Monday, July 2, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - City Of Atlanta RFP - Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Offer

Alert Type:

Your firm is hereby invited to submit to the City of Atlanta, Department of Procurement (“DOP”), a proposal for FC-6017, Sustainable Home Initiative in the New Economy (S.H.I.N.E.) Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Offer. The City of Atlanta (the “City”) seeks to enter into contract(S) with multifamily Property Owner(S) hereinafter referred to as proponent(S) to provide rebates to multifamily property owners (apartments and condominiums) who undertake deep energy efficiency retrofit activities on their properties. Deep energy efficiency retrofits involve a reduction in the energy use of at least 20% across units included in the proposal and include but are not limited to items such as a comprehensive energy assessement, insulation, air sealing measures, duct sealing, installing high efficiency HVAC and water heater appliances, etc. Properties must be located within the City of Atlanta. Properties that are intended to be completed in phases will have each phase evaluated as a separate project and a single Property Owner may submit one property consisting of multiple units per proposal.

For more details please visit:

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