Thursday, November 29, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US KY - University Of Kentucky Bid - Dining Hall Hvac Renovation West Ky 4H Camp

Alert Type:

All solicitations are subject to the provisions and requirements of any applicable Kentucky Revised
Statutes, including the Kentucky Model Procurement Code, and the rules, regulations and policies of the
University of Kentucky including the University of Kentucky’s General Terms and Conditions.Bidders are expected to examine the complete bid and all attachments including drawings, specifications and instructions. Failure to do so is at bidder’s risk.Bidders shall furnish information required by the solicitation in the form requested. The University
reserves the right to reject bids with incomplete information or which are presented on a different form.All bids must be legible. A legally authorized company representative shall sign all bids in the appropriate location. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the bid. Signature on a bid
certifies that the bidder has read and fully understands all bid specifications and bidder agrees to all terms
and conditions stipulated in the Invitation For Bids (IFB). Bid prices shall be entered in spaces provided on the bid form. All unit prices and mathematical extensions
and totals shall be indicated where required. In cases of errors in extensions or totals the unit price will govern. Should any potential bidder doubt the true meaning of any part of the solicitation, a written request for an interpretation may be submitted to the University. Requests for such interpretation shall be made in writing to the appropriate Contracting Officer identified in the solicitation. Every interpretation made shall be in the form of an “addendum” to the solicitation sent as promptly as is practicable to all prospective bidders towhom the solicitation has been issued. Failure by the University to send or any potential bidder to receive such interpretation(s) shall not relieve any bidder from any obligations under the bid solicitation or the bidder’s response. Any interpretations, corrections or changes to the solicitation made in any other manner, including oral explanations and instructions, are not binding upon the University.

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