Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CT - Town Of Bethel Bid - Hvac Equipment Replacement And Gas Conversion

Alert Type:

The Scope of Work consists in the removal of the existing oil-fired furnaces, day tanks, fuel oil pump sets, etc., new gas-fired unit heaters, new gas service & distribution piping, complete package waste oil recycle system, engine exhaust removal systems, carbon monoxide detection/control panels and system components, split heating & cooling systems, exhaust fans, louvers/dampers, condensing units (under add alternate bid only) panelboards, safety switches, wiring/conduits, etc. as indicated, specified or implied on the Contract Documents dated August 1, 2012. The Owner shall be responsible for removal of all existing asbestos content materials located within all areas of work, if any. A mandatory walk-thru is scheduled for Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 3:30 PM, at 6 Sympaug Park Road, Bethel, Connecticut. The General Contractor shall be a licensed Mechanical Contractor. This project shall start on August 27, 2012 and requires to be substantially completed not later than October 29, 2012. The final Completion Date for this project is set to be November 5, 2012. If the project will not be completed by this date, the Owner retains the right to terminate the Contractor's Contract, anytime after November 12, 2012. Bidders shall not include any Federal Excise Taxes or State of Connecticut Sales Taxes which otherwise may apply. The Contract Documents may be examined in and/or obtained at the address given below on or after August 3, 2012, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Contract Documents can be obtained for $50.00 (checks made payable to the Town of Bethel). Contract Documents will be mailed upon receipt of an additional $15.00 mailing fee. Each bid must be accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a certified check or bid bond, in an amount equal to five percent of the amount bid. Bid Security shall be payable to the Town of Bethel, and shall be properly executed by the bidder. At the time of contract signing, a separate 100 percent Performance Bond and Labor & Materials Bond will be provided to the Town of Bethel. Any questions bidders may have shall be addressed to Andrew Morosky, Director of Public Works. (203) 794-8549. If questions arise that need a formal reply, they will be answered in the form of an addendum or information letter to all bidders. The Town of Bethel is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. Minority / Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid. The Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Procurement Committee reserves the right to accept and /or reject any portion of said bid; to waive any technicality in any bid or part thereof and to accept any bid as provided for in Section 8-13c of the Charter of the Town of Bethel Dated at Bethel, Connecticut this 3rd day of August, 2012.The Scope of Work consists in the removal of the existing oil-fired furnaces, day tanks, fuel oil pump sets, etc., new gas-fired unit heaters, new gas service & distribution piping, complete package waste oil recycle system, engine exhaust removal systems, carbon monoxide detection/control panels and system components, split heating & cooling systems, exhaust fans, louvers/dampers, condensing units (under add alternate bid only) panelboards, safety switches, wiring/conduits, etc. as indicated, specified or implied on the Contract Documents dated August 1, 2012. The Owner shall be responsible for removal of all existing asbestos content materials located within all areas of work, if any. A mandatory walk-thru is scheduled for Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 3:30 PM, at 6 Sympaug Park Road, Bethel, Connecticut. The General Contractor shall be a licensed Mechanical Contractor. This project shall start on August 27, 2012 and requires to be substantially completed not later than October 29, 2012. The final Completion Date for this project is set to be November 5, 2012. If the project will not be completed by this date, the Owner retains the right to terminate the Contractor's Contract, anytime after November 12, 2012. Bidders shall not include any Federal Excise Taxes or State of Connecticut Sales Taxes which otherwise may apply. The Contract Documents may be examined in and/or obtained at the address given below on or after August 3, 2012, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Contract Documents can be obtained for $50.00 (checks made payable to the Town of Bethel). Contract Documents will be mailed upon receipt of an additional $15.00 mailing fee. Each bid must be accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a certified check or bid bond, in an amount equal to five percent of the amount bid. Bid Security shall be payable to the Town of Bethel, and shall be properly executed by the bidder. At the time of contract signing, a separate 100 percent Performance Bond and Labor & Materials Bond will be provided to the Town of Bethel. Any questions bidders may have shall be addressed to Andrew Morosky, Director of Public Works. (203) 794-8549. If questions arise that need a formal reply, they will be answered in the form of an addendum or information letter to all bidders. The Town of Bethel is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. Minority / Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid. The Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Procurement Committee reserves the right to accept and /or reject any portion of said bid; to waive any technicality in any bid or part thereof and to accept any bid as provided for in Section 8-13c of the Charter of the Town of Bethel

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