Alert Type:
RFP Description:
Complete RFP documents are available for download online at Responses in the form of printed proposals will be due at 1500 local time on February 13, 2012 delivered to Department of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Quality, Attention: Elizabeth Babcock, 200 West Fourteenth Avenue, Department 310, Denver Colorado 80204. You may leave the proposal with a receptionist at the same address. Please provide 1 original and 3 additional copies, for a total of 4. As the City’s best interests may appear, DEH reserves the right to waive informalities in, and to reject any or all, proposals. Point of Contact: Elizabeth Babcock, Residential Energy Efficiency Program Administrator Denver Department of Environmental Health 200 West Fourteenth Avenue, Suite 310 Denver, Colorado 80204 Telephone: 720-865-5385 E-mail: Publication Date: February 2, 2012 Published In: Denver Post, DEH website About DEH’s energy efficiency program: The Denver Energy Challenge is an city sponsored effort to connect the community to energy outreach, education, and assistance programs available in the City and County of Denver, in order to encourage and recognize energy saving actions. Goals: Reduce energy use of participating homes and businesses by 15% or more by May 2013 Reach 6,000 residential participants by May 2013 Reach 1,200 business participants by May 2013 The core element of this program is the energy advisor, who provides free, independent advice to residents and businesses. The program also offers both residential and commercial rebates and a new financing program is expected to be launched in early 2012. Energy assessments (audits) are not included as part of the program. If residents or businesses would like a full audit, we will guide them to the Xcel rebate, which will launch in February 2012. All aspects of the program must meet stringent Department of Energy reporting requirements. For more information visit For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.
RFP Description:
Complete RFP documents are available for download online at Responses in the form of printed proposals will be due at 1500 local time on February 13, 2012 delivered to Department of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Quality, Attention: Elizabeth Babcock, 200 West Fourteenth Avenue, Department 310, Denver Colorado 80204. You may leave the proposal with a receptionist at the same address. Please provide 1 original and 3 additional copies, for a total of 4. As the City’s best interests may appear, DEH reserves the right to waive informalities in, and to reject any or all, proposals. Point of Contact: Elizabeth Babcock, Residential Energy Efficiency Program Administrator Denver Department of Environmental Health 200 West Fourteenth Avenue, Suite 310 Denver, Colorado 80204 Telephone: 720-865-5385 E-mail: Publication Date: February 2, 2012 Published In: Denver Post, DEH website About DEH’s energy efficiency program: The Denver Energy Challenge is an city sponsored effort to connect the community to energy outreach, education, and assistance programs available in the City and County of Denver, in order to encourage and recognize energy saving actions. Goals: Reduce energy use of participating homes and businesses by 15% or more by May 2013 Reach 6,000 residential participants by May 2013 Reach 1,200 business participants by May 2013 The core element of this program is the energy advisor, who provides free, independent advice to residents and businesses. The program also offers both residential and commercial rebates and a new financing program is expected to be launched in early 2012. Energy assessments (audits) are not included as part of the program. If residents or businesses would like a full audit, we will guide them to the Xcel rebate, which will launch in February 2012. All aspects of the program must meet stringent Department of Energy reporting requirements. For more information visit For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.
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