Thursday, February 9, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US KY - Commonwealth Of Kentucky RFI - Energy Savings Performance Contracting

Alert Type:

A walk though or feasibility assessment of the facilities by interested ESCOs. Submital of proposals by ESCOs. Selection of an ESCO and signing a contract. Among other things, the contract outlines the evalution, measurement and verification (EM&V) procedures that will be used to adjust for change in energy consumption – weather variations, changes in number of building occupants, changes in number of hours the building is open, etc. Development of an investment grade audit by ESCO. (At this point the building owner can elect not to proceed, but is normally responsible for some or all of the costs associated with production of the investment grade audit.) Installation of energy efficiency measures. Annual review of energy consumption and EM&V by the ESCO (usually for several years).

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