Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - Chesapeake Public Schools Bid - Boiler Replacement

Alert Type:

To provide all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to remove and replace the
existing BOILERS, including piping and valve modifications at Deep Creek Elementary as per
Work may commence upon notification to proceed. Anticipated approval by the Chesapeake
School Board is August 13 th. Beginning August 27th the building will be accessible to the
contractor daily until 9:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. Work hours on weekends, if necessary will
be considered in order to meet the project installation deadlines. Contractor is required to
provide at least 48 hours advance notice for requested weekend work hours.
All work must be coordinated through the contact person (s) as listed above. Failure to complete
the work required, within the specified time frame, may result in the successful vendor’s removal
from our bidders’ list for poor or non-performance. Any questions regarding this project must be
directed to Ted Ambrose @ (757) 420-3595

For more details please visit: http://bit.ly/Lhzoqd

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