Friday, February 10, 2012

EnergyGridIQ newsflash: 2/10

1)   You may have noticed that I am rather interested in energy storage. As it turns out, Japan recently made some big advancement in the advancement of energy storage on a widespread residential scale. Partially to diminish the impacts of their crippled energy grid, Japan has developed a program to install a Nichicon battery storage device into homes in order to keep a reserve charge available for later use. Take a look at the article in greater detail here: And, not to push a bad pun, but Japan’s advancement in storage certainly increases its energygridiq… no? Anyone? Bueller?

2)   Well, not really news, but King Coal still reigns supreme. The EIA recently publishes their freshest assessment of the energy market and surprise surprise, Coal is the biggest. Nuclear still lurks in the shadow with dynamic growth from both renewable and natural gas. Check it out:

3)   EIQ ‘likes’ too much. Facebook officially decided to stop us here at EnergyGridIQ from liking things. I guess our approval of energy projects and incentives flew in the face of Facebook. Check out our Facebook page and maybe like us to ‘stick it to the man’

As always check in to for the latest energy thoughts and news. 

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