Friday, November 30, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - New Jersey Schools Development Authority Bid - Ridge St. Es Boiler Replacement

Alert Type:

Demolish the existing boilers and ancillary equipment and install 2 boilers based on the District's estimate of heat load required for the facility. This includes design, demolition and installation including but not limited to freight, rigging, secure storage, building alterations, and providing factory authorized start-up personnel for the equipment.

Bid proposals for the above work will be received from bidders registered with the Division of Revenue and Department of Labor, and classified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and the NJSDA in the following trade(s):

HVAC Contractor with a DPMC Classification of C039 who will be required to also have the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) or required to engage a subcontractor classified in the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) if not possessed by the HVAC Contractor:
General Construction: C008 or C009
Electrical: C047
Architecture: P001 OR HVAC Engineering: P003
Abatement(ACM/Mercury): C092


Bid proposals must list the names of the firms who meet the above classification(s).

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - The City Of Belding`S Dial-A-Ride Bid - Heating And Ventilation And Air Conditioning System Replacement

Alert Type:

The City of Belding`s Dial-A-Ride is seeking sealed, qualification-based proposals for the following project: Project Location: Dial-A-Ride Pere Marquette Train Depot, 100 Depot St., Belding, MI 48809 Project Description: Architectural and Engineering Services for the replacement of the existing heating, ventilation, and cooling system for the historic, Belding Dial-A-Ride Pere Marquette Train Depot. This building is a historic train depot that now contains the city's council chambers; a lobby area; Dial-A-Ride dispatch office; bathroom; and a meeting room. The project is funded through a Michigan Department of Transportation Grant with all funds including construction funds required to be spent by September 1, 2013. A time schedule must be provided that meets with this deadline. Scope of Services: Professional services shall consist of providing architectural and engineering design and construction documentation; bidding documents and bidding assistance, and construction observation for the replacement of the existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system for the historic Pere Marquette Train Depot. The design should encompass an environmentally "green" system that will not only be sensitive to the historic structure, but will conserve energy reducing energy costs. All proposed work must meet the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures. The City of Belding will provide access to the building as required. The contracted firm must be available to begin work immediately on the project. A mandatory pre-proposal tour and building review will be held on December 10, 2012, Monday; at 10:00 a.m.; at the Belding Dial-A-Ride Train Depot, 100 Depot St., Belding, MI 48809. Specifications, which include the Federal requirements for professional contracts for Architect & Engineering Services under $100,000 and selection criteria, will be available at this meeting. The City of Belding complies with all Federal and State civil rights, equal opportunity, and fair housing requirements (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). Proposal selection will be based on the Brooks Act of qualification-based procurement. A pricing proposal will be requested from the firm with the highest combined evaluation score. The pricing proposal must provide a breakdown of the firm's costs for the project. The qualification-based evaluation criteria will be listed in order of importance. The City of Belding reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the submitted proposals. Sealed proposals are due by January 8, 2013, Tuesday; at 3:00 p.m.; at the City of Belding, 120 S. Pleasant St., Belding, MI 48809. Submit sealed proposals to: Randall DeBruine, City of Belding, 120 S. Pleasant St., Belding, MI 48809 For additional information, contact: Randall DeBruine, PH: 616-260-2318 cell 616-794-1900 ext. 216, Fax: 616-794-0091 rdebruine@

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - New Jersey Schools Development Authority Bid - Sussex Avenue Es Boiler Replacement

Alert Type:

Demolish the existing 4 boilers and ancillary equipment and install 2 boilers based on a District provided assessment of the heat load required for the facility. This includes design, demolition and installation including but not limited to freight, rigging, secure storage, building alterations, and providing factory authorized start-up personnel for the equipment.

Bid proposals for the above work will be received from bidders registered with the Division of Revenue and Department of Labor, and classified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and the NJSDA in the following trade(s):

HVAC Contractor with a DPMC Classification of C039 who will be required to also have the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) or required to engage a subcontractor classified in the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) if not possessed by the HVAC Contractor:
General Contractor: C008 or C009
Electrical: C047
Architecture: P001 OR HVAC Engineering: P003


Bid proposals must list the names of the firms who meet the above classification(s).

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - The Flint Housing Commission Bid - Site Lighting Improvement Project And Apartment Renovations

Alert Type:

The Flint Housing Commission requests proposals for Aldridge Place Site Lighting Improvement Project and Atherton East Apartment Renovations. Bid Documents may be obtained for a non-refundable $40.00 fee at the Pre-Bid Conference to be conducted at Atherton East Apartments Office - 3123 Chambers Drive, Flint, MI 48507 at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, November 29, 2012. The work at Atherton East Apartments includes: the reconstruction/repair of the 3- apartment buildings to a "Like New" condition' including demolition work, site work, concrete, masonry, carpentry, roofing & siding work, finishes, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical work. The work at Aldridge Place Apartments includes the provision/installation of new site lighting, including wire/conduit, concrete bases, poles and light fixtures. All work will be performed under the guidelines of the Capital Fund Grant Program managed through the Detroit Area Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Bids will be received until 3:30 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, December 12, 2012.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MD - Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism Bid - Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

Bids should be submitted on the bid form provided in a sealed envelope to Wicomico County
Purchasing Department, 125 N. Division Street, Room 205 Government Office Building, Salisbury; MD 21801 no
later than 2:00 p.m. on December 12, 2012. The bid form shall be signed and submitted in a sealed envelope
clearly identified on the outside with the name of the project and date and time of the scheduled bid opening as
indicated in the advertisement. Failure to respond to the solicitation with a formal bid or a “No Bid” will be cause
for removal from the bidder’s list.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Board Of Trustees Middlesex County College Bid - New Centrifugal Water Chillers

Alert Type:

The purpose of these specifications is for the purchase of three (3) Centrifugal Water Chillers. The chillers will be replaced, by others, in each of the following Campus buildings: College Center (CC), Billy Johnson Hall (BH) and L’Hommedieu Hall (LH). The chillers shall be delivered to the main Middlesex County College (MCC) Campus in Edison, New Jersey. Electronically transmitted submittals depicting all aspects of the chillers must be supplied to the Director, Facilities Engineering, for approval, prior to release for manufacture. Three (3) copies of O&M manuals shall be supplied for each chiller.All three (3) Chillers must be provided and built by the same manufacturer.Subject to Bid results, it is planned that Three (3) Chillers will be purchased and will be ordered at the same time. For the purpose of possible disassembly for rigging, and reassembly, the Chillers must have separable shells with compressor doweling. The cost associated with the manufacturer’s upervision of the disassembly / reassembly, by others, of the individual Chillers shall be included in the Base Bid.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US OR - Metro Properties And Project Management Office Bid - Cooling Tower And Piping Replacement

Alert Type:

Cooling Tower and Piping Replacement, Antoinette Hatfield Hall, Portland Center for the Performing Arts. The Antoinette Hatfield Hall (AHH), located within the Portland Center for Performing Arts (PCPA) complex, has a cooling tower that is 25 years old and is beyond its useful life. This bid is for the removal and replacement of the existing cooling tower. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to download documents regarding the proposals. Details concerning the project and proposal are contained in these documents.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Board Of Trustees Middlesex County College Bid - New Centrifugal Water Chillers

Alert Type:

The purpose of these specifications is for the purchase of three (3) Centrifugal Water Chillers. The chillers will be replaced, by others, in each of the following Campus buildings: College Center (CC), Billy Johnson Hall (BH) and L’Hommedieu Hall (LH). The chillers shall be delivered to the main Middlesex County College (MCC) Campus in Edison, New Jersey. Electronically transmitted submittals depicting all aspects of the chillers must be supplied to the Director, Facilities Engineering, for approval, prior to release for manufacture. Three (3) copies of O&M manuals shall be supplied for each chiller.All three (3) Chillers must be provided and built by the same manufacturer.Subject to Bid results, it is planned that Three (3) Chillers will be purchased and will be ordered at the same time. For the purpose of possible disassembly for rigging, and reassembly, the Chillers must have separable shells with compressor doweling. The cost associated with the manufacturer’s upervision of the disassembly / reassembly, by others, of the individual Chillers shall be included in the Base Bid.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US OR - Metro Properties And Project Management Office Bid - Cooling Tower And Piping Replacement

Alert Type:

Cooling Tower and Piping Replacement, Antoinette Hatfield Hall, Portland Center for the Performing Arts. The Antoinette Hatfield Hall (AHH), located within the Portland Center for Performing Arts (PCPA) complex, has a cooling tower that is 25 years old and is beyond its useful life. This bid is for the removal and replacement of the existing cooling tower. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to download documents regarding the proposals. Details concerning the project and proposal are contained in these documents.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - The City Of Galesburg RFP - Heating & Ventilation Upgrades Hawthorne

Alert Type:

1. An advertisement requesting proposals for the above work was published in the Galesburg Register-Mail on November 23, 2012. As stated in such notice, sealed proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m. local time, December 5, 2012 at City Hall, 55 West Tompkins Street, Galesburg, Illinois. Proposals shall be addressed to the Purchasing Agent. 2. The person, firm or corporation making a proposal shall submit it in sealed envelopes on or before the hour and the date stated above. The notation “Proposal for Architectural and Engineering Services – Hawthorne Pool and Gymnasium” shall appear on the outside of the sealed envelopes. Four copies of the proposal shall be submitted. 3. The City reserves the right to request additional information on any project proposals submitted. Refusal to supply additional information may lead to rejection of any proposal submitted. 4. All offerors, by submitting a proposal, agree to protect the City of Galesburg from claims involving infringement of patent or copyrights. 5. All offerors shall submit with their proposal a certificate of their current Errors and Omissions policy. 6. All proposals shall be signed in ink by the authorized principals of the firm. Proposals will be logged, recording the time and date received by the City. 7. No charge will be allowed for taxes from which the City of Galesburg is exempt: the Illinois Retailer’s Occupation Tax, the Service Occupation Tax, the Service Use Tax, the Use Tax, Federal Excise and Transportation Tax. 8. Each respondent shall affirm that no official or employee of the City of Galesburg is directly or indirectly interested in this proposal for any reason of personal gain. 9. The City of Galesburg reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities or technicalities in the proposal process. Any proposal submitted will be binding for sixty (60) days after the due date of the proposals.10. The City has adopted an “Equal Employment Opportunity Clause” which is incorporated into all specifications, purchase orders, and contracts, whereby a vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. A copy of this clause may be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, Galesburg, Illinois.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MD - Baltimore City Public Schools Bid - Boiler Replacement Services

Alert Type:

In order to be eligible for consideration, bids must be received at City Schools Office of Materials Management no later than 11:00
am local time, December 13, 2012 in Room 401. Vendors mailing bids shall allow sufficient carrier delivery time to ensure
timely receipt of their bid in the Office of Materials Management (Room 401) prior to the deadline. Any bid received in the Office
of Materials Management after the submission deadline, no matter what the reason, will be returned unopened. Delivery to the
City Schools’ mailroom, lobby etc shall not constitute delivery to the Office of Materials Management located in Room 401. website at and/or

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US UT - South Valley Water Reclamation Facility Bid - Headworks Hvac Upgrade

Alert Type:

Sealed Bids will be received at the office of the South Valley Water Reclamation Facility; OWNER of the WORK located at 7495 South 1300 West, West Jordan, Utah 84084, until 2:00 PM on Tuesday December 18, 2012, for construction of "South Valley Water Reclamation Facility - 2013 Headworks HVAC Upgrade Project". Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. OPENING OF BIDS: The Bids will be publicly opened and read at 2:00 PM, Tuesday December 18, 2012, at the above-mentioned office of the OWNER. COMPLETION OF WORK: The WORK shall be completed as described below: a)Contractor may deliver equipment and materials required for the Work described in Schedule B as early as February 1, 2013. The remainder of the Work shall commence April 1, 2013 and be complete by August 31, 2013. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The project consists of the following Items: a) Schedule B. In the North Headworks Building, within the HVAC Equipment Area, demolish and legally dispose of existing fans, coils, filters, duct work, plenum walls, electrical conduits, wiring & lights; air piping and control system to the limits as shown on the Drawings. Modify the building structure, repair the impacts of demolition, etc. Provide and install new fans, filters, heat and preheat coils, duct work, plenum walls, plumbing, pumps, electrical and control work, etc. as specified and shown on the Drawings for the North Headworks Building, the Grit Chamber Building and Blower Building No. 1. Startup, balance and commission the HVAC system. SITE OF WORK: The site of the WORK is located at the OWNER's water reclamation facility at 7495 South 1300 West, West Jordan, Utah. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are entitled "South Valley Water Reclamation Facility - 2013 Headworks HVAC Upgrade Project." The Contract Documents may be obtained by bidders, subcontractors and equipment suppliers at the office of the South Valley Water Reclamation Facility, 7495 South 1300 West, West Jordan, Utah 84084 upon payment of $75.00 (non-refundable) for each set of Contract Documents (including technical specifications and accompanying reduced scale drawings). Bid packages will be available from the receptionist on Monday through Thursday commencing on Monday, November 26, 2012 through Thursday, December 13, 2012, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. BID SECURITY: Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or cashier's check or Bid Bond in the amount of 5 percent of the Total Bid Price payable to the OWNER as a guarantee that the Bidder, if its Bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Agreement. A bid shall not be considered unless one of the forms of Bidder's security is enclosed with it. BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN: The Bidder shall guarantee the Total Bid Price for a period of 45 calendar days from the date of bid opening. PRE-BID VISIT TO WORK SITE: To bid on the project, prospective bidders are required to attend a pre-bid walk through of the proposed work site which will be conducted by the OWNER at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. The object of the walk through is to acquaint bidders with the site conditions. The pre-bid visit will start at the office of the OWNER located at 7495 South 1300 West, West Jordan, Utah. Follow-up visits by prospective bidders and subcontractors are available by appointment only. Contact Taigon Worthen of the SVWRF. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: Technical communications relative to this WORK shall be directed to the OWNER prior to opening of the Bids. Communications relative to the purchase of Bid Documents shall be directed to the OWNER. SOUTH VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY 7495 South 1300 West West Jordan, Utah 84084 Telephone: 801-495-5469 e-mail: Attention: Taigon Worthen

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Northside Isd RFP - Hvac Renovations

Alert Type:

Northside ISD is accepting sealed proposals for HVAC Renovations at Colonies North Elementary School, RFCSP# 2012-194 until 2:00 pm on 12/20/2012 @ NISD Purchasing Conference Room, 607 Richland Hills Dr, Suite 700, SAT 78245. Pre-Proposal Conference on 12/4/2012 @ 9:30 am at Colonies North Elementary School, 9915 Northampton Dr, SAT 78230. Direct questions to and obtain construction documents on or after 11/27/2012 from Wallis Engineering Group, Inc, 8031 Broadway, SAT 78209, 210-805-9001. Project requires Bid Bond. $150.00 refundable deposit. All proposals must be delivered to the NISD Purchasing Department, 607 Richland Hills Dr, Suite 700, SAT 78245, on or before due date and time. Please call (210) 397-8845 if additional information is needed.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Northside Isd RFP - Hvac Renovations

Alert Type:

Northside ISD is accepting sealed proposals for HVAC Renovations at Colonies North Elementary School, RFCSP# 2012-194 until 2:00 pm on 12/20/2012 @ NISD Purchasing Conference Room, 607 Richland Hills Dr, Suite 700, SAT 78245. Pre-Proposal Conference on 12/4/2012 @ 9:30 am at Colonies North Elementary School, 9915 Northampton Dr, SAT 78230. Direct questions to and obtain construction documents on or after 11/27/2012 from Wallis Engineering Group, Inc, 8031 Broadway, SAT 78209, 210-805-9001. Project requires Bid Bond. $150.00 refundable deposit. All proposals must be delivered to the NISD Purchasing Department, 607 Richland Hills Dr, Suite 700, SAT 78245, on or before due date and time. Please call (210) 397-8845 if additional information is needed.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MT - Black Hills Power Inc. RFP - Purchase 300 Kilowatts (Kw) Of Energy

Alert Type:

Black Hills Power Inc. (BHP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Black Hills Corporation, is
an investor-owned utility based in Rapid City, South Dakota, with operations in South
Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. BHP provides electric service to 34 communities with
approximately 68,000 customers. BHP’s Montana service territory is a rural area in the
southeast corner of the state, serving approximately 30 residential and
commercial/industrial customers.
This document is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for purchased power of 0.3 (three-tenths)
megawatt (MW), scalable to approximately 0.5 (one-half) MW (anticipated requirement
for 2015) of energy from a qualified Community Renewable Energy Project (CREP) to
augment our available energy resources to serve Montana customers, in accordance with
standards issued by the state of Montana for CREP facilities. Additional detail on
qualified CREP facilities is included in the Requirements section, however this is for
informational purposes only, and it is the bidder’s responsibility to fully research and
deliver a proposal meeting Montana state law for a qualified CREP project. This
solicitation for bid is not soliciting non-CREP proposals, nor will they be accepted or
considered at this time.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WI - The Division Of State Facilities Bid - Air Conditioning Replacement

Alert Type:

The Division of State Facilities, hereinafter termed DSF, hereby announces that it is solicitingbids from qualified contractors for the above project. Bids must be received at State of Wisconsin Administration Building, 101 East Wilson Street, 7thFloor, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, on or before the closing date and time indicated above.Please send the bid to the attention of: Casey Coddington. In general the work consists of: Furnish and install fan coil units and unit ventilators along withcondensing units to air condition offices and classrooms. Repair windows where window airconditioners have been removed. Provide electrical work in support of mechanical installation. Construction bidding documents (drawings, specifications and addenda) may be obtained only as downloadable electronic files (in PDF format) from the Division of State Facilities website After opening the web page, select “Project Bidding-Construction” from the Quick Find list on the right side of the screen. Construction bidding documents may also be available at various Builder’s Exchanges. Additional project construction bidding information, including plan holders list, is available on the DSF website.
Please note that a WisBuild login and password are required to download bidding documents. Interested parties may request a WisBuild login and password at the DSF website – allow 2 days to process login and password requests.
A pre-bid tour will be held on December 5th, 2012 at 9am. website:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US DC - ANM-52 Bid - Pasco Washington Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

This requirement is being set aside for a technically qualified, 8(a) firm. (The 8(a) status is determined by the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, and a proposing vendor will need to prove its 8(a) status.)

In short, the Agency requires: Replace one roof top air conditioning unit (RTU) located at the Pasco Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility by the Pasco Airport in Pasco, Washington. The
unit, AHU-1, will change function from its current role as a backup unit, to become the primary unit for the TRACON operations room. This will require no major duct work, except the installation of a duct damper. The new control sequence shall be programmed into the existing control system.

For more information on small business lending program, please read below:

This Notice is for informational purposes for Minority, Women-Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises: The Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, has a program to assist small businesses, small businesses owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and women-owned concerns to acquire short-term working capital assistance for transportation-related contracts. Loans are available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program (STLP) at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing. The maximum line of credit is $750,000. For further information and applicable forms concerning the STLP, call the OSDBU at (800) 532-1169.

If you are a PRIME CONTRACTOR interested in receiving information from SUB CONTRACTORS, please register on the vendors list connected with this Solicitation.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US FL - The Panama City Housing Authority Bid - Air Condition Replacement

Alert Type:

The Panama City Housing Authority is requesting licensed air condition contractors to bid on the replacement of 50 existing split conventional Air/Gas heat at our Oakland Terrace Garden Apartments. These bids will be sealed bids pursuant to Florida Law for the selection of competitive bids. Detailed specifi- cations can be obtained at Panama City Housing Authority at 804 East 15th Street. All bids must be recieved in the Admin- istrative office at 804 East 15th Street by 2:00 PM 12/12/2012. Bid opening immed- iately following 2:00 PM. Address sealed bids to the attention of William J Woods Executive Director of Panama City Housing Authority. Forms will be evaluated on, but not limited to the following: capa- bilities, adequacy of personnel, past performance, experience, timeliness of complet- ion of installation in addition to final cost. Contractors meeting held at Administration office 12/10/2012. Awarding of contract will be completed at Board of Commiss- ioners meeting held on Monday, December 17, 2012.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US DC - ANM-52 Bid - Pasco Washington Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

This requirement is being set aside for a technically qualified, 8(a) firm. (The 8(a) status is determined by the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, and a proposing vendor will need to prove its 8(a) status.)

In short, the Agency requires: Replace one roof top air conditioning unit (RTU) located at the Pasco Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility by the Pasco Airport in Pasco, Washington. The
unit, AHU-1, will change function from its current role as a backup unit, to become the primary unit for the TRACON operations room. This will require no major duct work, except the installation of a duct damper. The new control sequence shall be programmed into the existing control system.

For more information on small business lending program, please read below:

This Notice is for informational purposes for Minority, Women-Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises: The Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, has a program to assist small businesses, small businesses owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and women-owned concerns to acquire short-term working capital assistance for transportation-related contracts. Loans are available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program (STLP) at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing. The maximum line of credit is $750,000. For further information and applicable forms concerning the STLP, call the OSDBU at (800) 532-1169.

If you are a PRIME CONTRACTOR interested in receiving information from SUB CONTRACTORS, please register on the vendors list connected with this Solicitation.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - New Westminster Bid - Boiler Replacement And Ddc System Upgrade

Alert Type:

Provide all labour, materials, plant, and equipment necessary to replace the existing heating boiler and replace existing HVAC controls with new DDC controls, as specified in the Tender Documents, General Requirements, Specifications, and Drawings.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MT - Black Hills Power Inc. RFP - Purchase 300 Kilowatts (Kw) Of Energy

Alert Type:

Black Hills Power Inc. (BHP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Black Hills Corporation, is
an investor-owned utility based in Rapid City, South Dakota, with operations in South
Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. BHP provides electric service to 34 communities with
approximately 68,000 customers. BHP’s Montana service territory is a rural area in the
southeast corner of the state, serving approximately 30 residential and
commercial/industrial customers.
This document is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for purchased power of 0.3 (three-tenths)
megawatt (MW), scalable to approximately 0.5 (one-half) MW (anticipated requirement
for 2015) of energy from a qualified Community Renewable Energy Project (CREP) to
augment our available energy resources to serve Montana customers, in accordance with
standards issued by the state of Montana for CREP facilities. Additional detail on
qualified CREP facilities is included in the Requirements section, however this is for
informational purposes only, and it is the bidder’s responsibility to fully research and
deliver a proposal meeting Montana state law for a qualified CREP project. This
solicitation for bid is not soliciting non-CREP proposals, nor will they be accepted or
considered at this time.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CT - State Of Connecticut, Judicial Branch Purchasing Services Bid - Boiler And Cooling Tower Replacement

Alert Type:

Boiler and Cooling Tower Replacement - Licensed contractors are invited to submit quotations for the replacement of the Boilers and Cooling Tower at a Judicial location in Waterbury, CT.

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. See bid document for more details.
To be eligible to bid, vendors must be registered under the State’s Small Business Set-Aside Program and be DAS Prequalified. Contractors must be prequalified under HVAC to bid on this project.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - The City Of Calgary Bid - Transit Lot Led Lighting Fixture Installations

Alert Type:

Removal of existing poles and installation of new LED fixtures, poles, mounting hardware, wiring, and all other materials as specified in the Tender documents. The fixtures listed in “Luminaire Schedule” and hardware listed in “Mounting Schedule” drawing 06.LTG7, Schedule will be provided by The City. Any other material, tooling lighting fixtures and mounting components will be supplied by the selected contractor.Tender documents and drawings are available for informational purposes from the Calgary Construction Association (CCA) and Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA). Bidding documents should be obtained from Merx as shown below. Documents from any source other than Merx risk being deemed non-compliant. Receipt of this opportunity is not to be construed as a waiver of the City of Calgary’s requirements for prequalification. This opportunity is extended only to those parties that are prequalified for prime contractor status by The City of Calgary in the category(s) of General Contractor for Buildings / Facilities or General Contractor for Industrial Electrical/Mechanical- including but not limited to Transformers, Switchgears or MCC under 600 volt or General Contractor for Commercial Electrical/Mechanical, Industrial Genset, Electrical Motor Repair and Maintenance, Building Automate Systems, Lighting and Fire Alarm Testing, Maintenance and Repair. Any party not approved at the time of bid closing as specified in the documents for the above category(s) will have its submission rejected as non-compliant. Further, parties with dollar value bidding caps have been advised of their respective caps as part of the prequalification approval letter, and each party is responsible to be aware of its cap when considering any opportunity from The City. If the total tendered price from any party that is subject to a bidding cap at the time of bid closing in the above category(s) exceeds such cap, the submission will be rejected as non-compliant. For information on your company's prequalification status contact:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - New Westminster Bid - Boiler Replacement And Ddc System Upgrade

Alert Type:

Provide all labour, materials, plant, and equipment necessary to replace the existing heating boiler and replace existing HVAC controls with new DDC controls, as specified in the Tender Documents, General Requirements, Specifications, and Drawings.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

The Dream We Still Just Can't Catch

By Keith Heyde

The Dream we Still Just Can’t Catch:

 Nuclear fusion is out there. We have been promised it for over 50 years. Yet time and time again it seems just out of our reach. With yet another crucial deadline in the ‘fusion time table’ coming to pass, we have to ask ourselves the question: Is it worth it?

Nuclear fusion has inspired great hope in both the minds of scientists and economists who look at fusion as a ‘catch all’ for the energy shortages and woos currently facing the modern world. With energy demands constantly on the rise, fusion presents a solution that would require little more than hydrogen… if it would ever work.

Not too long ago, there was a hope of what was known as ‘cold fusion’. This process turned out to be little more than a hoax.

Yet, (relatively) pragmatic scientists have staked their claim on one of two leading theories on how to make fusion work in an energy production capacity. These technologies can be broken down into two main groups: on the one hand there are reactors that use plasma, and on the other hand there are those that use lasers. Boom, simple? Done. The days of fusion conjectures around futuristic rotating satellites and magic liquid cops seem to be over.

Now we just have the dirty hard work.

At the front and center of the fusion world is the National Ignition Facility (NIF). NIF has been a 5 billion (yes BILLION) dollar publicly funded project. It has sucked up the resource and materials of many departments and has been the major hope for fusion advocates in the western world. NIF uses laser concentration technology to shoot thousands of lasers into an area incredibly small. The lasers create enough force that the conditions similar to that in the middle of a star should be simulated. This will cause light atoms, such as hydrogen, to initiate fusion.

Just to put things in perspective a bit, initiating fusion means that suddenly, with the advent of fusion technology, we have free energy everywhere. There is no longer a resource scramble and although fusion facilities will be incredibly capital intensive, they will produce energy for a 0 dollar [material/ fuel] price tag. Plus, fusion reactors, unlike fossil fuels or fusion’s step cousin fission (traditional nuclear), would not leave any toxic or detrimental waste after the reaction is completed. Not too shabby.

However, as with many things publically funded, there are issues that naturally arise and bog down progress. Policy, politics, and the inevitable green back keep the forward movement of the fusion research stymied. Perhaps due to the comparative lack of need for advanced weaponry (contrasted to the development and advancement of fission in the 1940s).

NIF recently failed to meet a funding/ results deadline imposed for October 1st. Whether or not this has any long term consequences is yet to be seen. To be frank, it is difficult to envision many consequences arising from the lame duck congress and the fusion project seems to be one of the lesser known money sinks in the country.

This begs the question of whether or not it is worth it. The promise of nuclear fusion seems so great, but is it little more than leprechaun gold? If fusion is attained, it would radically alter the world’s economic dynamics and take humanity (or rather, those with fusion) on the fast track of development. Historically, growth has been tied to access to energy. One can look at the economic development of countries, and it roughly correlates to the energetic intake of that country. As we, as a society, face down an ever tightening energy path, we have to ask ourselves what to do. In my mind, there are three main choices. 1. Continue down the energy consumption habits that have dominated the past century. These will only last a bit longer and although they seem appealing now (with the rise of U.S. natural gas), they will inevitably lead to the same bottle neck once again. 2. Attempt to cut back on energy consumption. Whether through sustainable and energy conserving appliances or through advanced energy efficient sharing technology, the idea would be to lower the need for energy. This could work, but it may create a culture in which development is hampered by energy constraints. Perhaps the lack of large growth in Western nations is already partially due to this looming constraint. And finally 3. Create cheap, renewable energy that does not have the detrimental side effects of nuclear, coal, and conventional fossil fuels. Of this final option, in an idealistic state there is probably no more attractive alternative than fusion.

So, is the capital investment worth it? I think it just might be. And, although most of the people funding fusion are too old to witness its rise, perhaps they just might plant some seeds for the future. A couple seeds of hope wouldn’t do any harm.


Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - City Of Winston-Salem Bid - Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-129, sealed bid proposals endorsed “South Fork HVAC - IF1372” will be
received by the City/County Purchasing Department in Room 16 of City Hall, 101 N. Main Street,
Winston-Salem, NC until 2:00 PM, Thursday, December 6, 2012, when all bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud. Contractors must be properly licensed per Chapter 87 of the North Carolina
General Statutes. The City reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all
For bidding documents and/or instructions, contact Darren Redfield at
(preferred) or 336-747-6936 or during normal business hours at the City/County Purchasing
Department, 324 City Hall, where bid proposals may be hand-delivered or mailed prior to the bid
opening time. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure such a proposal is received prior to the
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the time and location listed in the Pre-Bid
General Scope of this work includes, but is not limited to: the Contractor shall furnish all labor,
equipment, materials, insurance, supervision, permits, fees and abide by all local, state and federal
codes and ordinances applicable to replace 2 HVAC and 2 condensers per the Specifications.
Contractor must conform to American Reinvestment Recovery Act of 2009 provisions and reporting
requirements that apply to this project. Buy American and Davis-Bacon Act (minimum wages paid)
applies to this contract.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US KY - University Of Kentucky Bid - Dining Hall Hvac Renovation West Ky 4H Camp

Alert Type:

All solicitations are subject to the provisions and requirements of any applicable Kentucky Revised
Statutes, including the Kentucky Model Procurement Code, and the rules, regulations and policies of the
University of Kentucky including the University of Kentucky’s General Terms and Conditions.Bidders are expected to examine the complete bid and all attachments including drawings, specifications and instructions. Failure to do so is at bidder’s risk.Bidders shall furnish information required by the solicitation in the form requested. The University
reserves the right to reject bids with incomplete information or which are presented on a different form.All bids must be legible. A legally authorized company representative shall sign all bids in the appropriate location. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the bid. Signature on a bid
certifies that the bidder has read and fully understands all bid specifications and bidder agrees to all terms
and conditions stipulated in the Invitation For Bids (IFB). Bid prices shall be entered in spaces provided on the bid form. All unit prices and mathematical extensions
and totals shall be indicated where required. In cases of errors in extensions or totals the unit price will govern. Should any potential bidder doubt the true meaning of any part of the solicitation, a written request for an interpretation may be submitted to the University. Requests for such interpretation shall be made in writing to the appropriate Contracting Officer identified in the solicitation. Every interpretation made shall be in the form of an “addendum” to the solicitation sent as promptly as is practicable to all prospective bidders towhom the solicitation has been issued. Failure by the University to send or any potential bidder to receive such interpretation(s) shall not relieve any bidder from any obligations under the bid solicitation or the bidder’s response. Any interpretations, corrections or changes to the solicitation made in any other manner, including oral explanations and instructions, are not binding upon the University.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - University Of Central Arkansas Bid - Hall Corridor Hvac Renovation

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be at the University of Central Arkansas, Purchasing Department, McCastlain Hall 101, 201 Donaghey Avenue, Conway, AR 72035 for the following: Bid Number: UCA-13-139 UCA Arkansas Hall Corridor HVAC Renovation, a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on November 20, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. bids due December 4, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. The pre-bid conference will be held at the University of Central Arkansas Purchasing Department, McCastlain Hall 025, Conway, AR 72035. UCA reserves the right to schedule additional meetings, if it is determined to be in the best interest of the State. BID DOCUMENTS ARE LOCATED ON THE PURCHASING WEBSITE AT: WWW.UCA.EDU/PURCHASING PLANS: TME, Inc. 5800 Evergreen Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205, 501-666-6776, email: Bidders are cautioned that acquisition of bidding documents through any source other than as listed above is not advisable. Acquisition of bidding documents from unauthorized sources places the bidder at risk of receiving incomplete or inaccurate information upon which to base his/her proposal. A bid bond in the amount of 5% shall accompany each bid, if the bid is in excess of $20,000.00. All bidders shall conform to the requirement of the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Law for Contractors and must be licensed before submittal of the bid unless the project is federally funded and therefore excepted by Ark. Code Ann. §17-25-315. There shall be only one (1) bid submitted per State Contractors License. Each bid received shall show the license for that bidder. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities. Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann.§ 22-9-203, the State encourages all small, minority, and women business enterprises to submit bids for capital improvements. Encouragement is also made to all general contractors that in the event they subcontract portions of their work, consideration is given to the identified groups.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Bergen County Technical Schools Bid - Install Hvac Rooftop Units

Alert Type:

Sealed bid on the following: BID NUMBER TITLE BID DATE #13-11 Provide Material and Labor to Furnish and December 13, 2012 Install three (3) HVAC Rooftop Units at the Academies in Hackensack Bids will be accepted by mail or in person until 11:00 AM, prevailing time, on Thursday, December 13, 2012 in the Business Office, 327 E. Ridgewood Ave. Rm. 104, Paramus, NJ. They will be opened and read aloud at that time. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 8:15 A.M. on Thursday, November 29, 2012. The meeting will commence outside of the Main Entrance of the Academy Campus, 200 Hackensack Ave, Hackensack, NJ. All bidders must sign in. No bid documents will be available at the pre-bid meeting. Bids must be plainly marked and the envelope containing the bid shall be endorsed on its face with the name of the person, firm or corporation making such proposal and the bid number and name for which such proposal is made. The Board will not be responsible for the premature opening of any bid not so marked. FAXED proposals do not qualify as written sealed bids . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive immaterial informalities, or to accept any bid which, in the opinion of the Board of Education, will be in the best interest of the school district. The Board reserves the right to award a contract for equipment, supplies, and/or services to a single bidder or two or more bidders. Cost of shipping to be included in bid prices. All bidders must comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C 17:27 - An Act relating to Affirmative Action. All bidders must submit a photo copy of their Federal Letter of Affirmative Action Plan Approval or a photo copy of their Certificate of Information Report or a completed Affirmative Action Employee Information Report (AA302 or AA201) after notification of award . Contractors and their subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, Chapter 150 of the Laws of 1963, N.J.S.A. 34-1156.25, etc., regarding the payment of prevailing wages to workmen engaged on the project. All bids must be on the form of proposal, must include all other affidavits and information required, and must conform to the specifications. Specifications and bid forms are available from the Board of Education Business Office, 327 E. Ridgewood Ave, Paramus, NJ, during the regular business hours of 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Bergen County Technical Schools Bid - Install Hvac Rooftop Units

Alert Type:

Sealed bid on the following: BID NUMBER TITLE BID DATE #13-11 Provide Material and Labor to Furnish and December 13, 2012 Install three (3) HVAC Rooftop Units at the Academies in Hackensack Bids will be accepted by mail or in person until 11:00 AM, prevailing time, on Thursday, December 13, 2012 in the Business Office, 327 E. Ridgewood Ave. Rm. 104, Paramus, NJ. They will be opened and read aloud at that time. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 8:15 A.M. on Thursday, November 29, 2012. The meeting will commence outside of the Main Entrance of the Academy Campus, 200 Hackensack Ave, Hackensack, NJ. All bidders must sign in. No bid documents will be available at the pre-bid meeting. Bids must be plainly marked and the envelope containing the bid shall be endorsed on its face with the name of the person, firm or corporation making such proposal and the bid number and name for which such proposal is made. The Board will not be responsible for the premature opening of any bid not so marked. FAXED proposals do not qualify as written sealed bids . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive immaterial informalities, or to accept any bid which, in the opinion of the Board of Education, will be in the best interest of the school district. The Board reserves the right to award a contract for equipment, supplies, and/or services to a single bidder or two or more bidders. Cost of shipping to be included in bid prices. All bidders must comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C 17:27 - An Act relating to Affirmative Action. All bidders must submit a photo copy of their Federal Letter of Affirmative Action Plan Approval or a photo copy of their Certificate of Information Report or a completed Affirmative Action Employee Information Report (AA302 or AA201) after notification of award . Contractors and their subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, Chapter 150 of the Laws of 1963, N.J.S.A. 34-1156.25, etc., regarding the payment of prevailing wages to workmen engaged on the project. All bids must be on the form of proposal, must include all other affidavits and information required, and must conform to the specifications. Specifications and bid forms are available from the Board of Education Business Office, 327 E. Ridgewood Ave, Paramus, NJ, during the regular business hours of 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - University Of Central Arkansas Bid - Hvac Renovation Arkansas Hall Corridor

Alert Type:

Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the time and date mentioned.Interested parties are invited to attend. Faxed bids exceeding $20,000.00 will be rejected.UCA, Unless designated to another entity, supervises the bidding and awarding of all construction contracts, approves contract change orders, requests for payment and ensures that on-site observations are accomplished.Obtaining contract documents through any source other than the Design Professional or UCA is not advisable due to the risks of receiving incomplete or inaccurate information. Contract documents obtained through the Design Professional or their representative(S) are considered the official version and take precedence should any discrepancies occur. Prime bidders will be furnished one (1) set of bidding documents.Bid Security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders are hereby notified that any bidder who desires to enter into Contract for this work must comply with disclosure requirements pursuant to Governor Executive Order 98-04. Submission to UCA of completed Disclosure (00850) form will be a condition of the Contract. UCA cannot enter into any contract nor can UCA approve any contract, which does not obligate the contractor to require the submission of Disclosure (00850) forms for subcontractors. Bidders are hereby notified that Arkansas Department of Labor Prevailing Wages Rates will apply to all projects exceeding $75,000 or not otherwise considered exempt.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - City Of Hampton Bid - Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court Boiler Upgrade

Alert Type:

The Director of Finance or his designated representative, on behalf of the City of Hampton, will
accept SEALED written responses in the office of the Consolidated Procurement Division located
at 1 Franklin Street, Suite 345, Hampton, Virginia, 23669-3570 at 2:00 p.m. sharp local time on
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the
A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at
11:00 a.m. local time at the Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court, 220 N. King Street,
Hampton, VA 23669. Interested bidders shall gather on the side of the building next to the
General District Court.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US RI - The Town Of Portsmouth RFP - Purchase Or Lease Wind Turbine

Alert Type:

The Town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island RFP (Bid # P13-007) sseeking proposals from qualified wind energy developers and/or operations and maintenance firms to either 1) purchase or lease the 1.5 megawatt wind turbine generator (WTG) currently installed on the grounds of Portsmouth High School for no less than $2.9 million; or 2) repair the turbine and enter into a project management partnership with the Town to operate and maintain the WTG currently installed on the grounds of Portsmouth High School. The Town's WTG began operating in March 2009, but is currently off-line in need of major repair to resume operations.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US DE - Kent County Department Of Public Works Bid - Hvac Upgrade

Alert Type:

The full reconstruction of the existing HVAC system of the Kent County Emergency Services Center Located at 911 Public Safety Boulevard, Dover, DE. Contract Documents may be obtained from the Kent County Department of Public Works located at 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware, 19901 upon receipt of a non-refundable payment in the amount of $200.00, Bid security shall be submitted with each Bid in the amount of five (5) percent of the Bid Amount. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of bids. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Kent County Emergency Services Center on November 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. and all prospective bidders are requested to attend. The Successful bidders will begin the Work upon receipt of the Notice To Proceed and shall complete the Work within the Contract Time as stated in the Contract Documents. The Work is subject to liquidated damages of $500 per day.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Austin Independent School District Bid - Interior Lighting Retrofit

Alert Type:

Austin Independent School District requests competitive bids for construction of:
AISD Project No. G11-60113-GROUP
Project Title: Austin Independent School District Interior Lighting Retrofit
Akins High School – 10701 South 1
Street, Austin, Texas 78748
Odom Elementary School – 1010 Turtle Creek Blvd, Austin, Texas 78745
100% Performance and Payment Bonds required if the bid is over $25,000.
5% Bid Guaranty required.
BID DEADLINE: 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 5
2012, at AISD Department of
Construction Management, 1111 W. 6
Street, Suite B-300, Austin 78703, 512-414-1715.
Sealed Bids will thereafter be publicly opened and the names of the bidders and their bids will
be read aloud.
Bid Instructions, copies of drawings, specifications and contract documents, addenda (if any)
and other documents related to this Request for Bids, are available in the Office of the Project
Engineer indicated below.
Texas Energy Engineering Services, Inc. (TEESI)
1301 S. Capital of Texas Highway
Suite B-325
Austin (78746)

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WI - Housing Authority Of The City Of Milwaukee Bid - Furnace And Central Air Installation

Alert Type:

Furnish labor, materials and services necessary to provide and install new gas furnace and central air conditioning unit at 3961 N 28th Street, as per the following: Contractor to determine appropriate BTU size of furnace, 95% high efficiency, gas. Work to include new plenums and ducts as needed. Contractor to complete necessary wiring. Install new Honeywell set back thermostat on first floor in centrally located place. All heating equipment to be installed according to manufacturer's instructions and per applicable code. Furnace to have exterior mounted filter and shall be raised 6" above floor. (Note: install one appropriate filter and leave one extra on site). Remove all debris from premised upon completion of work. Install new central air conditioning unit. Contractor to ensure unit on dedicated electrical circuit. Contractor to run all connections and charge system. Place on a permanent pad at the rear of the house.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WI - Housing Authority Of The City Of Milwaukee Bid - Furnace And Central Air Installation

Alert Type:

Furnish labor, materials and services necessary to provide and install new gas furnace and central air conditioning unit at 3961 N 28th Street, as per the following: Contractor to determine appropriate BTU size of furnace, 95% high efficiency, gas. Work to include new plenums and ducts as needed. Contractor to complete necessary wiring. Install new Honeywell set back thermostat on first floor in centrally located place. All heating equipment to be installed according to manufacturer's instructions and per applicable code. Furnace to have exterior mounted filter and shall be raised 6" above floor. (Note: install one appropriate filter and leave one extra on site). Remove all debris from premised upon completion of work. Install new central air conditioning unit. Contractor to ensure unit on dedicated electrical circuit. Contractor to run all connections and charge system. Place on a permanent pad at the rear of the house.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US DE - Kent County Department Of Public Works Bid - Hvac Upgrade

Alert Type:

The full reconstruction of the existing HVAC system of the Kent County Emergency Services Center Located at 911 Public Safety Boulevard, Dover, DE. Contract Documents may be obtained from the Kent County Department of Public Works located at 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware, 19901 upon receipt of a non-refundable payment in the amount of $200.00, Bid security shall be submitted with each Bid in the amount of five (5) percent of the Bid Amount. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of bids. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Kent County Emergency Services Center on November 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. and all prospective bidders are requested to attend. The Successful bidders will begin the Work upon receipt of the Notice To Proceed and shall complete the Work within the Contract Time as stated in the Contract Documents. The Work is subject to liquidated damages of $500 per day.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - City Of Hampton Bid - Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court Boiler Upgrade

Alert Type:

The Director of Finance or his designated representative, on behalf of the City of Hampton, will
accept SEALED written responses in the office of the Consolidated Procurement Division located
at 1 Franklin Street, Suite 345, Hampton, Virginia, 23669-3570 at 2:00 p.m. sharp local time on
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the
A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at
11:00 a.m. local time at the Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court, 220 N. King Street,
Hampton, VA 23669. Interested bidders shall gather on the side of the building next to the
General District Court.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - Lee County Board Of Commissioners Bid - Lee County Library Hvac Upgrade

Alert Type:

In general, and without force and effect of the scope of the Contract Documents, the work of this contract may be summarized as follows: (1) Remove existing HVAC equipment and replace with new as specified and shown on the plans, AHUs and outdoor units, all to be replaced. (2) Test & Balance systems, per plans. (3) Install new controls system per Section 15900.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app or enter your own energy project here.