Thursday, September 6, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MA - Massachusetts Port Authority Bid - Energy Efficiency Initiatives

Alert Type:

Hardware, software, labor, and materials, as required, to upgrade, retrofit and replace existing infrastructure to support Massport Master Energy Plan, policies, programs and projects, as approved. Current year funding for demonstration technologies, sewer abatement capital improvements, and other. Scope of Work:The Authority has identified over $10 million of energy efficiency improvement opportunities. It is actively incorporating energy efficient system design into its capital program and has undertaken energy conservation measures which include LED lighting retrofits, incorporation of VFDs, demand controlled ventilation, and HVAC retro-commissioning. As part of the implementation of an energy master plan for all Massachusetts Port Authority properties, the Authority has voluntarily committed to three of the Governor’s Leading By Example – Clean Energy & Efficient Buildings energy management targets. The Authority intends to engage an energy consultant to build from the work in progress and design and monitor a 2020 Energy Master Plan - further identifying and evaluating energy savings opportunities, managing and reporting data, and monitoring the implementation of the conservation measures. The Consultant shall demonstrate expertise in the following areas including but not limited to: energy analysis and modeling, and energy monitoring, verification and reporting. Expertise shall further include in-depth knowledge of and experience working with airports and facilities of a similar complexity for energy efficiency. The Consultant must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner. The scope of work may include analysis, implementation, and commissioning related to the identification and incorporation of energy conservation measures within a variety of aviation and maritime building types. The Consultant must be able to evaluate initiatives and provide supporting data on the potential energy efficiencies. The Consultant shall monitor, track, and report energy savings from all Capital Programs’ projects and produce a quarterly report on the Lead By Example energy management targets.

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