Friday, December 30, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MA - City Of Lowell Bid - Replacing Boilers, Air Handling Equipment And Installing New Building Automation Systems

Alert Type:

Management, Inc., Managing Agent for 4th AP Company, the awarding authority, invites sealed bids from contractors for replacing boilers, air handling equipment and installing new building automation systems for the Lowell Sun Building, 2-8 Merrimack Street and Father John's Medicine Building, 73 Market Street in accordance with the documents prepared by RDK Engineers. Bids are subject to prevailing wage rates. The Bid Packages will be available for pickup on Tuesday, December 27 at the City of Lowell, Department of Planning & Development, 50 Arcand Drive, Lowell, MA 01852. General bids will be received until 2 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 2012. All bids should be delivered to: City of Lowell, BetterBuildings Program, Department of Planning & Development, 50 Arcand Drive, Lowell, MA 01852. The project locations will be available for inspection between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 29. Interested bidders will meet in the lobby of Father Johns, 73 Market Street. Please contact Rick Correia at 781-569-2638 for an appointment.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AK - Department Of Corrections Bid - Building/Perimeter Lighting Replacement & Exterior Camera Upgrade

Alert Type:

Sealed bids for the Building/Perimeter Lighting Replacement & Exterior Camera Upgrade at the Ketchikan Correctional Complex - in Ketchikan, Alaska will be received until 2:00 p.m., January 25, 2012. Bids will be opened at 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 602, Anchorage, Alaska. This state funded project will consist of a Base Bid specified in the ITB.

A pre-bid site visit is scheduled for this project. A pre-bid inspection of site conference (strongly recommended) is scheduled for Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. at the Ketchikan Correctional Complex - in Ketchikan, Alaska. Please contact Dan Aicher, Project Manager, at 269-7358 to register. Bidders will need to submit a “Request for Clearance” form to access the facility. This form is included in the bid documents.

Bidding documents may be obtained from the DOC Procurement Section, 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 601, Anchorage, AK 99501. Contact: Chris Brooks, phone number (907) 269-7349; Fax: (907) 269-7345; or email:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Shickshinny Borough Council Bid - Electrical, Heating/Air Conditioning And Elevator

Alert Type:

Shickshinny Borough Council will accept bids on renovations to its municipal building, specifically, electrical, heating/air conditioning, and elevator. Bid specifications can be obtained by calling 570-542-2178. The building will be made available for inspection by appointment. Bids must be received no later than 12n, Jan 3, 2012 at 35 W Union, Shickshinny, PA 18655. Bids will be opened at the Council meeting that evening at 6:30p. Council reserves the right to accept/reject all/any bids.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US OH - Miami University Office Of Facilities RFP - Energy Conservation Project

Alert Type:

NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST PROPOSALS Sealed Proposals will be received by the Miami University Facilities Contracting Office for the following: ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECT The sealed Proposals are due no later than January 24, 2012 at 2:00PM at the Facilities Contracting Office, 181 Cole Service Building, 101 South Fisher Drive, Oxford, Ohio 45056, and will thereafter be opened. A pre-proposal meeting will be held January 12, 2012 at 9:00 A.M., at the Cole Service Building Conference Room, 101 South Fisher Drive, Miami University Oxford Campus. Interested parties may obtain electronic copies of the RFP documents by providing e-mail address information to the Facilities Contracting Office at (513) 529-2453 or (513) 529-1697. Please note that the University will be closed from December 24, 2011 until January 2, 2012.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Top Energy Stories of 2011: #2) Canada Withdraws from the Kyoto Protocol

By Keith Heyde
It seems as if the United States has a yet another reason to be thankful for our friendly northern neighbors. As of December, Canada joined the United States as the only other “large” nation to reject the Kyoto protocol.
Why the sudden turn of heart? Perhaps the warmer winters started to sound a bit more appealing?
More likely, it was the 14 Billion Dollars in carbon credit offsets that Canada would have been required to pay out internationally. Because Canada is far from meeting it’s mandated 6% reduction of carbon emissions (from a 1990 baseline), it has failed to meet regulations and therefore must purchase carbon offsets to maintain compliancy under the treaty. This amount equals roughly 450 dollars per Canadian citizen that would have to be paid in 2012 to countries that had achieved carbon ‘compliancy’.

It seems like a no brainer, but in an economy as hard as this one, Canada chose to withdraw from the Kyoto protocol rather than enact a (rather steep) tax hike to buy the compliancy status.
But what if Canada had not withdrawn? The simple answer is that they would have only been labeled ‘non-compliant’. No embargoes, no sanctions, just a label. Is the ‘bad name’ worth pulling out of the entire treaty? The answer is more of a moralistic perspective than a strict right or wrong.
What does this mean for the Kyoto protocol as a whole? Well in the short term, probably not much. Canada had not been meeting their compliance requirements and as a consequence has enacted little help for achieving the Kyoto Protocols mandates. Furthermore, they will, most likely, be the only country to withdraw in the near future. This is more a prediction of economic situation than of policy.
However, Canada’s withdrawal does set an unfortunate precedent that removal from the Kyoto Protocol is possible. And, to make matters even more dicey, Canada’s action was entirely legal under the treaties bylaws. Like Canada, few countries are going to choose to stay in the treaty if it means taxing citizens more, stressing economies, and potentially losing election.
Canada’s withdrawal, more than anything, is an insight into the human nature: one that can only take so much ‘following the rules’ and ‘being good’ from peer pressure alone. As soon as the regulations got tough, the politically savvy get going. Canada may be the only major country to withdrawal from the treaty thus far, but if pressures to comply reach as high as 14 Billion in taxes elsewhere, you can be sure that Canada will not be the last.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US FL - Dept. Of Transportation Bid - District Six Miami Construction Building Hvac Chiller Replacement

Alert Type:


For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US SC - Berkeley County School District RFP - Construction Contractor Services For Timberland High Hvac Retrofit

Alert Type:

The purpose of this solicitation is to select construction contractor services for the HVAC Retrofit at Timberland High School using Construction Manager-at risk (CM-at-Risk) model. Selection will be based upon the Evaluation Criteria stated herein, via qualifications and competitive sealed bids. The proposed solution must conform to all industry safety requirements. Proposers should have the resources, comfort, and competency to engage in an Integrated Project Delivery series.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Energy Stories of 2011: #3) The fall (maybe) of Nuclear

By Keith Heyde

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that ravaged Japan on March 11th of 2011 did immeasurable damage.  As well as being a natural disaster of monumental proportions (as high as 20,000 deaths, and around $30 Billion in damages) the earthquake/tsunami (collectively known as the Tohoku system) created a nuclear meltdown in the northeastern city of Fukushima.

Japan has historically relied heavily on nuclear power. A country devoid of almost any petroleum reserves and struggling with close to 2 decades of economic stagnation, Japan has relied on Nuclear Energy to balance its (already fickle) trade deficit.

However, that trend may be changing.

The Fukushima Nuclear meltdown is undeniably the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Similarly, the ‘reason for failure’ is exactly similar from a physics perspective. Simply, the tsunami severed the electronic cooling system from the reactors. This created a situation in which the reactors would heat uncontrollably fast. This would cause what is commonly known as a ‘meltodown’ or more technically, when the fission reaction caused by the Uranium fuel rods is allowed to progress without restraint. In an effort of cool the reactors, the Japanese government ordered they be cooled via seawater. After weeks of heroic efforts on the part of numerous workers and officials (some of whom perished and most of whom were exposed to radiation overdoses) the reactor was contained.

However, the legacy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is much grander than the residual radiation in the area. The issue brought developed nuclear, a power that has lurking the background since the end of the cold war, into the focus for most people.

Nuclear power has issues. No country today can safely store the fuel rods. It also poses a huge terrorism threat for both the spent fuel and the plant itself can cause immense radiation damage. Fukushima brought forth both these issues to a society that has been turning a blind eye towards nuclear for some time.

However, does this mean that Nuclear power is going away? Not by a long shot. Nuclear power may not be ‘expanded’ and it may have to undergo some serious safety evaluations. However, so long as we burn through our finite supplies of fossil fuels, we will keep the Nuclear technology in the background, waiting for when it will play a larger role. After all, the Uranium content within seawater (although difficult to harvest) could power the entire earth for over 200,000 years at current energy consumption levels. Plus, with advances in Fusion based and breeder-plant technologies, Nuclear power is becoming increasingly efficient.

With that said, it is still not safe. However, Japan, although decommissioning its Fukushima site, is not closing all of its nuclear power plants. It can’t.

There may come a day when the world must weight the safety of the plant against the availability of the electricity it supplies. One can only hope by then we have safer, more secure, and more sustainable designs.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Clint Isd RFP - Hvac Upgrade Project

Alert Type:

Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) for providing all labor and materials for the construction of Additions, Upgrades and Renovations for the following School: Montana Vista Elementary School - HVAC Upgrades The following Proposals will be received at the Clint Independent School District, Central Office, 14521 Horizon Boulevard, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 pm Local Time, on January 06, 2012. Sealed Proposals shall be addressed to the Clint Independent School District, all submittals MUST be sealed and clearly marked as follows: School Name - Package No.- Package Name (example 1249-05500 -Metals) Proposal Packages are: 05500 Metals05600 Erection07200 Roofing (repairs)09200 Finishes (including select demolition, rough carpentry, and sealants)23000 Mechanical & Plumbing26000 Electrical Those interested may obtain an electronic copy (PDF format) of the CSP Documents by contacting Dantex Construction Co. 4727 Osborne El Paso, Texas 79922. Attn: Hilary Oney (915) 584-9300 ext. 12 (e-mail honey@ dantexconstruction. com) on a CD at no cost. A Non-Mandatory pre-proposal and walk thru meeting will be held on January 03, 2012 at 4:00pm. at Montana Vista Elementary School , 3550 Mark Jason Drive, El Paso, Texas 79938. All Offerors are highly encouraged to attend. The District and Dantex Construction, reserve the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bid process, and to make the award in the best interest of the Clint ISD

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WI - University Of Wisconsin Bid - South Campus Exterior Lighting Renovation

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received at the State of Wisconsin Administration Building, 7th Floor, 101 East Wilson
Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, before the time indicated above. The bidder is responsible for the
sealed bid being delivered to the reception desk for receipt stamping before the time specified for the bid
opening. Third party delivery is entirely at the bidder's risk.
Effective March 9, 2011, Executive Order #108 requiring contractor compliance regarding
Employment of Apprentices on State Construction Projects” was suspended in accordance with
Executive Order #18.
Effective November 1, 2010 – Wisconsin Act 299 requires a disabled veteran-owned business
diversity program. Please access the following Department of Commerce website or Department of Administration,Division of State Facilities ( for further

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MA - Massport RFP - Massport Energy Consultant

Alert Type:

The Massachusetts Port Authority (the "Authority" or "Massport") is seeking proposals from firms having recognized expertise in providing consultant services regarding the wholesale purchase of electricity, natural gas, heating fuels and economic dispatch of heating fuels.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Texas A & M University System Offices (710) RFP - Comprehensive Energy Management And Conservation Program

Alert Type:

The Texas A&M University System (System) is soliciting submittals from qualified firms interested in providng a comprehensive behavioural energy management and conservation program designed to reduce energy consumtion. Proposals will pertain to behavioral programs and not include replacement or purchase of mechanical equipment or lighting. Canidates will advise and make reccomendations to reduce energy consumption of all types. Prospective Proposers are responsible for checking the ESBD from time to time for any and all changes or additions to specifications, addendums or deletions. NO NOTICE WILL BE SENT TO THE PROPOSER. NOTE: The Texas A&M System Offices will be closed from 12/23/2011 through 1/1/2012.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TN - Office Of Facilities Development Bid - Chiller Energy Conservation

Alert Type:

Chiller Energy Conservation
Pellissippi State Community College
Knoxville, TN.
Replace the existing starterds on three centrifugal chillers
with new variable frequency drives and update the chiller
controls. Install manual bypass piping on condenser
water piping for chillers CH-1 and CH-2.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - City Of Winston-Salem Bid - 6Th & Cherry-Trade Parking Deck Lighting Upgrade

Alert Type:

Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-129 sealed proposals endorsed “6th&Cherry Deck Lighting IF1137” will be received by the City/County Purchasing Department in Room 16, City Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC until 2:00 PM, Friday, January 6, 2012, when all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. For instructions or bidding documents contact Darren Redfield at or 336-747-6936. Bidders are encouraged to review existing conditions at the site. Contractors must be properly licensed per Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The City reserves the right to waive any informality and to reject any or all proposals.
Contractor must conform to American Reinvestment Recovery Act of 2009 provisions and reporting requirements that apply to this project. Buy American and Davis-Bacon Act (minimum wages paid) applies to this contract.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US SC - Horry County Bid - Hvac Systems

Alert Type:

Remove six (6) existing Carrier rooftop heat pump units and one (1) Carrier split system unit, as listed and replace with six (6) new Carrier units and one (1) Carrier split system unit, as listed at Myrtle Beach International Airport Terminal.
Horry County reserves the right to purchase (as funds allow) the listed units:
50 Ton, Split Unit, Carrier Model 38HQ-016-620
A. Condenser 38AQ012621
B. Condenser 38AQ016620
C. Condenser 38AQ016620
D. Three (3) Individual Indoor Evaporators to match Condensers
E. The Blower Section (1) GE Motor Model #5KW254AD205, 230/460V,
1765RPM, 15HP
F. The Heat Strips (2) Model #4005, 40KW, 460V, 3ph
RTU #20 15.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50PQ016600
RTU #22 15.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50PQ016600
RTU #27 15.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50PQ016600
RTU #24 5.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50QJ006630
RTU #25 3.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50QJ004610
RTU #28 3.0 Ton Carrier Rooftop Heat Pump, Model 50QJ004610
All units must be 13 Seer.
Reinstall, replace, or modify duct work as needed to complete installation of 50-Ton Unit.
Reconnect any control wiring/tubing.
Provide and install all materials required for operation of equipment installed. i.e. – electrical and mechanical.
Contractor has the responsibility to properly dispose the removed existing units per regulations.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Top Energy Stories of 2011: #4) The Keystone pipeline legislation.

Top Energy Stories of 2011:

#4) The Keystone pipeline legislation.

By Keith Heyde

What do you get when you mix a 5000 km long pipe project with a gridlock congress? A lot of news, confusion, and passionate ranting is the answer.

Although the pipeline itself has been an enviro-political issue since 2008, a recent political scuffle in Washington has propelled this oil pipe to energy superstardom.

If you’re like me, when you heard “Keystone Pipline”, you were probably thinking about some type of beer drinking invention made popular by some college kids who are now marketing their product. However, this is not the case.

The Keystone Pipeline is actually an oil transmission line connecting the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada to refineries and consumers within the United States. Currently, the pipeline extends within Canada and is owned by TransCanada. Although there have been action against TransCanada accusing them of diminishing Canada’s energy security, it has been overshadowed by the political maelstrom within the United States.

The pipeline’s proposed expansion into the U.S. would extend the current system, linking the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. This expansion would cost Billions of dollars but also, in theory, create a ‘local’ energy source for the growing U.S. energy demand.

However, controversy has erupted over the environmental implications and sustainability issues surrounding the pipeline. The Keystone expansion (also known as Keystone XL) would have dramatic environmental impact affecting numerous ecosystems and wildlife populations.

Proponents of the Keystone XL plan argue that the pipeline will decrease energy costs and mitigate reliance on Middle Eastern oil sources. Additionally, they claim that jobs will be created as a consequence of the project.

Opponents of the Keystone XL plan attest that the pipeline only fortifies reliance on fossil fuel sources. As well as being detrimental to the climate, this reliance does not support sustainable energy development and creates an artificially low energy price. Furthermore, they claim that the pipeline will cost billions of dollars and only create temporary, construction based jobs.

Politically, President Obama has been leaning against the creation of the Pipeline, but rather than downright rejecting it he has postponed the decision until 2013. Despite congressional republicans attempting to force the issue with a December 13th bill containing the Keystone Pipeline as an amendment to a bill, President Obama has stuck to delaying the Pipeline decision until a further date.

The issue is hot, and it is still growing. Although it has been a top story of 2011, it is certainly not over. How do you feel about the pipeline? Do you want it? Let us know.

And as always check back into EnergyGridIQ for all of your energy news and thoughts.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - ESLHA Bid - Design-Building Furnace Replacement

Alert Type:

The selected design-build contractor shall be required to provide and install all heating, ventilation and air-conditioning work described herein; provide all service related project design including wall and ceiling demolition and repair, roof penetrations and repair, and other related services.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WA - City Of Sedro-Woolley RFP - 2012 Hvac Senior Center Furnace Replacement, Police Station Rtu Replacement, Annual Preventative Maintenance And On-Call Services

Alert Type:

The City of Sedro-Woolley is soliciting proposals under the MRSC Small Works Roster for the
replacement of four gas furnaces that service the Sedro-Woolley Senior Center, one gas furnace that service
the police station, for annual preventative maintenance service on certain city owned HVAC systems, and
for emergency and non-emergency On-call services for the 2012 calendar year.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US OH - Ohio State University (The) Bid - Fawcett Center-Boiler Replacement

Alert Type:

This project will replace the boiler.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VT - State Of Vermont RFP - Electric Boiler Replacement, Hvac System Upgrades & Interior Renovations

Alert Type:

Professional Architectural Firms are invited to bid on providing design services for the replacement
of the existing electric boiler and HVAC system, including an upgrade to a renewable energy
system and reconfiguration of interior office space at the District Court and State Office Building,
255 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - New Hanover County Bid - Hvac Units

Alert Type:

Sealed bids addressed to Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor, New Hanover County Finance
Office, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 and
marked “GOVERNMENT CENTER HVAC- RFB # 12-0213” will be accepted until 2:00
P.M. EST, Tuesday, January 24, 2012.
The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Finance Office, Suite 165, Conference Room 500, Wilmington, North Carolina. website at

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CT - The City Of Norwalk Bid - Air Conditioning Unit

Alert Type:

The City of Norwalk is soliciting bids for the supply and installation of an EDPAC air conditioning unit for
Norwalk Public Schools, Information Technology Department, Data Center Facility. The scope of work
generally involves the removal and replacement of an existing EDPAC air conditioning unit. The budget
estimate for this project is approximately $17,000.00 dollars. Below is an outline of some of the requirements
which apply specifically to this project. The requirements of these services are discussed in greater detail under
Section 2 – Project Specifications.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AK - Alaska Railroad Corporation Bid - Itb 11-52-64428 Led Signal Upgrade Lights

Alert Type:

Sealed bids in original will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, January 21, 2012. The
envelope used in submitting your offer shall be plainly marked with the following information:
1. Offeror's Name -
2. Invitation To Bid Number 11-52-64428
3. Date and Time Scheduled for Receipt of Offers.
4. Sealed Offer: Purchase of LED Lights for Signal Upgrades
Return your bid in a sealed envelope on which the Solicitation number appears. Bids received by facsimile transmission will not be considered for award. Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished herein. Hand-delivered bids, amendments, or withdrawals
must be received by ARRC's Contracts Section prior to the scheduled time of bid opening.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MA - The City Of Boston Bid - Curley Community Center Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning Upgrades

Alert Type:

The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities Commission, through its Director of the Public Facilities Department, 10th Floor, 26 Court Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project.

Bids shall be on a form supplied by the Public Facilities Department, shall be clearly identified as a bid, and signed by the bidder.

All bids for this project are subject to all sections 29 and 44A-J, inclusive of Chapter 149 of the General Laws, as amended, and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled: Curley Community Center Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Upgrades project.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AZ - The Maricopa County Community College District RFP - Energy Conservation Measures

Alert Type:

The Maricopa County Community College District (“District”) is seeking proposals from
experienced energy conservation product and services companies to provide and install or
implement, as applicable, energy reduction measures, strategies, equipment, and products that
will advance the District’s energy efficiency objectives. The District has undertaken significant
steps over the past decade to implement programmatic Energy Conservation Measures
(“ECMs”) District-wide and wishes to identify additional measures that compliment and / or
advance projects already in place and further improve the overall efficiency of their energy

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - Napa County RFP - County Of Napa Library Lighting Retrofit Project

Alert Type:

The Napa County Department of Public Works is requesting qualifications from electrical engineering firms to provide design services for the design and preparation of bid documents including consturction plans, specification, and estimates for the lighting retrofit of the City/County of Napa Library. The intent of the project is mainly for energy effiiciency. In order to be considered a firm's response to the RFQ must be submitted no later than Friday January 13, 2012 by 5:00 p.m. PDF:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US FL - Florida State College Bid - Energy & Climate Monitoring Systems Upgrade

Alert Type:

The Florida State College at Jacksonville ( College) will receive bid proposals in teh Purchasing office, 501 West State Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202-4068, for furnishing labor and materials for the construction of Energy & Climate Monitoring Systems Upgrade.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AK - The City And Borough Of Sitka RFI - Renewable Energy Feasibility Study

Alert Type:

The City and Borough of Sitka wishes to hire a qualified consultant to evaluate the technical and financial feasibility for intergration and optimization of heat pump technologies to offset heating oil and grid electricity usage in the Sitka Wastewater Treatment Plant. The goal of the evaluation is to evaluate heat pump systems that can offset an estimated 70% of existing heating oil consumption at the existing wastewater treatment plant.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - Arkansas Building Authority Bid - Replacement Of Hvac System & Remodel Of Field House, Historic Arkansas Museum

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 P.M., January 11, 2012 in the Conference Room, Arkansas Building Authority, Construction Section, 501 Woodlane Drive, Suite G 05, Little Rock, Arkansas for the following:

Renovation of HVAC systems replacement and Field House Remodel at the Historic Arkansas Museum located in Little Rock, Arkansas for the Department of Arkansas Heritage PR #8851201

There will be a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference to be held at the Historic Arkansas Museum upon meeting at the crosswalk at 200 East 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR 72201 on January 4, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. The State reserves the right to schedule additional mandatory meetings. No bid shall be accepted from any Bidder failing to attend any mandatory meeting(s).

Subcontractor attendance to Pre-Bid Conference is encouraged due to unusual installation requirements.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - City Of Toronto Bid - Heat Exchange Replacement For The Building Heating System

Alert Type:

Heat Exchange Replacement for the Building Heating System at Toronto City Hall, Toronto
Quotations are invited for Heat Exchange Replacement for the Building Heating System at Toronto City Hall, Toronto, for Facilities Management Division, all in accordance with the provisions and specifications contained in the Request for Tender (RFT) and the City of Toronto's Procurement Policies, the Price Schedule Form(s), and the City of Toronto Fair Wage Policy and Labour Trades Contractual Obligations in the Construction Industry.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - 65700-Floyd County Board Of Commissioners Bid - State Mutual Stadium Hvac Upgrades

Alert Type:

Sealed bids from suppliers will be received by the Purchasing Department of FLOYD COUNTY GEORGIA, at #12 East Fourth Ave, Suite 106 Rome, Georgia 30161, until 2:00 P.M. legally prevailing time on January 19, 2012, late bids will not be

General Scope of work: Replacement of existing rooftop HVAC equipment for clubhouse, installation of split unitary DX
systems in Radio and A/V suites, upgrades to chiller, and required electrical work. Contractor to furnish all equipment,
labor, supplies and material necessary to provide a turnkey job.

MANDATORY PRE-BID AND SITE VISIT- January 11, 2012 @ 10:00AM. Participants will meet at State Mutual Stadium
at 755 Braves Blvd., Rome, GA 30161. The meeting will take place outside the ticket office at the stadium.
The Owner requires the rough-in portion of the installation to commence within 14 calendar days of Notice to Proceed,
and the project to be completed in 45 calendar days from the time the rough-in portion of the installation is begun.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TN - Metro RFP - Project Contract Administration Consulting Services For The District Energy System

Alert Type:

The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County ("Metro") has issued this RFP for the sole purpose and intent of obtaining Project Contract Administration Consulting Services for the District Energy System

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - Wayne State University RFP - Prentis Lighting Retrofits - 2011

Alert Type:

Wayne State University invites you to participate in its Request for Proposal process to provide Retrofitting Services of Lighting Systems, on a “turn-key” basis for the Prentis Building. The Prentis Building is located at: 5201 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI, 48202. This RFP is issued for the University’s Facilities, Planning and Management; per the specifications contained herein the Request for Proposal. This service is expected to commence on February 22, 2012.

We have a bid information package complete with the Request for Proposal and complete specifications available for downloading from the University Purchasing Web Site at (include capitalization and underscores) as of December 16, 2011. When visiting the Web Site, click on the “MRO” link in green. Copies of the RFP will not be available at the pre-proposal meeting.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US WA - Port Of Everett Bid - Marine Terminal Lighting Improvements

Alert Type:

Public notice is hereby given that the Port of Everett has issued a Request for Bids for the
above-named project, with sealed bids due no later than the date and time given above.
This federally-funded project consists of furnishing and installing five new light poles at South
Terminal, four new light poles at Hewitt Terminal, and other various lighting upgrades. The
project is subject to Buy American provisions under the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009.
Complete details of the plans, specifications, and all submittal requirements are available online at Builders Exchange at Contact Builders
Exchange at (425) 258-1303 if unable to access documents on-line.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - City Of Little Rock Bid - Hvac Equipment

Alert Type:

Perspective bidders MUST ATTEND a mandatory pre-bid conference to be held January 5, 2012 at 10 A. M., at Building Services located at 3312 J.E. Davis Dr., Little Rock, AR. For questions concerning this pre-bid conference or directions email or call Mr. Jessie Trigleth at or (501) 918-3664 or (501) 580-8240. Bid packets will be passed out at this pre-bid conference.

The successful bidder MUST complete and sign a Certification of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and complete and sign the Department of Entergy’s substantial transformation worksheet prior to the Purchase Order (PO) being issued for the purchase of the HVAC Equipment.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US KY - Commonwealth Of Kentucky Bid - Hvac And Controls Maysville Ctc

Alert Type:

a. Provide new control devices and wiring per Contract Documents.
The project consistes of HVAC and Controls Modifications:
Extended Description
c. Provide existing hot water system piping modifications and new fin-tube hot water heating.
d. Provide insulation for new and modified piping.
e. Coordinate Owner furnished Test and Balancing of the systems.
f. Provide equipment technician services for integration and re-startup of boilers and condensing unit.
g. Participate in Commissioning activities during installation and Functional Testing of all system prior to project completion.
h. Provide Owner training, maintenance, and warranty services.
i. Any openings created as a result of new work shall be repaired in this scope.
j. Cover all floors, furniture and fixtures in work area to protect from dirt and falling debris website:

For more details please visit:

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MD - City Of Bowie Bid - Hvac Equipment Replacement

Alert Type:

The City of Bowie, Maryland is requesting sealed bids for the removal and replacement of various heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) components and equipment at three City facilities, namely the Bowie Gymnasium, the Bowie Senior Center and the Kenhill Center (the "Project"). The work will be divided into two phases with the work at the Bowie Gymnasium (replacement of two DX air handlers and condensing units) and Bowie Senior Center (the replacement of an air compressor, oil filter, and dryer) being Phase 1, and the work at the Kenhill Center (the replacement of (4) four rooftop units and curb adaptors) and selected add/alternates being Phase 2. The services perfornled shall be in accordance with the construction plans and specifications, and bid documents. The City reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by the Bidder or an investigation of such Bidder fails to satisfy the City that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract; and further reserves the right to reduce or modify the scope of the Project in order to meet funding limits and budget constraints. By submission of a bid, the bidder represents that he has the ability to comply with all requirements contained in the bid documents.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AZ - City Of Tucson Bid - Tom O. Price Service Center Fleet Service Area Hvac Equipment Replacement

Alert Type:

Deposit shall be refunded upon return of the plans and
specifications in good order within ten (10) days after the bid
due date.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US DC - AGL-52 Bid - Hvac Modernization For Air Traffic Control Tower And Base Building

Alert Type:

This is a Small Business Set-Aside Procurement: The contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, tools, supervision and transportation for the Modernization of the HVAC System for the Air Traffic Control Tower and Base Building at Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport (YNG), in Youngstown, Ohio in accordance with the specifications and contract provisions specified herein.

SCOPE OF WORK: The work shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Furnish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, permits, and transportation required to perform the work.

Work under this transmittal includes but not limited to the following:

1. Prerequisites
a. The contractor and/or equipment manufacturer, after the site visit and during the bidding process, shall have assessed suitability of structure (such as roofing, flooring or equipment pads) for supporting the equipment load. In this matter, while in the bidding process, shall the contractor point out to the FAA Contracting officer (C.O.) or FAA Resident Engineer (R.E.) any deficiency for correction; presentation of an engineered solution; and quotation of solution cost
b. The contractor, after the site visit and during the bidding process, shall have assessed condition of electrical wirings being re-used and determine its suitability for re-use. The contractor shall comply with the latest version of the National Electric Code and local codes. Any deficiencies, solutions, and quote for the cost, shall have been presented during in the bidding process
c. The contractor shall provide electrical hazard safety program in accordance to the latest OSHA regulations for the duration of the project
d. The contractor shall comply with current OSHA and local code requirements for safe lift of all equipment
e. The contractor shall provide temporary cooling and heating necessary for the affected area such as to maintain comfort for working personnel and most importantly to keep critical and essential FAA electronic equipment substantially cool

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US CT - Town Of Fairfield Bid - Boiler Replacement

Alert Type:

Sealed Bids will be received by the Purchasibng Authority at the office of the Director of Purchasing. To provide labor, materials, equipment and all necessary to furnish and install one(1) new replacement boiler, including demolition, removal and disposal of existing, located at Fairfield Warde High School, as detailed in the attached specifications.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US WA - Department Of The Interior RFI - Replacement And Relocation Of Boiler Pumps

Alert Type:

The U.S Geological Survey (USGS), Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) - Seattle Laboratory located in Seattle, Washington has a requirement to replace and relocate two recirculation boiler pumps. The relocation shall include all associated electrical controls, and re-pipe the boilers circulation line accordingly. Due to the complexity of the hot water loop a site visit is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. All responsible sources may submit a quotation which shall be considered by the agency. A copy of the RFQ may be obtained as an attachment to this solicitation or by contacting the Contracting Officer by email at for a copy of the RFQ G12PS00048. All prospective offerers shall be active in the Central Contractor Registrations website (CCR) and current in On-line Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA). This is a total small business set-a-side, NAICS code 238220.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - Arkansas Department Of Human Services Bid - Replacement Of Commons Bldg Hvac, Booneville Human Development Center

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 P.M., January 13, 2012 in the Conference Room, Arkansas Building Authority, Construction Section, 501 Woodlane Drive, Suite G 05, Little Rock, Arkansas for the following:

Replacement of Commons Building HVAC at Booneville Human Development Center located in Booneville, Arkansas for the Arkansas Department of Human Services PR #7101203

There will be a Pre-Bid Conference to be held at 11:00 A.M. on January 6, 2012 at Booneville Human Development Center, 87 Reed Road, Hwy 116 South, Booneville, Arkansas 72927. The State reserves the right to schedule additional meetings.

BID DOCUMENTS: The official version of the complete set of the Contract documents should be examined and are obtainable from Southern Reprographics, 901W. 7th Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, (501)372-4011. Bidders must deposit a check in the amount of $100.00 per set, payable to Lockeby & Associates, Inc. Deposits will be refunded to all prime bidders who return bidding documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. A bidder receiving contract award may retain the bidding documents and the bidder's deposit will be refunded. Prime bidders requiring additional sets and sub-bidders may purchase bidding documents through Southern Reprographics.

DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Lockeby & Associates, Inc., 11300 N. Rodney Parham, Suite 310, Little Rock, Arkansas 72212, 501-228-9800.

The Arkansas Department of Labor's Prevailing Wage Rates shall apply to this project. A bid security in the amount of 5% shall accompany each bid, if the bid is in excess of $20,000.00.

Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 22-9-203, the State encourages all small, minority, and women business enterprises to submit bids for capital improvements. Encouragement is also made to all general contractors that in the event they subcontract portions of their work, consideration is given to the identified groups.

The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - Arkansas Department Of Human Services Bid - Replacement Of Commons Building Hvac

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 P.M., January 13, 2012 in the Conference Room, Arkansas Building Authority, Construction Section, 501 Woodlane Drive, Suite G 05, Little Rock, Arkansas for the following: Replacement of Commons Building HVAC at Booneville Human Development Center located in Booneville, Arkansas for the Arkansas Department of Human Services PR #7101203 There will be a Pre-Bid Conference to be held at 11:00 A.M. on January 6, 2012 at Booneville Human Development Center, 87 Reed Road, Hwy 116 South, Booneville, Arkansas 72927. The State reserves the right to schedule additional meetings. BID DOCUMENTS: The official version of the complete set of the Contract documents should be examined and are obtainable from Southern Reprographics, 901W. 7th Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, (501)372-4011. Bidders must deposit a check in the amount of $100.00 per set, payable to Lockeby & Associates, Inc. Deposits will be refunded to all prime bidders who return bidding documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. A bidder receiving contract award may retain the bidding documents and the bidder's deposit will be refunded. Prime bidders requiring additional sets and sub-bidders may purchase bidding documents through Southern Reprographics. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Lockeby & Associates, Inc., 11300 N. Rodney Parham, Suite 310, Little Rock, Arkansas 72212, 501-228-9800. The Arkansas Department of Labor's Prevailing Wage Rates shall apply to this project. A bid security in the amount of 5% shall accompany each bid, if the bid is in excess of $20,000.00. Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 22-9-203, the State encourages all small, minority, and women business enterprises to submit bids for capital improvements. Encouragement is also made to all general contractors that in the event they subcontract portions of their work, consideration is given to the identified groups. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MO - Columbia Public Schools Bid - Columbia Public Schools Hvac Improvements

Alert Type:

Columbia Public Schools (Owner) is accepting sealed bids for Columbia Public Schools HVAC Improvements until 2:00 pm local time, January 24, 2012, at Columbia Public Schools, 916 Bernadette, Columbia MO 65203. At that time, bids will be opened and read aloud. A 5% bid security is required. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 9:00am local time on January 3, 2012 at West Jr. High School, 401 Clinkscales Road, Columbia MO 65203.After Monday, December 19, 2011 plans and specifications will be available at area plan rooms for viewing. Bidders may receive a non-reproducible CD of Bid Documents at no cost by contacting DocuCopy at 573-814-1700 or online at Prints of the Bid Documents may be purchased at the Bidder's expense.DLR Group7290 West 133rd StreetOverland Park, Kansas 66213Attn: Kathy WalbertPhone: COLUMBIA SCHOOL DISTRICTBusiness Services916 Bernadette DriveColumbia, Missouri 65203 website:

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - The City Of Jacksonville Bid - Hvac Improvements

Alert Type:


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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Department Of The Army Bid - Replace Hvac, Bldg 27008

Alert Type:

Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) - MCO-FH is issuing a PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE for a firm fixed price construction contract to replace the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system in bldg 27008, located on Fort Hood, Texas. This acquisition is 100% small business set aside under NAICS 238220 (Size Standard $14 Million). The magnitude of the procurement is estimated to be between $250,000 and $500,000.

The purpose of this requirement is to replace the existing Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning system with a new Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning system in building 27008. Requirement includes but is not limited to: demolition of existing HVAC systems, disconnecting existing utilities, Installing new HVAC Systems and other equipment containing refrigerants, mechanical renovation, piping, and electrical renovation.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - City Of Eureka RFP - City Hall Hvac Upgrade Project

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals will be received by the Department of Finance, First Floor, Eureka City Hall,
531 K Street, Eureka, California, 95501, until 2:00 P.M. on Thursday , the 29 th day of December, 2011, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in Eureka City Hall, Room 207, for performing work in accordance with the Project Specifications (Appendix D), therefor, as follows: Bids are required for the entire work as described herein:
Upgrade existing HVAC controls in City Hall to DDC, implement Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TRV)
controls to all 41 radiator units and implement Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) on all fans. Engineers estimate for the above described scope of work is $77,141.
All other items or details not mentioned above that are required by the Project Specifications or the
Special Provisions shall be furnished, fabricated, constructed, or installed.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - Paw Paw Public Schools RFP - Server Room Generator And Air Conditioning Equipment And Installation

Alert Type:

Request for Proposal Paw Paw Public Schools is soliciting proposals for a server room generator and air conditioning equipment and installation. The RFP document will be available on December 16, 2011 and can be requested from The document may also be downloaded from http:// Bids are due January 16, 2012 by 3:00 p.m.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - City Of Palo Alto RFP - Supply & Installation Of Led Street Lighting Fixtures

Alert Type:

Provide services to remove existing HPS cobra head type street
lighting fixtures and replace with LED fixtures, including all
incidental and related work as required by Construction
Documents herein (Project).

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US FL - Department Of The Army Bid - Air Conditioner Units

Alert Type:

This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, in conjunction with FAR 13.5, as applicable, and as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; bids are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued.The solicitation number is W91QEX-12-T-0011 and is issued as an invitation for bids (IFB), unless otherwise indicated herein.The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-54. The associated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 423740 with a small business size standard of 100.00 employees.This requirement is a [ Small Business ] set-aside and only qualified offerors may submit bids.The solicitation pricing on will start on the date this solicitation is posted and will end on 2011-12-19 14:00:00.0 Eastern Time or as otherwise displayed at Destination shall be Homestead, FL 33039

For more details please visit:

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - Lee County Government RFP - Roof Top Heating And Cooling Unit At The Daymark Recovery Services Building

Alert Type:

Scope of work is to include all labor, materials, supervision, overhead & profit, insurance,
permits, inspections, taxes, and all other items necessary for successful completion of
the project. website at

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - 66083-Union City, City Of Bid - Design,Replacement And Retrofit Of Lighting System

Alert Type:

Design,Replacement and Retrofit of Lighting System for City of Union City Municipal Buildings.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US LA - Louisiana Tech University Bid - Quadrangle And Railroad Avenue Lighting Improvements

Alert Type:

Complete Bidding Documents may be obtained from JOHN J. GUTH ASSOCIATES, INC. 208 MILAM STREET SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA. PHONE: (318) 221-8638 upon deposit of $100.00 for each set of documents. Deposit on one set is fully refundable to all bonafide prime Bidders upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Fifty percent of the deposit of all other sets of documents will be refunded upon return of documents as stated above. Documents will be secure .pdf files, printable at BIDDER'S expense, recorded on compact disks and delivered by mail or pickup at 208 Milam Street, Shreveport, Louisiana. Document requests shall include email address. Documents will NOT be provided unless email address can be verified.

All bids must be accompanied by bid security equal to five percent (5%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates, and must be in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or Facility Planning and Control Bid Bond Form written by a surety company licensed to do business in Louisiana, signed by the surety's agency or attorney-in-fact. Surety must be listed on the current U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service list of approved bonding companies as approved for an amount equal to or greater than the amount for which it obligates itself in the Bond, or must be a Louisiana domiciled insurance company with at least an A - rating in the latest printing of the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide. If surety qualifies by virtue of its Best's listing, the amount of the Bond may not exceed ten percent of policyholders' surplus as shown in the latest A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide. The Bid Bond shall be in favor of the State of Louisiana, Office of Facility Planning and Control, and shall be accompanied by appropriate power of attorney. No Bid Bond indicating an obligation of less than five percent (5%) by any method is acceptable.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US DC - MWAA Bid - Roadway Lighting Maintenance, Dulles Toll Road

Alert Type:

The Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision for the maintenance, repair and replacement of roadway lighting on the Dulles Toll Road's main lines and ramps. This RFP has a 100% Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LDBE) participation requirement and a 60% Voluntary MBE/WBE goal. Firms located within a 100-mile radius and whose 3 year average gross receipts, including all affiliates, do not exceed the size standard(s) below are eligible for consideration. For more LDBE/MBE/WBE information, including other LDBE size standards, contact the Equal Opportunity Programs Department at 703-417-8625.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - City Of New York Bid - Replacement Of Hvac, Bms And Fire Alarm Systems At 4 Manhattan Branch Libraries

Alert Type:

Upgrade the existing HVAC systems by replacing existing equipment, ductwork, and controls to provide fully functional HVAC systems with web-based Building Management System (BMS) and Replacement of the existing Fire Alarm System with a new Fire Alarm System, Installation of new or modification of existing sprinkler system to protect open staircases and the Lobby, Installation of emergency lighting fixtures, Installation a Back Flow preventers on Domestic Water Supply Service pipes for four (4) Manhattan branch libraries: 96th Street, 125th Street, Fort Washington and George Bruce.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CO - Governor'S Energy Office RFI - Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Market Study

Alert Type:

The GEO seeks quotes to develop, complete and display a market analysis study of the potential impact of energy efficiency retrofits across the public and private commercial buildings sector through the year 2020.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - The Forest Preserve District Of Dupage County RFP - Danada Solar Energy & Lighting

Alert Type:

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is currently seeking bid proposals for a project involving constructing a 20+ kilowatt solar array tied to the power grid, providing structural reinforcement to the interior of the barn to support the solar array, replacing an existing 125 AMP electrical power panel with a 200 AMP panel in a modular office building, coordinating the installation of a smart meter from COMED, directionally boring 2075 LF of unit duct for power and data communications, retrofitting an existing kiosk with 4 digital LED LCD touch screens displays, facilitating educational programming for the digital kiosk, installing 24 high efficiency LED lights on 17 25’ tall poles and miscellaneous site restoration. The project site is located at the Danada Equestrian Center, 3 S 507 Naperville Rd., Wheaton, IL 60189. This project is being financed, in part, with funds from the United States of America as a Congressionally Directed Project (CDP) administered by the United States Department of Energy and is subject to the Prevailing Wage Laws, Davis-Bacon Act of the United States and Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et. SE. (West 2010).
Bidding documents may be examined and purchased on or after December 16, 2011 from the District’s administration office, at 3 S 580 Naperville Road, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187-8761, upon payment of a $25.00 non-refundable fee, per set of bid documents. Minority business firms are encouraged to submit bids on the project and successful contract bidders are encouraged to utilize minority businesses as subcontractors for supplies, equipment, services and construction. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Monday, December 19, 2011

This Year's Top Energy Stories: #5) Solar Dumping

In early December, Solarworld headed a group of 7 solar manufacturers within the United States who have accused Chinese manufactures of pricing their products artificially low. This practice, known as predatory pricing and in the case of an import, ‘dumping’, is illegal within the United States. As such, Solarworld has called (and recently approved) a formal investigation into the Chinese solar industry business practices.
This development comes at the tail of what has been an ongoing economic dispute between the establishment of the United States and the rising star of China. Economic tensions between the two countries have risen with the U.S. accusing China of currency manipulation, and China accusing the U.S. of protectionism.
With respect to the solar dispute, there is a significant divide among American manufacturers. Although Solarworld, the largest solar manufacture, has headed the ‘anti-dumping’ coalition, there is a group of American companies, known as the Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing (CASM), that advocates for loose importing policies. CASM argues that these lower prices benefit the industry as a whole.
This topic is still unfolding and we await to hear the ITC’s subsequent decision on the ruling.

Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - City Of Guelph RFP - Request For Proposal Of Consulting Services For Energy Audits On Various Buildings

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals, for the above, will be received ONLY at Service Guelph, first
floor at Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1H 3A1,
BEFORE TWO THIRTY (2:30) p.m., local time Wednesday January 11th, 2012.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - Department Of Homeland Security RFI - Install And Startup A/C Unit

Alert Type:

This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued.
HSCG27-12-Q- PCV211 is issued as a Request for Quotation (RFQ). The incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through the Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-54. This is Total Small Business Set Aside procurement; the applicable NAICS number is 238220 and the small business size standard is $14.0M. The FOB Destination delivery is at USCG Base Portsmouth, 4000 Coast Guard Blvd, Portsmouth, VA 23703. Offers are due at USCG Base Portsmouth, VA, by the close of business on January 3, 2012. Questions may be directed to Ms Edna Daniels@ (757) 483-8555 or email:
Point of contact for Technical questions or to arrange a site visit is Keith Beko @ (757) 483-8638 or (757) 375-1182.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - City Of Martinsville RFP - Request For Proposal To Furnish And Install A Hvac System

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, by the City of Martinsville, to contract with a firm to furnish and install a central HVAC system, as soon as possible, at the Central Warehouse, located at 300 Fishel Street, in Martinsville.
Proposals will be received in the Purchasing Department by hand delivery, FedEx or UPS at 300 Fishel Street, Martinsville, Va. 24112-3248. Proposals also may be mailed to the City of Martinsville Purchasing Department, P O Box 1112, Martinsville, Va. 24114-1112. We do not
receive postal mail at the Fishel Street address. Place “HVAC Equipment” and proposal date at the lower left hand corner of the envelope. Only the names of those submitting a proposal will be revealed on January 11, 2012. There will not be a formal opening.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MA - UMASS RFP - Energy Management System Controls, Lighting Controls And Oher Hvac Upgrades

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals for energy management system controls, lighting controls and other HVAC upgrades at the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), Amherst, MA, from Division of Capital Asset Management contractors certified under the Standard Categories of Energy Management Systems, Mechanical Systems, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Electrical Systems, or General Building Construction will be received at the Bid Room, Room 1610, Division of Capital Asset Management, 16th floor, One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108, attention: Hope Davis, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Office of Facilities Maintenance and Management, until January 19, 2012 at 2:00PM. A Pre-Proposal conference will be held on December 16, 2011 at 10:30 AM at UMASS, Amherst, MA at the Physical Plant Building (360 Campus Center Way). Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference is optional, but encouraged. Reservations for the meeting must be made in advance by contacting Dave Lewis at:, 617-727-4030 x472 by 3:00PM on December 15, 2011. The Request for Proposals and evaluation criteria will be available on December 12, 2011 via the state procurement website at: (Reference # UMA1101 ES1). The necessary forms for applying for contractor certification are included in the Request for Proposals package. In order to access the RFP at the state procurement website, login to the site and comply with the following steps: 1) click on Search for a Solicitation, 2) under Document No. Tab, type in UMA1101 ES1, and then 3) click on the search result for the document information. If you require assistance in downloading the document, please call the Comm-Pass Help Desk at 1-888-627-8283. The Commonwealth reserves the right to waive any formalities in or to reject any or all proposals or portion thereof.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - Department Of Veterans Affairs Bid - Replacement Of Boiler Tanks- Atlanta, Ga Open Market

Alert Type:

This is a pre-solicitation notice of the government's intent to solicit proposals from a regularly established business to replace two existing tanks within the boiler plant at the VAMC Atlanta, GA. A complete statement of work will be included in the actual solicitation. The solicitation will result in a firm fixed prices single award contract. The procurement is 100 percent set aside for Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business concerns. The RFP number is VA247-12-Q-0073. The applicable NAISC code is 238220 with business size standard of 500 Employees. When issued, the solicitation will be available via The tentative solicitation issue date will be on or after December 15, 2011. Interested offerors shall respond to the actual solicitation. Prospective offerors are urged to submit all questions/concerns to Telephonic requests and/or responses to the solicitation notice will not be honored. Interested offerors shall be registered in the Central Contractor Registration Database (CCR)

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