Friday, September 21, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WV - Kanawha County Commission Bid - Provide & Install Hvac And Related Equipment

Alert Type:

Provide and Install New HVAC & Related Equipment for the Pratt Volunteer
Fire Department. The following specifications are intended to describe new HVAC & related
equipment for the Pratt VFD and the details contained in these specifications
are not designed to exclude any vendor from bidding, but are offered as a
means of describing the needs of the Pratt VFD. All specifications are
minimum requirements.
1. Provide & install one (1) new 3-ton 13 SEER air conditioner with 90%
efficiency 80,000 BTU natural gas heater.
2. Provide & install one (1) new 4-ton 13 SEER air conditioner with 90%
efficiency 100,000 BTU natural gas heater.
3. Provide and install the following additional equipment:
A. New disconnects & wiring
B. New whips
C. New line sets
D. Programmable digital thermostat and wiring for each unit
4. Remove and properly dispose of the replaced equipment.
5. State lead time to obtain the equipment.6. Provide manufacturer and model for equipment bid:
Manufacturer ___________ Model ______________________
Manufacturer ___________ Model ______________________
7. To schedule a time to inspect the job site, please contact Casey Wilson at
8. State of West Virginia Prevailing Wage Rates, as established by the most
recent publication of those rates, are required to be paid by the Contractor
and all Sub-Contractors. A copy of the Certified Payroll is to be submitted
with the invoice for payment.
9. Successful bidder is required to submit the following prior to
commencement of work:
A. Provide a copy of a current West Virginia Contractor’s license.
B. Proof of a minimum one million dollar per occurrence commercial,
general liability insurance policy with the Pratt Volunteer Fire Department
named as additional insured.
C. References of previous commercial work from three Charleston area
businesses are required.
D. Worker’s Compensation: Successful bidder must provide a certificate of
insurance for Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage.
E. Vendor shall complete and submit, or have on file with the County, a
Vendor Registration and Disclosure Statement Form and a No Debt
Affidavit (forms are available at
10. Standards of Quality and Codes: All work, labor, materials and
equipment specified, constructed and installed are to be of first class
quality. To help insure this occurs, all work and equipment designed
and specified shall conform to the latest applicable codes and
A. Building Officials & Code Administrators (BOCA)
B. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM)
C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
D. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
E. National Electric Code (NEC)
All work must also have the approval of all WV governmental authorities and
agencies having jurisdiction over the project:
1. WV State Fire Marshall
2. WV Department of Health
3. WV Department of Natural ResourcesFor the Owner’s Record, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications,
inspection reports, releases, notices, receipt for fee payments,
correspondence and records established in conjunction with compliance with
standards and regulations bearing upon performance of work.
11. Safety & Job Site Requirements: All Federal Occupational Safety & Health
Administration Regulations must be followed by all contractor personnel
while performing work for the Kanawha County Commission. All work as
described or required shall be executed in neat, skillful, workmanlike
manner in accordance with the best recognized trade practices. Only
competent workmen who satisfactorily perform their duties shall be
employed on this project. Contractor shall discharge and shall not
re-employ on this project, any person who is disorderly, dangerous,
insubordinate, incompetent or otherwise objectionable or who uses alcohol
or illicit drugs on the job site.
12. Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes: “No bid will be accepted or
opened on any County contract if the vendor is listed on the last published
list of delinquent real or personal property taxes in Kanawha County;
however, the Commission will accept bids by vendors who provide
satisfactory proof of payment of current taxes or a certification from the
Sheriff that “no taxes are due prior to submission of said bid.”
13. Rejection of Bids: The Pratt Volunteer Fire Department reserves the right
to accept or reject, in part or in whole, any and/or all bids submitted,
whichever is in the best interest of the Kanawha County Commission, and
to waive any informality in bidding.

For more details please visit:

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