Monday, October 1, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US SC - Clemson University Bid - East Plant Cooling Tower Improvement

Alert Type:

Clemson is seeking a qualified vendor who can furnish equipment, materials and the labor
required to restore both East Plant Cooling Towers to a performance level of 94% of the original
design.Regardless of specific requirements below or in this document, Offerors are required to submit
their proposal electronically through the Clemson University online bidding system. To do so
you must login (registering first) at, and follow specific instructions for this solicitation. You should register several days in advance of the bid closing date so you can be approved and login in time to submit a response.
1. INFORMATION FOR OFFERORS TO SUBMIT - In addition to information requested
elsewhere in this solicitation, Offerors should submit the following information for purposes
of evaluation:
a. The successful Offeror shall provide satisfactory evidence of all required
insurance coverage and licenses PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE
1. On both existing cooling tower cells provide a minimum 12” layer of new dense PVC fill
and associated support system.
2. On both existing cooling tower cells provide an updated top side spray system
arrangement to improve edge flows, center flows and overall distribution throughout the
3. Guarantee a 94% of original design performance after upgrade (original design is 1400
tons/cell; 94% = 1316 tons/cell). Final payments to be contingent on owner witnessed
verification testing.
4. Furnish all labor, equipment and materials to accomplish items 1-3, inclusive.

For more details please visit:

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