Thursday, August 2, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - Township Of Jackson Bid - Ceiling And Lighting Replacement

Alert Type:

Public Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Jackson Township Board of Education for Ceiling and Lighting Replacement at the Jackson Memorial High School to be opened and read in public in the Jackson Township Board of Education Offices, 151 Don Connor Boulevard, Jackson, NJ, 08527, on August 15, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time. Bids will be received for the following contracts: CONTRACT NO. 1 C047 Electrical Ceiling and Lighting Replacement at Jackson Memorial High School The Bidding Documents have been prepared by Settembrino Architects with an office at 25 Bridge Ave, Suite 201, Red Bank, NJ 07701. P(732)-741-4900, F: (732)-741-4977. All questions shall be directed to Kevin M Settembrino, AIA. Bid Documents may be obtained directly from the office of the architect after July 27, 2012, as an electronic PDF document only, by emailing the company name, contact info, phone, fax and email address to hbucher@settembrino. com between the hours of 9:30 and 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. No bid will be accepted that does not conform to the Specifications. Bids shall be submitted in triplicate and must be made on standard proposal forms in the manner designated by the Specifications. It must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder, the Contract being bid on the outside thereof, addressed and delivered to the attention of Ms. Michelle Richardson, Business Administrator, Jackson Township Board of Education, 151 Don Connor Boulevard, Jackson, NJ, 08527.

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