit Guarantee in the amount of five (5) percent of the amount bid payable to the Town of Poughkeepsie as a guarantee that if the Bid is accepted, the Bid- der will complete the items bid upon in accor- dance with the specifi- cations and under the terms of the contract documents. Bidders can have ac- cess to the site upon re- quest by contacting Tim Sickles at the Town Building Department. OWNER'S RIGHTS RE- SERVED: The Town of Poughkeepsie, (the Town), reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive any formality or technicality in any Bid in the inter- est of the Town. STATEMENT OF NON- COLLUSION: Bidders are required to execute the non-collusion bidding certificate attached thereto pursuant to Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Bidders are also required to comply with the provision of Section 291-299 of the Executive Law of the State of New York. The Town of Pough- keepsie hereby notifies all Bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any agreement entered into pursuant to this adver- tisement, minority busi- ness enterprises will be afforded full opportuni- ty to submit bids in re- sponse to this invitation and will not be discrimi- nated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration of an award.

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