Alert Type:
RFP Description:
THE PITTSBURGH WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY ADVERTISEMENT SEPARATE and SEALED PROPOSALS for the following contracts, without an escalator clause, will be received by the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, until 1:00 P.M. Prevailing Time, May 31, 2012 and will be publicly opened and read one hour later in the Conference Room, Second Floor, 1200 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA or at such other place as may be indicated: CENTRAL WAREHOUSE BOILER REPLACEMENT PWSA PROJECT NO. DISC-918-123-0 All bids must be made on the prepared Form of Proposal to be obtained at the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, on and after May 16, 2012. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of Fifty Percent (50%) of the bid for the project under construction. Said Bond shall be duly and legally executed with a Surety or Trust Company which has complied with City Ordinances/Resolutions relating thereto. Copies of the Contract Specifications may be examined and obtained at the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA. There will be no charge for this contract. Please request a copy of the solicitation via e-mail at The Contractor must assure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The bidders will be required to submit the package of certifications included with the contract documents relating to Equal Employment Opportunity. The Authority reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of the bids. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on May 22, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. in the PWSA Conference Room at the PWSA, 1200 Penn Ave., 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222. All Contractors interested in bidding on this project Must attend this meeting. In addition, a Site Visit will be held immediately following the Pre-Bid Meeting. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.
RFP Description:
THE PITTSBURGH WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY ADVERTISEMENT SEPARATE and SEALED PROPOSALS for the following contracts, without an escalator clause, will be received by the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, until 1:00 P.M. Prevailing Time, May 31, 2012 and will be publicly opened and read one hour later in the Conference Room, Second Floor, 1200 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA or at such other place as may be indicated: CENTRAL WAREHOUSE BOILER REPLACEMENT PWSA PROJECT NO. DISC-918-123-0 All bids must be made on the prepared Form of Proposal to be obtained at the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, on and after May 16, 2012. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of Fifty Percent (50%) of the bid for the project under construction. Said Bond shall be duly and legally executed with a Surety or Trust Company which has complied with City Ordinances/Resolutions relating thereto. Copies of the Contract Specifications may be examined and obtained at the Office of Procurement, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 1200 Penn Avenue, Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA. There will be no charge for this contract. Please request a copy of the solicitation via e-mail at The Contractor must assure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The bidders will be required to submit the package of certifications included with the contract documents relating to Equal Employment Opportunity. The Authority reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of the bids. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on May 22, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. in the PWSA Conference Room at the PWSA, 1200 Penn Ave., 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222. All Contractors interested in bidding on this project Must attend this meeting. In addition, a Site Visit will be held immediately following the Pre-Bid Meeting. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.
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