NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that The City of Trenton, in the County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, will solicit sealed bids to be publicly received by the Purchasing Agent, Division of Purchasing, City Hall Annex, 319 East State Street, 1st floor, Trenton, New Jersey, 08608 on, December 19, 2012 at 11:00AM am/pm prevailing time for: REPLACEMENT OF INCONDENSENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS TO LIGHT EMITTING DIODE SIGNAL MODULE (LED) PROJECT FOR THE CITY OF TRENTON
DIVISION OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION BID NO. 127 With the exception of the United States Postal Service, express mail shall be delivered to Isabel C. Garcia, City Hall Annex, Division of Purchasing, 319 East State Street, 1st Floor, Trenton, New Jersey 08608. Late submissions will not be accepted. The City of Trenton is requesting bids from Contractors to replace all existing incandescent red, green, and yellow light with new traffic Light Emitting Diode (LED) signal modules at the traffic signal locations listed on Attachment 1. The Contractor shall be required to remove and properly dispose of the existing incandescent lights and replace them with new LED signal modules complete, in-place and operational. Project Locations are on page 7 and 8. All LED signal modules shall be 8” or 12” diameter based on provided inventory on attachment 1 and conform to the requirements in the New Jersey Department of Transportation Specification 702. The minimum initial luminous intensity values for LED signal modules shall conform to the requirements in Section 11.04 of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publication ST-017B. The Total Units given in attachment 1 are approximate quantities. The City shall have the discretion to reduce or increase the total units for the project at the unit cost quoted for each LED signal module
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