Alert Type:
Bid Description:
Sussex County will receive sealed bids in the County Council Chambers, Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle (P.O. Box 589), Georgetown, Delaware 19947, until 2:00 p.m., EDT, Monday December 3, 2012. Immediately following, they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following project: SUSSEX COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER SUPPLEMENTAL COOLING SYSTEM Sussex County Project 12-03 CONTRACT TERM: 120 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS Bids are being sought from contractors to provide all materials, equipment, and services required for the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center Supplemental Cooling System. The project scope includes the installation of an open loop auxiliary cooling system, including two production wells, supporting electrical work, associated piping and controls and an 864 square foot building addition. Specifications, including the Bid forms, may be obtained for $250.00 in hard copy, or for $100 in electronic format from Ms. Sharon Smith of the Sussex County Engineering Department, 3rd Floor, Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle (P.O. Box 589), Georgetown, Delaware 19947, telephone 302-855-7718. The fee for obtaining drawings and specifications is NON-REFUNDABLE. Questions should be directed to Steven Hudson, Director of Technical Engineering at 302-855-7718. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid guarantee equivalent to ten (10) percent of the amount of the base bid and all alternates. The bid guarantee may be a certified check or a bid bond secured by a surety authorized to do business in Delaware. The bid guarantee shall be made payable to Sussex County Council. Wage rates are not applicable on this project. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m., EDT, Monday, November 5, 2012, at the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center, 21911 Rudder Lane, Georgetown, Delaware 19947. A site visit will be conducted directly following the meeting. Sussex County reserves the right to extend the time and place of the bid opening on not less than two (2) calendar days' notice by electronic means to those who have obtained copies of the plans and specifications. Sussex County reserves the right to waive irregularities and reject any or all bids. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
Bid Description:
Sussex County will receive sealed bids in the County Council Chambers, Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle (P.O. Box 589), Georgetown, Delaware 19947, until 2:00 p.m., EDT, Monday December 3, 2012. Immediately following, they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following project: SUSSEX COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER SUPPLEMENTAL COOLING SYSTEM Sussex County Project 12-03 CONTRACT TERM: 120 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS Bids are being sought from contractors to provide all materials, equipment, and services required for the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center Supplemental Cooling System. The project scope includes the installation of an open loop auxiliary cooling system, including two production wells, supporting electrical work, associated piping and controls and an 864 square foot building addition. Specifications, including the Bid forms, may be obtained for $250.00 in hard copy, or for $100 in electronic format from Ms. Sharon Smith of the Sussex County Engineering Department, 3rd Floor, Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle (P.O. Box 589), Georgetown, Delaware 19947, telephone 302-855-7718. The fee for obtaining drawings and specifications is NON-REFUNDABLE. Questions should be directed to Steven Hudson, Director of Technical Engineering at 302-855-7718. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid guarantee equivalent to ten (10) percent of the amount of the base bid and all alternates. The bid guarantee may be a certified check or a bid bond secured by a surety authorized to do business in Delaware. The bid guarantee shall be made payable to Sussex County Council. Wage rates are not applicable on this project. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m., EDT, Monday, November 5, 2012, at the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center, 21911 Rudder Lane, Georgetown, Delaware 19947. A site visit will be conducted directly following the meeting. Sussex County reserves the right to extend the time and place of the bid opening on not less than two (2) calendar days' notice by electronic means to those who have obtained copies of the plans and specifications. Sussex County reserves the right to waive irregularities and reject any or all bids. For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.
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