Alert Type:
Bid Description:
Two (2) separate, sealed bids (1 original & 1 copy) for HVAC Systems @ Idea for Autism located at 515 Washington Avenue will be received by the Purchasing Agent at the Department of Public Purchases, Margaret E. Morton Government Center, 999 Broad Street, 2nd floor, Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 and then at said office, be publicly opened. The intent of the Invitation to bid is to obtain pricing for new HVAC Systems @ Idea for Autism located at 515 Washington Avenue for all floors for the City of Bridgeport, Central Grants & Community Development Agency, 999 Broad Street, 2nd floor, Bridgeport, CT Complete Invitation to bid and specifications can be downloaded on All bidders are encouraged to set up a site visit of the property located at 515 Washington Avenue, Bpt.,CT., any weekday from 9AM to 5PM for a tour of the areas and to make themselves familiar with the conditions at the site and to determine the scope of the job, as no allowances will be made for errors in judgment or omissions. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to visit the site. For further information, please contact Joe Gambino at (203) 576-7676 to make an appointment. This contract is subject to utilization goals and requirements for participation of certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) per ordinance 3.12.120. The utilization requirement for certified African-American Owned Business Enterprises is 6% of the total contract sum and the utilization goal is 15% each for Minority-Owned Business Enterprises and Women-Owned Business Enterprises is 15%. A bidder which itself is a certified firm meets the utilization goal. Please refer to the current City Ordinance. MBE firms must submit a true copy of their current (no older than 2 years) State of Connecticut certification, other government certification, or certification from a recognized independent organization as a minority-owned, or disadvantaged-owned business. The City reserves the right to authenticate such certification. Website: For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
Bid Description:
Two (2) separate, sealed bids (1 original & 1 copy) for HVAC Systems @ Idea for Autism located at 515 Washington Avenue will be received by the Purchasing Agent at the Department of Public Purchases, Margaret E. Morton Government Center, 999 Broad Street, 2nd floor, Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 and then at said office, be publicly opened. The intent of the Invitation to bid is to obtain pricing for new HVAC Systems @ Idea for Autism located at 515 Washington Avenue for all floors for the City of Bridgeport, Central Grants & Community Development Agency, 999 Broad Street, 2nd floor, Bridgeport, CT Complete Invitation to bid and specifications can be downloaded on All bidders are encouraged to set up a site visit of the property located at 515 Washington Avenue, Bpt.,CT., any weekday from 9AM to 5PM for a tour of the areas and to make themselves familiar with the conditions at the site and to determine the scope of the job, as no allowances will be made for errors in judgment or omissions. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to visit the site. For further information, please contact Joe Gambino at (203) 576-7676 to make an appointment. This contract is subject to utilization goals and requirements for participation of certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) per ordinance 3.12.120. The utilization requirement for certified African-American Owned Business Enterprises is 6% of the total contract sum and the utilization goal is 15% each for Minority-Owned Business Enterprises and Women-Owned Business Enterprises is 15%. A bidder which itself is a certified firm meets the utilization goal. Please refer to the current City Ordinance. MBE firms must submit a true copy of their current (no older than 2 years) State of Connecticut certification, other government certification, or certification from a recognized independent organization as a minority-owned, or disadvantaged-owned business. The City reserves the right to authenticate such certification. Website: For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
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