Thursday, February 9, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - State College Borough Water Authority BID - Ductile Iron, Mj Gate Valves, Mj Fittings, Valve Boxes, Etc

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received by the Executive Director of the State College Borough Water Authority until 2:00 p.m., prevailing time, Tuesday, March 06, 2012, at the Authority's offices, 1201 West Branch Road, State College, PA, at which time, date and place such Proposals will be opened and read publicly for the following Contract: CONTRACT NO. 04-2012 - Ductile Iron MJ Gate Valves, MJ Fittings, Valve Boxes, Curb Boxes, Tapping Sleeve & Valve and Fire Hydrants CONTRACT NO. 05-2012 - Restrained Joint Ductile Iron Pipe (4",6",8",12" & 16") The Authority reserves the right to award the contract as a combined package or split by pipe size whichever is in the best interest of the Authority. This bid is for material only, not for installation. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check; Treasurer's Check or Bid Bond drawn to the order of the State College Borough Water Authority in the amount of not less than TEN (10%) PERCENT of the amount of the bid. Specifications for the material are on file and open for inspection during normal business hours (Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) at the offices of the State College Borough Water Authority, 1201 West Branch Road, State College, PA. All Proposals shall be F.O.B., State College, Pennsylvania. No Proposal may be withdrawn for a period of SIXTY (60) DAYS after the above specified date for the receiving, opening and reading of Proposals. All Proposals shall be in a sealed envelope and marked as follows: State College Borough Water Authority 1201 West Branch Road State College, PA 16801-7697 ATTENTION: Max G. Gill, Executive Director BID FOR CONTRACT NO. 04-2012 -OR- BID FOR CONTRACT NO. 05-2012 The State College Borough Water Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or parts thereof or items therein, to waive any defects or irregularities in Proposals and to accept any Proposal which, in its judgement, is for its best interest. The Authority reserves the right to delay awarding the contract for up to sixty days after the Proposals have been opened.

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