Friday, August 10, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - Burke County Bid - Hvac Renovations

Alert Type:

Burke County is requesting qualification submittals from interested Engineering and
Architectural firms involving HVAC and Electrical Renovations to the Burke County
Courthouse located at 201 South Green Street, Morganton, North Carolina 28655.
Submittals are due to the Burke County Purchasing Agent's office at 200 Avery Avenue,
Morganton, NC 28655 by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. SCOPE OF WORK
Once selected, the chosen consultant will be expected to perform the following list of
minimum tasks (not intended to be all inclusive):
1) Meet with County Staff and Manager to initially understand the project,
concerns and schedules desired for this project;
2) Review all pertinent records, drawings, in-field data and equipment to
understand where and in what condition the existing systems are in;
3) Understand what alternatives the County is interested in reviewing and what
ideas County Staff has for the proposed improvements, consult with City of
Morganton Building Inspection, Electrical and other pertinent departments
and agencies to understand their requirements for the proposed work;
4) Prepare Preliminary Design and Cost Estimates for agreed upon systems and
review those with County staff prior to completion of construction drawings;
5) Incorporate revisions/modifications agreed to and proceed to Construction
Document stage (plans and specifications);
6) Coordinate permitting and approvals from regulatory agencies/government
departments as required, advertise for construction bids and prepare bid
tabulation and letter of recommendation to the County with recommendation
of award;
7) Administer contract including review and approval of shop drawings, monthly
pay estimates and revisions/change orders to the contract specifications,
inspection of the work of the contractor and all subs for compliance to plans
and specifications and regulations and
8) Ensure that work is completed in timely manner and within budget for Burke

For more details please visit:

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