Friday, April 13, 2012

EnergyGridIQ Newsflash: 4/13/2012

1) Properly categorizing energy potential is important. That is an understatement of course. Energy potential is a crucial factor in developing an intelligent and economically viable grid. I, personally have done some work in plotting where the highest levels of tidal potential energy are using a variety of technologies such as barrage, tidal kinetic, and wave dynamic systems. However, a Senior at SUNY Oswego named Brittany Gibbons has managed to create an ArcGIS plot of offshore wind potential for segments along the Atlantic seaboard. This data is crucial for realized where the most lucrative, and economically viable locations for wind development are. Otherwise, faulty planning could lead to not only economic undermining of projects but also a deterioration in consumer confidence for offshore wind installations. Properly mapping and arranging our energy systems is crucial for an intelligent, prolonged, and sustainable development.

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2) A lesser of evils? Is that the choice that Sierra club is making to defend the California Condor? Lets explain: recent wind turbines across California have put a serious threat and pressure on California’s favorite vulture. Turbines present potential health hazard from unanticipated collisions. However, to sue wind companies for killing the bird may be a counterproductive process. Let us think about the alternatives to wind turbines: coal, oil, natural gas. All of these processes pose serious environmental pressures to various levels of the ecosystem. Is suing the wind companies the best move at this time? Perhaps it is a fight worth fighting, but will it actually save the Condor from the greater evil? These are issues that may never be definitively solved.


3) Other wind concerns sweep the globe as larger and larger projects become operational. One such project is on the Shetland Islands (in the North of Scotland). This project that looks to generate more that 15 times the amount of energy needed on the Island has been opposed vigorously by locals. However, the project looks to proceed unhindered although scaled down. 

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