Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US ME - University Of Maine RFP - Merrill Hall Heating Plant Upgrade

Alert Type:

Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals in env Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals in envelopes marked: Merrill Hall Heating Plant Upgrade, University of Maine at Farmington, addressed to: University of Maine at Farmington, c/o Ben Pratt, Director of Facilities Management, 147 Farmington Falls Road, Farmington, ME 04938 Will be received until 2:00 pm on June 21, 2012 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. Sealed Bids may also be hand delivered to Ben Pratt on the University of Maine at Farmington campus. Proposals received after the stated time will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Bids will not be accepted by email or other means other than stated. Proposals must be accompanied by a satisfactory Bid Bond, as prescribed in Section 00 43 13, for 5% of the Proposal (checks will not be accepted). The University System reserves the right to waive all formalities and reject any and all proposals or to accept any proposal. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and 100% Payment Bond to cover the execution of the contract which shall be in conformity with the form of Bonds contained in Sections 00 61 13.13 and 00 61 13.16 of the Specifications and for the contract amount. Project Summary: Work includes, but is not limited to, selective demolition and replacement of the building steam heating system with a hot water heating system, two new boilers with breeching and stack, new pumps, new piping throughout the building, new heating devices, new DDC controls, related electrical work, limited earthwork, site utilities, and boiler room improvements. Work also includes miscellaneous concrete, wood floor structure and decking, electrical, and heating and ventilating complete and ready for use. A mandatory pre-bid meeting and building walk- through will be held at 10:00 am on June 7, 2012. Contractors will meet at the back entrance to Merrill Hall on the University of Maine at Farmington campus. The pre-bid meeting is mandatory and no other tours will be given. The completion date is on or before November 21, 2012. The heating system must be fully operational by October 19, 2012 to provide heat to the building. Bid questions should be addressed to the Engineer: Richard Nadeau, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc, 482 Payne Road, Scarborough, Maine 04074. Telephone 207-887-3500. Responses will be sent to all contacts from the Xpress Copy Plan Room. Bid questions will no longer be taken after June 15, 2012. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained from Xpress Copy, 100 Fore Street, Portland, Maine 04101, Telephone 207-775-2444.

For more details please visit: http://bit.ly/LRzU7A

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