Alert Type:
RFP Description:
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RFP. The Connecticut Light and Power Company
(“CL&P”), by its agent Northeast Utilities Service Company, and The United
Illuminating Company (“UI”) (each a “Company” and collectively the “Companies”),
are hereby issuing this joint Request for Proposals (“RFP”) in furtherance of the
“Low and Zero Emissions Renewable Energy Credit Program” (the “Program”)
established pursuant to Sections 107, 108, and 110 of Public Act 11-80, An Act
Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future (the “Energy Act”).
1.2 PROGRAM SUMMARY. In accordance with Sections 107 and 108 of the Energy Act,
the Companies have developed a solicitation plan “for the purchase of renewable
energy credits” produced by eligible Class I renewable energy generation projects
that have zero emissions (“ZREC”), resulting in the issuance of this and subsequent
RFPs. The Companies are also procuring renewable energy credits from Class I
renewable energy generation projects that have low emissions (“LREC”) pursuant to
Section 110 of the Energy Act. Section 4 of this RFP provides a description of
LRECs, ZRECs, and the Program. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app.
RFP Description:
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RFP. The Connecticut Light and Power Company
(“CL&P”), by its agent Northeast Utilities Service Company, and The United
Illuminating Company (“UI”) (each a “Company” and collectively the “Companies”),
are hereby issuing this joint Request for Proposals (“RFP”) in furtherance of the
“Low and Zero Emissions Renewable Energy Credit Program” (the “Program”)
established pursuant to Sections 107, 108, and 110 of Public Act 11-80, An Act
Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future (the “Energy Act”).
1.2 PROGRAM SUMMARY. In accordance with Sections 107 and 108 of the Energy Act,
the Companies have developed a solicitation plan “for the purchase of renewable
energy credits” produced by eligible Class I renewable energy generation projects
that have zero emissions (“ZREC”), resulting in the issuance of this and subsequent
RFPs. The Companies are also procuring renewable energy credits from Class I
renewable energy generation projects that have low emissions (“LREC”) pursuant to
Section 110 of the Energy Act. Section 4 of this RFP provides a description of
LRECs, ZRECs, and the Program. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app.
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