Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Schuylkill County Housing Authority BID - Energy Efficient Lighting Modernization

Alert Type:

The Schuylkill County Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for Energy Efficient Lighting Modernization at the Shenandoah Family site (Turkey Run), Pioneer Road, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 17976. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Schuylkill County Housing Authority Office on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. (local prevailing time). All Prospective Bidders are encouraged to attend and take part in the conference. Representatives from the Housing Authority and Levkulic Associates will be in attendance to answer any questions. The work consists of a single prime contract. Such construction project can generally be described as: ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING MODERNIZATION CONTRACT NO. 12-4 (Single Prime Contract) Work generally includes: Removal and lawful disposal of select existing lighting fixtures, provision of new electrical wiring (as-needed), wire nuts, boxes (as-needed), devices, new energy efficient electrical fixtures and miscellaneous related accessories, patching and painting of disturbed mounting surfaces and miscellaneous other items described within the Contract Documents, complete and ready for use and in compliance with the latest codes and regulations. Bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to the Davis Bacon Federal Prevailing Wage Rate regulations and Contractors will be required to pay the prevailing wage as indicated within the schedules. Bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. (local prevailing time) on Monday, July 9, 2012, at the Schuylkill County Housing Authority Office, 245 Parkway, Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania 17972. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with the Contract Name and Number clearly written on the face of the envelope. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be examined and secured at the office of the Design Professional. The Design Professional of record is Levkulic Associates, 401 Beechwood Avenue, PO Box 300, Mar Lin, PA 17951, Telephone: (570) 544-1444. E-mail: jel@levkulicgroup.com. All requests for Bid Documents must be in writing, with the following information contained thereon: 1) Specific Bid Document(s) requested (Contract Name, Description, etc.), 2) Bidders name, complete street address and contact person, 3) Bidders telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. Bid package will be distributed electronically. Payment of a non-refundable fee, in check form in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00), payable to Levkulic Associates, is required for each set of digital bidding documents. Only complete bid packages will be issued by the Design Professional. Bid packages will only be issued in digital format. Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those persons whose name and address are on record with the Design Professional as having obtained the Contract Documents. All Bids shall be irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening date, for the purposes of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, prior to awarding the contract. All bids shall be accompanied by a ten (10%) percent bid guaranty, payable to the Schuylkill County Housing Authority. Bid security shall be in one of the following forms only: Certified check (drawn on a bank authorized to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) or bid bond. Lack of bid guarantee may be cause for rejection of submitted bid.

For more details please visit: http://bit.ly/KzL14S

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