Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CO - City And County Of Denver Bid - Hvac Rooftop Unit Replacement

Alert Type:

Sealed bids for Contract No. 201205983, North Terminal HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement will be received no later than:
2:00 PM, Thursday, August 30, 2012 Local Time in the triple wide trailer, located within the DIA South Campus at 27301 E. 71st Avenue, Unit #2, Denver, CO 80249. Bids must be time stamped no later than 2:00 PM, Thursday, August 30, 2012, immediately after which a public bid opening will commence. Any bids to be submitted more than one hour prior to Bid Opening shall be submitted at the office of Business Management Services, attention Debby Gibson, Room 8810, Airport Office Building (AOB), Denver International Airport, 8500 Pefia Blvd., Denver, CO 80249-6340.


The project consists of but is not limited to the following project elements

1. Remove existing roof top air handling units on the roof of the north terminal bridge.

2. Provide and install new roof top air handling units

3. Provide and install new door in the south wall of level 7 and new stairway from level 7 door to roof of

level 6 for maintenance access to new roof top units

4. Provide and install new control system for the new roof top units that is ready for interface into future

Building Automation System

5. Perform all testing, balancing and commissioning of new units/systems


Contract documents, including specifications, will be available on the DIA Contract Procurement website at beginning August 2, 2012.


Each bidder must be pre-qualified in the category of 7(a) General (includes category 7(f) and Mechanical 7©, at the $3,000,000.00 level, in accordance with the City's Rules and Regulations Governing Prequalification of Contractors. Each bidder must have submitted a prequalification application a minimum of ten (10) calendar days prior to the bid opening date. Applications must be submitted to the Department of Public Works, Prequalification Section,

201 West Colfax Avenue, Department 506, Denver, Colorado 80202. To view the Rules and Regulations and to obtain a prequalification application, please visit our website at or call 720-865-2539 for prequalification information ONLY.


A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 PM, Thursday, August 9, 2012, in the

DIA City Conference Room in the main terminal level 6, 8500 Pena Blvd., Denver, CO 80249.

Site visits should be arranged via email with the DIA Project Manager by emailing Lee Walinchus at no later than five calendar days prior to the Bid Opening date.


Construction, reconstruction and remodeling contracts made and entered into by the City and County of Denver are subject to Article Ill, Division 1 & 3 of Chapter 28 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code, (D.R.M.C.) and all Minority/Women Business Enterprise Utilization and Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and Regulations adopted by the Director of the Division of Small Business Opportunity (DSBO).

Article Ill, Division 1 & 3 of Chapter 28 of the D.R.M.C. directs the Director of the DSBO to establish a project goal for expenditures on construction, reconstruction and remodeling work contracted by the City and County of Denver. The specific goal for this project is 25% MBEIWBE participation.

Project goals must be met with certified participants as set forth in Section 28-68, D.R.M.C. or through the demonstration of sufficient good faith effort under Section 28-62, D.R.M.C. For compliance with good faith effort requirements under Section 28-62(b)(3), the MBE/WBE percentage solicitation level required for this project is 100%.

The Director of the DSBO urges all participants in City construction, reconstruction and remodeling projects to assist in achieving these goals.


It is the policy of the City and County of Denver to prohibit discrimination in the award of construction contracts and subcontracts for public improvements. Further, the City and County of Denver encourages contractors to utilize minority and women owned businesses and to divide the construction work into economically feasible units or segments to allow the most opportunity for subcontracting.

As its best interests may appear, the City and County of Denver reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities in bids.
The work under the Contract is subject to minimum wage rates established by the City and County of Denver Career Service Board

For more details please visit:

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