Monday, February 27, 2012

EnergyGridIQ Newsflash: 2/27

1) Amusing statistical biases can be found all over the energy world. A classic example is grouping energy or petrol consumption by continent. Since continents are as un-normalized as you could possibly get, treating them as equal components in an overall picture gives a highly skewed, and in no way accurate interpretation of the energy industry as a whole. Take a glance at the EIA’s newest graphic and let us know what you think.
2) Political partisanship is an issue for energy security. That much is understood by democrats and republican alike. From expiring tax credits to the inability to make any successful decisions on the keystone pipeline, whether you are for oil, LNG, renewables, or coal, the political climate is simply unbearable. However, an interesting article was recently posted from Kansas (a traditional republican stronghold) on a new impasse towards renewables. Take a look:
3) Got to through out an aesthetic shoutout. Even if the LCA around solar backpacks is debatable, we got to admit that this is a rather pretty video for a Solar Backpack manufacturer ZenTrek…. Even if they don’t get to the point until the end.
4) Speaking of aesthetics, EIQ’s Oscar predictions were overwhelmingly accurate. Maybe next year we’ll throw in an energy related short of our own, who knows?

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