Alert Type:
Bid Description:
Sealed bids must be submitted to the purchasing agent, Town Clerk’s office, or delivered to the opening location and must be time and date stamped by the purchasing agent or his designee prior to the bid opening on October 12, 2012 at 11:00 AM at Which time they will be publicly opened. Town of Scarborough, Town Hall, Located at 259 US Route one Scarborough, ME 04074 in the Town Manager’s conference Room, main Level. This Invitation to Bid (ITB) is intended to result in the contracting for the Installation of Two (2) high Efficiency Natural Gas-Fired Modulating Condensing Boiler Units, as specified for Scarborough Town Hall (hereinafter Maine grant through the Natural Gas Program. After the responses to this ITB have been opened and evaluated, a tabulation of the bids will be prepared. It lists the name of each company or person that offered a bid and the price they bid. It may also provide notice of the Town’s intent to award a contract(s) to the bidder(s) indicated. A copy of the Bid Tabulation will be mailed to each company or person who responded to the ITB. Bidders identified for award are not to proceed until a purchase Order, Contract Award, Lease, or some other from of written notice is given by the Purchasing Agent. A company or person who proceeds prior to receiving a Purchase Order, Contract Award, Lease, or some other from of written notice from the Purchasing Agent does so without a contract and their own risk. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
Bid Description:
Sealed bids must be submitted to the purchasing agent, Town Clerk’s office, or delivered to the opening location and must be time and date stamped by the purchasing agent or his designee prior to the bid opening on October 12, 2012 at 11:00 AM at Which time they will be publicly opened. Town of Scarborough, Town Hall, Located at 259 US Route one Scarborough, ME 04074 in the Town Manager’s conference Room, main Level. This Invitation to Bid (ITB) is intended to result in the contracting for the Installation of Two (2) high Efficiency Natural Gas-Fired Modulating Condensing Boiler Units, as specified for Scarborough Town Hall (hereinafter Maine grant through the Natural Gas Program. After the responses to this ITB have been opened and evaluated, a tabulation of the bids will be prepared. It lists the name of each company or person that offered a bid and the price they bid. It may also provide notice of the Town’s intent to award a contract(s) to the bidder(s) indicated. A copy of the Bid Tabulation will be mailed to each company or person who responded to the ITB. Bidders identified for award are not to proceed until a purchase Order, Contract Award, Lease, or some other from of written notice is given by the Purchasing Agent. A company or person who proceeds prior to receiving a Purchase Order, Contract Award, Lease, or some other from of written notice from the Purchasing Agent does so without a contract and their own risk. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
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