Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US SC - Trident Technical College Bid - Led Lighting For College Center

Alert Type:

The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a source or sources of supply for the purchase of new supplies and/or equipment as listed. Provide an energy efficient LED lighting package for use in the College Center.AWARD NOTIFICATION (NOV 2007) Notice regarding any award or cancellation of award will be posted at the
location specified on the Cover Page. If the contract resulting from this Solicitation has a total or potential value of fifty thousand dollars or more, such notice will be sent to all Offerors responding to the Solicitation. Should the contract resulting from this Solicitation have a total or potential value of one hundred thousand dollars or more, such notice will be sent to all Offerors responding to the Solicitation and any award will not be effective until the eleventh day after such notice is given. [02-2A010-1] BID / PROPOSAL AS OFFER TO CONTRACT (JAN 2004) By submitting Your Bid or Proposal, You are offering to enter into a contract with the Using Governmental Unit(s). Without further action by either party, a binding contract shall result upon final award. Any award issued will be issued to, and the contract will be formed with, the entity identified as the Offeror on the Cover Page. An Offer may be submitted by only one legal entity; “joint bids” are not allowed.BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD (JAN 2004) In order to withdraw Your Offer after the minimum period specified on the Cover Page, You must notify the Procurement Officer in writing.BID IN ENGLISH & DOLLARS (JAN 2004) Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall be in the English language and in US dollars, unless otherwise permitted by the Solicitation

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