Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CO - The Board Of County Commissioners Of The County Of Weld BID - Hvac Components For Motor Pool Bldg

Alert Type:

This project consists of a turnkey updating the existing HVAC components located at 1399 North 17th Avenue, Greeley 80632.
Scope of work:
1. Provide all labor and material as required to fully update the HVAC components. The first
column provides the existing component (actual numbers/data to be verified by bidders during pre-bid meeting). The second column is where you will enter the proposed replacement that is included in your turn-key installed bid.
2. Identify the proposed method/detail in your scope of work.
3. Include detailed scope of work included/excluded in bid.
4. This is a design/build turn-key renovation. Therefore, all work required to be accomplished (i.e. electrical, mechanical, architectural modifications, etc.) shall be included in the bid price. This shall include all additions, alterations, and new work required.
5. Performance bond is required.

For more details please visit: http://bit.ly/LVK5b5

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