Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - California Department Of Water Resources RFP - Seeking Renewable Energy And Capacity

Alert Type:

The California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) RFP (No. 10069361) seeking renewable energy and capacity, including attributes used to qualify for CA Resource Adequacy, and all associated environmental attributes, including Renewable Energy Certificates, from renewable facilities through one or more power purchase agreements. The Delivery Period must be a minimum of 2 years, with delivery commencing no earlier than 30 days after the contract date or no later than January 1, 2015. Proposals must be based on facilities (or proposed share of facilities) with a capacity of at least 5 MW. CDWR prefers an annual volume of energy between 15,000 MWh and 180,000 MWh.

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