Alert Type:
RFP Description:
The Stanislaus Council of Governments is soliciting proposals to provide professionalservices to complete the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), SustainableCommunities Strategy (SCS), accompanying Environmental Impact Report (EIR) andassociated documents described later in this request for proposal. The 2014 RTP will bean update to the 2011 StanCOG RTP. The 2014 RTP/SCS and EIR shall comply with allappropriate federal and state requirements, including AB 32 and SB 375. Additionally,the 2014 RTP/SCS will be subject to any new requirements established in the federalsurface transportation reauthorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION:
The 2014 Regional Transportation Plan is a comprehensive assessment of all forms of
transportation available in the region and of needs for travel and goods movement
projected into the future. Federal and state legislation mandate that long range
transportation planning be done every four years for a period of at least 20 years into
the future.
The transportation system in the Stanislaus region consists of US and State Highways,
local roadways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, public transit, airports and passenger
and freight rail. Working within the existing transportation system and continuing with
the development of an integrated, multi-modal regional system, this region faces
several challenges, including:
- Funding
- Passage of Tax Measure
- Jobs/Housing Balance
- Population Growth
- Reliance on Single Occupancy Vehicles
- Demographic Changes
- Economic Growth and Business Trends
- Quality of Life For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app.
RFP Description:
The Stanislaus Council of Governments is soliciting proposals to provide professionalservices to complete the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), SustainableCommunities Strategy (SCS), accompanying Environmental Impact Report (EIR) andassociated documents described later in this request for proposal. The 2014 RTP will bean update to the 2011 StanCOG RTP. The 2014 RTP/SCS and EIR shall comply with allappropriate federal and state requirements, including AB 32 and SB 375. Additionally,the 2014 RTP/SCS will be subject to any new requirements established in the federalsurface transportation reauthorization PROJECT DESCRIPTION:
The 2014 Regional Transportation Plan is a comprehensive assessment of all forms of
transportation available in the region and of needs for travel and goods movement
projected into the future. Federal and state legislation mandate that long range
transportation planning be done every four years for a period of at least 20 years into
the future.
The transportation system in the Stanislaus region consists of US and State Highways,
local roadways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, public transit, airports and passenger
and freight rail. Working within the existing transportation system and continuing with
the development of an integrated, multi-modal regional system, this region faces
several challenges, including:
- Funding
- Passage of Tax Measure
- Jobs/Housing Balance
- Population Growth
- Reliance on Single Occupancy Vehicles
- Demographic Changes
- Economic Growth and Business Trends
- Quality of Life For more details please visit: To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today. You can also get quick access to incentives with our new Facebook app.
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