1) The EIA issued a fascinating report on the renewable energy portfolio of the state of California. Along with intuitive graphs, the report showed that the state’s renewable energy portfolio consisted of varying, yet complimentary renewable sources. Solar and wind seemed to play a tug of war over the course of the day and when one fell, the other grew. This interesting dichotomy gave the net REP a relatively stable level. Take a look at the report for yourself.
2) Slovakia (The Slovak Republic) for a long time has been very dependent upon Russia for energy. Almost 100% of its energy portfolio comes from imported oil and natural gas from nearby Russia. This makes Slovakia’s energy portfolio unsustainable from both an environmental and geopolitical perspective. Recently, the country has expressed an interest to move away from its current dependency. To read more on Slovakia’s plight take a look at: http://www.iea.org/press/pressdetail.asp?PRESS_REL_ID=431.
3) Not exactly news, but take a look at this perspective on what it takes to stop an energy demise. Its an interesting take on the investments necessary today. http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2011/10/the-energy-trap/
As always, check back into www.energygridiq.com for all of your energy thoughts, news, and ideas.
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