Creativity and ingenuity are difficult traits to quantify. Some people argue that the capacity to develop and flourish new ideas is a function of hard work and perseverance. However, increasingly common reports indicate that creativity may have nothing to do with hard work at all.
Inspiration can come in a variety of locations. However, all too often we find ourselves inspired in places we did not expect to look. The shower is a beautiful example. Why do so many people claim that their ideas come to them in the shower? It is because people allow their minds to relax, travel to a different realms and then reset.
More and more information is cropping up about the capacity for people to forge new connections and create new thought by simply not thinking.
How counter intuitive is that?
By fully clearing one’s mind, we take ourselves into a new and unfamiliar territory. This territory allows links to be forged that would, otherwise, been impossible.
Similarly, frequently people find a bit of divine inspiration on vacation. Why is this the case? Well, because people on vacation are surrounded by unfamiliar sounds, noises, and cultures, they are forced to establish new pathways to relate. By linking something that isn’t to something that is, individuals form new associations, and by extension, view the world in a different way.
But wait, you say, why am I writing about this? Isn’t this an energy blog?
The answer is yes. However, energy, the environment, and inspiration are all highly intertwined. One cannot simply say energy is a stand along subject because it never has, and it never will be. Energy links to human psychology just as much as it links to birds migratory patterns.
So, when it comes to innovation, targeting our mind’s ability to create new connections in the energy field is overwhelmingly important.
Many people know the well-publicized innovators in the energy fields. Names such as Richard Branson and Elon Musk come to mind as the heroes of the entrepreneurial and growingly sustainable business world.
However, we need only look a bit harder to uncover some of the unsung heroes that lurk right beneath our eyes.
For instance, recently a Professor of Engineering has discovered a new way to clean up dirty water from fracking. Many people write fracking off right off the bat due to its negative water biproducts. However, rather than coming up with a different solution for natural gas harvesting, this Professor came up with a new way of cleaning the water so that issues with the polluting water runoff are not pertinent. Not only does this build in progression of technology, but it also takes advantage of the current economic and resource climate.
To read more about the novel use of the professor’s cleaning techniques, check out:
Only through thinking outside of the box, changing one’s perspective, and innovating through different approaches can we come up with the solutions necessary to solve the, woefully formulaic problems of today.
As always, for all your energy news and thoughts check out today.
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