Monday, January 30, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - Department Of Veterans Affairs Bid - Z--Project 528A6-12-601 - Replace Hvac Chiller - Va Bath

Alert Type:

This pre-solicitation notice is to inform that the VA Medical Center, Bath, New York will be posting a solicitation on or about February 3, 2012 to Replace the HVAC Chiller at Building 104, Project No. 528A6-12-601. This project includes all work required to replace the existing Trane hermetic reciprocating liquid chiller CGAA12012J air cooled cold generator at building 104 (Domiciliary). The new unit shall be a rotary screw type chiller that will utilize R-134a refrigerant. The new unit shall utilize a 40/60 propylene glycol makeup mix. The contractor will be responsible to replace the existing loop mix per drawings/specs and charge the entire system new. Additional work to B-104 mechanical room shall include but is not limited to new glycol tank w/pump, expansion tank, air separator, and HVAC related piping and electric work. The contractor shall obtain professional guidance as needed to correctly meet system requirements set by system manufacturers. It is assumed that the existing pad and piping not designated in the design as part of the project are acceptable for reuse. Contractor Trade anticipated shall be general construction, to which includes but not limited to electrical, mechanical, plumbing/pipe work and general contracting. Contractor shall utilize trade work as required for the project. This procurement is 100% set-aside for Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses̢۪. The NAICS code is 238220. The small business standard is $14 M. The cost range is $100,000 to $250,000. Information regarding the one and only site visit scheduled will be stated in the Solicitation. A 20% Bid Bond must be submitted with the bid. Performance and Payment bonds will be required.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CO - City Of Colorado Springs Bid - Traffic Signal Equipment

Alert Type:

Furnish Various Traffic Signal Equipment On An
Annual Requirements Contract Basis. website:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MT - Montana Department Of Environmental Quality RFP - Rural Healthcare - Energy Efficient Upgrades

Alert Type:

The source of the funding for this grant is the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
(EECBG) program with funds appropriated under the American Reinvestment and Recovery (ARRA)
program through the Department of Energy. The Department of Environmental Quality will award
grants for energy efficient upgrades to rural healthcare facilities through a competitive process. The
total amount of funding available is $325,000, and a maximum of $25,000 per grant will be awarded. An
estimated thirteen projects will be funded.
Matching funds are not required; however additional scoring points will be given for cash matches. Your
local utility may be able to assist with incentives or rebate programs to increase the amount of funding
available for the proposed project.
In-direct costs are not allowed as part of the budget.
Applicants must demonstrate that the savings incurred because of the proposed energy-efficient
upgrades will equal the cost of the funded project within an estimated fifteen years.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - City Of Little Rock Bid - Hvac Equipment

Alert Type:

You are invited to bid on supplying up to twenty two (22) HVAC units or systems for the City of
Little Rock.
In general, the project supplying up to twenty two (22) replacement HVAC systems ranging from 1.5
ton to 15 tons in size for the City of Little Rock’s Public Works Building, Traffic Control, Fleet
Services and Northwest Police.
For questions concerning this or other parts of the bid call Mr. Jerry Paul at (501) 371-6838.
Sealed bids will be received in Room 300, City Hall, Little Rock, AR 72201, until 3:00 P.M.,
February 2, 2012. At that time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.


by Keith Heyde

Cogeneration is the ability to generate electricity and heat side by side. This process creates a more energy efficient system since frequently heat is a byproduct of electricity generation.  Net energy savings through the use of cogeneration facilities can be as high as 40%.

Within the United States, cogeneration is frequently used in conjunction with coal, natural gas, nuclear, and oil power plants. Smaller scale cogeneration facilities are being conceived to maximize energy efficiency of small-scale producers as well residential and commercial building owners.  

There are multiple methods of achieving cogeneration used today. Essentially, they all rely on harnessing the excess heat that passes through the flue exhaust of a power plant and using this heat for an ulterior purpose. The heat can be harnessed through solid heat exchangers such as metal plates or through circulating fluids. From there, the heat is either used in heating application such as centralized steam, or is used to channel a secondary steam generator.  

Cogeneration practices have been applied to waste-to-energy facilities around the globe. This is because waste-to-energy plants often have very high thermal operating temperatures to efficiently burn the municipal solid waste fuel. As a consequence, there is significant excess heat that can be channeled in cogeneration facilities.

Pushing the frontier of cogeneration is technology known as trigeneration. This technology uses the cooling capacity associated with some electrical generation to cool subjects (as well as the heat and electricity discussed earlier). Since industrial cooling is an important and energy intensive process in the food industry, trigeneration could cut down on large energy costs required for commercial chilling.

 Examples of cogeneration facilities include:

University of North Carolina (NC)

ConEdison (NY)

Cummins Power Generation:

More information:

Carbon Capture

by Keith Heyde

Coal is bountiful, cheap, and accounts for about 50% of our current electricity generation. Worldwide, coal is the dominant source of power and is projected to increase even further as petroleum prices skyrocket.

However, coal is dirty. Along with ash, it is also carbon rich and has an incredibly high ratio of CO2 output per kWh of electricity generated. This is because the hydrocarbon ratio in coal is very low (about 1C to 1H), meaning more C per bond broken, and consequentially more CO2.

In an age where concern over greenhouse gasses seems to run counter to free market ideology, what can be done to make coal energy, more appealing?

The answer lies with carbon capture technology.

Carbon capture, and carbon scrubbing, is the technology that goes into cleaning, filtering, and storing the excess CO2 generated by coal fired power plants.

Already, there are examples of carbon capture that we did not even build. Every plant and algae species are effectively a terrestrial carbon capture machine. They take CO2 from the air and turn it into stored, organic carbon.

However, with an increase in airborne CO2 ,clearly more than simply trees and algae are necessary to rectify out CO2 imbalance.

One method of carbon capture is to inject effluent CO2 into underground caverns. According to a USGS study, closer to 40% of the coal fired power plants within the U.S. lie directly above of potential geological CO2 storage caverns. This could provide successful areas where we can inject CO2 underground rather than allow it to enter the atmosphere. This makes ‘dirty coal’ into ‘economical coal’ and a far more attractive option than it is today.

Other Carbon Capture technology seeks to pump CO2 into existing geological cavities formed from dried oil wells. Yet other tech seeks to crystallize the CO2 and use the resulting mineral as building material.

As it stands now, CO2 sequestration technology is not yet commercially viable. Due to the large amount of energy required to pump the gas underground, there is constant research going into how to better perform CO2 sequestration technology.

This research falls into precombustion and postcombustion categories.

Precombustion alters the fuel source before it is ignited. Often times, this is a gasification process (see gasification article).

Postcombustion is dealing with the CO2 after the fuel source has been ignited. These methods include passing carbon through membrane filters, allowing the CO2 to be biologically metabolized, using the CO2 in fertilizer aspects, using CO2 as an enzyme for catalysis processes or adding CO2 to landfills for accelerate the carbon cycle.

Existing CO2 sequestration projects include:

Archer Daniels Midland (IL)

Leucadia Energy, LLC (NY)

The cutting edge of carbon sequestration technology includes using the CO2 for anything from biofuel to concrete production. These include large industrial projects such as Phycal, LLC.

For more on carbon sequestration:

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Mcmullen County Independent School District RFP - Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

Competitive sealed proposals for the above referenced project will be received by Dave Underwood,
Superintendent, located at 901 River Street, Tilden, TX 78072.
All Competitive Sealed Proposals must be on a lump sum basis including general contract,
electrical, and mechanical work. Competitive Sealed Proposals received after the required time will
not be accepted.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - Berrien Springs RFP - Pool Hvac System Remodel

Alert Type:

Berrien Springs, Michigan, will receive proposals from qualified contractors for the Blossomland Learning Center, Pool HVAC System Remodel, located at 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI. Proposals must be mailed or delivered in person to Berrien RESA, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, Attn: Doug Montey. All proposals must be sealed in envelopes, plainly labeled "Blossomland Learning Center, Pool HVAC System Remodel" and must be received prior to 11:00 a.m. local time on Monday, January 30, 2012. This will be a public bid opening. Evaluation of proposals and award will be at a later date; the successful contractor will receive a letter of intent prior to receipt of contract. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 in the gymnasium at the Blossomland Learning Center. Bidding Documents may be requested via GMB's website under " Bid Sets" . Bidding Documents will be available after January 11, 2012. Bidders may have drawings shipped (provide UPS or Fed-Ex shipping number on the order form under Special Instructions) or may be picked up at the following location only . GMB Architecture & Engineering 85 East Eighth Street Suite 200 Holland, Michigan 49423 616-796-0200 Bidding Documents may also be examined at the following plan rooms: MHC/Repro MAX - Kal-Blue 401 Hall Street SW, Ste. 431 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 AND Buildings Exchange of Michigan 4461 Cascade Road, S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49546 The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive all irregularities in Proposals. Proposals shall remain firm for sixty (60) days from date of Bid Opening.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Tips/Taps RFP - Comprehensive Hvac Solutions And Services

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals must be addressed to The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and will be received in the TIPS
Office located at 2230 N. Edwards Avenue, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455 (Note: For All Ground Deliveries bidder
must send proposal 3 days prior to the deadline to guarantee delivery by 3:00 p.m. on the designated date.) or by
US Mail to PO Box 1894 Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75456-1894 NO PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - City Of Austin Bid - Abia Terminal Hvac Improvements

Alert Type:

Relocate HVAC units and replcae ceiling above ticket counter areas to improve accessibility to units, and renovate HVAC serving American Airlines and others on mezzanine.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Nueces County Bid - Renewable Energy Project 2011-Central Garage

Alert Type:

The Nueces County Purchasing Agent, Elsa N. Saenz, will receive sealed competitive bids for
construction of solar panels and wind energy unit for the Nueces County Renewable Energy
Project 2011 at Central Garage project (IFB No. 2900-12) not later than 2:30 PM on February
2, 2012, and shall open at 2:30 PM on February 2, 2012 in the Purchasing Office, Nueces
County Courthouse, 901 Leopard Street, Room 106, Corpus Christi, TX 78401. The Bidder
must submit bid, performance and payment bonds. A pre-bid conference has been scheduled
for 9:00 AM on January 27, 2012 at Public Works Central Garage located at 201 Corn
Products Road, Corpus Christi, Tx 78409. See bid package for details. County will pay for this
contract by check method and will be a lump sum price bid. Specifications and Drawings are
available in the Purchasing Office during regular working hours from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM or call 361-888-0426, upon paying a refundable deposit of $25.00
per set. Notice is also located online at:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - City Of Dallas Bid - Fire Alarm And Emergency Lighting Upgrades

Alert Type:

Bid Packets, Plans and Specifications may be obtained beginning Friday, January 20, 2012, from MS Dallas, 2300 Reagan Street, Dallas, TX 75219
Contact: Teresa Dillon,
Phone: (214) 521-7000,
Fax: (214) 522-8533
Email: to request sets.

Cost for Bid Packets, Plans and Specifications is $15.00 for the first set only. Additional sets are available at direct cost of printing plus tax. Sets are non-refundable and all purchases must be made by Cashier’s Check or Money Order only, made payable to MS Dallas.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NV - State Public Works Division Bid - Boiler Replacement, Building No. 7, West Neighborhood Family Services Center

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received by the Nevada State Public Works Division for the project listed below. Such sealed bids as are received will be opened and read publicly at the listed location, date, and time by a representative of the State Public Works Division. Bids must be submitted on the Bid Proposal Form supplied with the plans and specifications. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE
The estimated construction cost for the base bid of this project is: $31,000.00

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Granbury Independent School District RFP - Hvac Supplies & Equipment

Alert Type:

Granbury Independent School District is accepting proposals as specified in this document for an annual contract for
HVAC supplies and materials to be purchased on as needed basis. Proposals will be received at the Business Office,
Granbury ISD, 600 W. Bridge Suite 6, Granbury, Texas 76048 until:
February 7, 2012, 2:00 pm. for HVAC Supplies & Equipment – Annual Contract
Any proposal received later than the specified time, whether delivered in person or mailed shall be disqualified. Any
questions pertaining to the proposal procedure should be addressed Sharay Boynton at 817-408-4015. Any questions
pertaining to the proposal specifications should be directed in writing to Sharay Boynton, Executive Director of Finance at or by fax to 817-408-4033.
The evaluation criteria herein will be used to determine which of the proposals provide the best quality for GISD at the
most economical cost. GISD reserves the right to request post-proposal modifications, including best and final offers.
GISD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept the proposal(s)
that is/are determined to be the most favorable to GISD. Recognizing that there are important considerations other than
price, GISD may not necessarily award to the lowest offeror.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Harrisburg School District Bid - Hvac Renovations And Upgrades

Alert Type:

The Harrisburg School District is seeking bids for HVAC Renovations and Upgrades for the Scott Elementary School. Documents are available from the Business Office, 2101 N. Front St., Building 2, Harrisburg, PA 17110 during normal business hours. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference at 4:00, Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at Scott School, 1900 Derry St. Harrisburg, PA 17104. Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened at 10:00 am, Friday, February, 3, 2012 in the board Room at 2101 N. Front St, Building 2, Harrisburg, PA 17110

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US AR - Searcy County Civic Center Bid - Hvac Improvements Project

Alert Type:

Sealed bids from licensed contractors for construction of HVAC Improvements for the Searcy County Civic Center, 515 Zack Road, Marshall, will be received by Judge Johnny Hinchey, Searcy County Courthouse, 200 S. Hwy. 27, Marshall, AR, 72650, no later then 2:00pm local time, February 9, 2012, and then at said location publicly opened and read aloud. The scope of work consists of Improvements to the HVAC system in the Searcy County Civic Center. Instruction to Bidders, ARRA and Arkansas Energy Office grant requirements, Bid and Contract Forms, Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents may be examined at the Searcy County Judge’s Office or at Little and Associates Architects, 501 Union St., Jonesboro AR 72401. Bidding documents may be obtained at Contractor’s expense from Jonesboro Blueprint & Supply, 222 South Madison St., Jonesboro, AR 72401, phone 870-932-4329. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Bidders may not withdraw their bids within 60 days after the date of bid opening and must provide bid bonds as required. All bidding processes shall be in accordance with State law. Bidders should be aware of current Davis-Bacon Act wage rates and payroll reporting requirements, ARRA Buy American regulations, equal opportunity employment, CCR and DUNS registration requirements. To request bidding information or obtain further information contact: Little and Associates Architects, 501 Union Street, Jonesboro, AR 72401, phone 870-930-3813. Searcy County is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Judge Johnny Hinchey.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MT - Montana Department Of Environmental Quality RFP - Rural Healthcare - Energy Efficient Upgrades

Alert Type:

The source of the funding for this grant is the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
(EECBG) program with funds appropriated under the American Reinvestment and Recovery (ARRA)
program through the Department of Energy. The Department of Environmental Quality will award
grants for energy efficient upgrades to rural healthcare facilities through a competitive process. The
total amount of funding available is $325,000, and a maximum of $25,000 per grant will be awarded. An
estimated thirteen projects will be funded.
Matching funds are not required; however additional scoring points will be given for cash matches. Your
local utility may be able to assist with incentives or rebate programs to increase the amount of funding
available for the proposed project.
In-direct costs are not allowed as part of the budget.
Applicants must demonstrate that the savings incurred because of the proposed energy-efficient
upgrades will equal the cost of the funded project within an estimated fifteen years.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US OH - State Of Ohio Bid - District #1 Lighting Upgrades

Alert Type:

EDGE Participation Goal: 5% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
Electrical $170,000.00 The Contract Documents may be downloaded as electronic PDF
files from OAKS Capital Improvements website ( at no

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - Orange County Bid - Orange County Convention Center Mdf Computer Room And Show Manager'S Office Hvac Replacement

Alert Type:

Cost of bid documents $50.00 non-refundable. CD containing construction plans and specifications are available at a cost of $50.00 per CD, non-refundable.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - General Services Administration RFI - Fsc 6210 - Lighting Fixtures

Alert Type:

GSA Southwest Supply Operations Center intends to issue a Request for Quote (RFQ) QSDLAA-D6-12-1535-SQ for the acqusition of Lighting Fixtures. The contractors are expected to provide NSN(s) 6210-00-727-6417, 6210-00-727-6418, 6210-00-892-5294, and 6210-00-688-4929 in various quantities to be specfied in the RFQ to Burlington, NJ in accordance with the requirements of the Item Purchase Description (IPD) and conditions of the RFQ. The contract is a 5-year Standing Quote Agreement or not to exceed $150,000 with annual reviews.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Texas Dept Of Criminal Justice Bid - Replace 22 Air Conditioning Units

Alert Type:

Interested bidders must download attachment A-001 (bid package 3) for additional information and instructions. Remove old rooftop equipment, furnish and install new. Installation to include furnishing lifting equipment.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - Mayor`S Office Of Housing Bid - Mission Housing Development Corporation Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Project

Alert Type:

Project consists of 7 buildings which require boilers replaced in various locations as well as insulation of piping in the boiler rooms. New energy efficient light fixtures. Files located at:

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Tx Agrilife Research Bid - Hvac Replacements

Alert Type:

Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to remove existing HVAC systems and install the following as specified herein:

HQ Building
One (1) 2 ton, three (3) 7.5 ton, two (2) 10 ton, and one (1) 15 ton high efficiency HVAC systems.

Ten (10) 1.5 ton and twenty (20) 2 ton high efficiency HVAC systems.

Maintenance Building
One (1) 3 ton high efficiency HVAC system.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - Illinois Power Agency RFP - Ameren Illinois Rfp Seeking Renewable Energy Certificates

Alert Type:

Seeking renewable energy certificates (RECs) that satisfy all requirements under the IPA Act, for the procurement period of June 2013 through December 2017.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US KY - Commonwealth Of Kentucky Bid - Hvac Repairs White Hal Lstate Historic Site Richmon

Alert Type:

This project involves the removal of the seven (7) water source heat pumps and installing new units, installing a new salt free water softener, installing new DDC controls on new heat pumps and making an interface to existing electrical controls on existing heat pumps. Add to the existing DDC controls so Frankfort can see new heat pumps that are being installed and to interface with the existing heat pump systems

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - Northwest Regional Adult Detention Center Bid - Hvac Program

Alert Type:

The Northwest Regional Adult Detention Center( hereinafter referred to as the Detention Center) will accept sealed bids until 2:00 PM on Feb 02, 2012 in the Office of Administrative Services, 141 Fort Collier Road, Winchester, Virginia 22603-5777 from qualified vendors to provide HVAC maintenance services.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Colwyn Borough/East Lansdowne Borough Bid - Replacement Of Gas Boilers

Alert Type:

SEALED BIDS will be received and publicly opened by Colwyn and East Lansdowne Boroughs at the East Lansdowne Borough Hall, 155 Lexington Ave., East Lansdowne, PA 19050 at 9:30AM on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Each Council will separately evaluate and consider making an award. The awards are anticipated to be at the next advertised meeting of the Councils. The scope of the work in Colwyn includes but is not limited to the removal of the existing boiler and appurtenances in Colwyn and the purchase and installation of a Weil-McClain Ultra Series 3 Model 230 high efficiency condensing boiler along with all appurtenances. The existing heating thermostats will be replaced with programmable thermostats The scope of work in East Lansdowne includes the removal of the 1974 Weil-McLain HE natural gas boiler with (2) Weil-McLain Ultra Series 3 Model 105 high efficiency condensing boilers to be controlled with a BCP size 3 lead, lag, and rotation controller. This project is federally funded and is subject to compliance with Davis Bacon Act with Prevailing Wages are required to be paid and are to be included in the respective bid submittals. This project is funded with ARRA funds and compliance to all regulations associated with that program is mandatory. Specific requirements are provided in the bid specs. Bid documents are available for purchase at the East Lansdowne Borough Hall and include all proposal forms and specifications. A non refundable charge of $15.00 is required for each set of specs purchased; i.e., a fee will be charged for each municipality's specs. Each Borough Council reserves the right to reject any bid and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder whose serves are judged to best meet the interest of the Borough. The Borough reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor irregularities during the evaluation of the bids. A certified check or bid bond for 10% of the bid amount per is required with the bid submission. Both a performance and payment bond are required in the amount of 100% of the contract price at the time of the execution of the contract. A maintenance bond for 10% of the contract amount will be required for a one-year period following acceptance Russ Russo Tonette Pray Borough Manager Borough Council President East Lansdowne Borough Colwyn Borough 155 Lexington Avenue 221 Spruce Street East Lansdowne PA 19050 Colwyn, PA 19023 (610) 623-7131 (610) 461-2000

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MI - City Of Kentwood RFP - Home Acres Lighting

Alert Type:

The City of Kentwood (the “City”) issues this RFP to seek
bids from qualified electrical firms (“Bidders”) for the design, provision, installation, and
testing of:
Additional lighting at the City’s Home Acres Park located at 145 Farnham Street SE,
Kentwood, MI 49548 (the “Site”).
The bidder chosen to provide this electrical work (the “Contractor”) shall assume all
responsibilities hereunder (the “Work”) in accordance with Exhibit A (attached to this RFP)
and the specifications, terms, and conditions which follow:
1. Specifications of the Work:
a. The areas to be illuminated at the Site are the parking lot, the play area, and the picnic
b. The Contractor shall provide stamped drawings, signed and sealed by a professional
engineer. The plans shall show the proposed location of lights, underground wiring,
and correct breakers to be installed in an existing panel. The design shall provide a
photo metrics drawings of the areas to be illuminated.
c. The Contractor shall install three 20’ long light poles which are to be provided by the
City. The three poles shall be transported by Contractor from the DPW facilities to
Home Acres Park. Concrete base foundations are required for these poles and shall be
installed by Contractor.
d. The Contractor shall provide and install three ARE-EDG-3M-DA-12-C-_____-BZ “The
Edge LED Area lights – Type III Medium” on the installed poles. Contractor shall provide a design to select the voltage necessary for the lights to run properly. The light
poles will be used to illuminate the parking lot and the play area.
e. The Contractor shall install two vandal resistant canopy lights to match the light source
color provided by the three lights mentioned above. The two lights shall be installed in
the picnic shelter.
f. All wiring shall be underground and in conduit. The wiring for the picnic shelter shall be installed underground from the power source and feed up through the support columns to the ceiling area. All wiring in the ceiling area shall be in conduit.
g. The parking lot and picnic shelter shall be installed with photocells.
h. The play area light shall be on an astronomical time clock installed near the breaker panel.
i. All work completed shall conform to the Kentwood lighting ordinance, including the mounting height of fixtures.
j. The Contractor shall obtain approval from the City’s designated project manager (the “City’s Project Manager”) for the color of the fixtures to be provided for the Work.
k. Contractor shall repair or otherwise restore the Site, including without limitation replacement (where applicable) of sidewalk or pavement removed as a result of the Work and repair and/or restoration of any area affected by the Work to a condition
equal to or better than the condition of the Site and adjacent area prior to the
performance of the Work. All paved and concrete surfaces must be broom clean. All
disturbed earth shall be restored with topsoil, seed, and straw blanket.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - Carteret County Schools RFP - Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract

Alert Type:

This Request for Proposals (RFP) contains the information provided by Issuer
and requirements for Energy Service Companies (“ESCO” or “Applicant”) who have been
pre-qualified by the State of North Carolina to prepare and submit to the Issuer a
Preliminary Technical and Cost Proposal for a guaranteed energy savings contract (referred
to herein as the “Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract”). The ESCO’s response to this RFP
(the “Proposal”) must be based on the ESCO’s assessment of the facilities selected by the
Issuer and listed in Appendix II. The Issuer reserves the right to consider additional energy
conservation measures as that term is defined in N.C.G.S. § 143-64.17(1) (“ECMs”)
identified during the investment grade audit for evaluation and inclusion in the project. This
RFP, including any amendments, contains the only instructions governing the proposals and
material to be included therein; a description of the service to be provided by the successful
applicant; general evaluation criteria; and other proposal requirements.

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - DOC RFP - Sustainable Communities Planning Grant And Incentive Program

Alert Type:

On behalf of the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), the Department of Conservation manages competitive grants to cities, counties, and designated regional agencies to promote sustainable community planning and natural resource conservation. The grant program supports development, adoption, and implementation of various planning elements. The Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Program offers a unique opportunity to improve and sustain the wise use of infrastructure and natural resources through a coordinated and collaborative approach.


The Department of Conservation (DOC), Division of Land Resource Protection (DLRP), Planning Grant and Incentive Program has released the round two Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Request for Proposals (RFP) funded through the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Act of 2006 (Proposition 84). DOC has allocated approximately $18 million of Proposition 84 funds for round two. The funds awarded will support development, adoption, and implementation of Sustainable Community planning elements throughout the State, including, but not limited to, Climate Action Plans and General Plan amendments.

The grants awarded from this solicitation will cover up to a three-year project period. Grant requests for amounts from $100,000 to $1,000,000 will be considered.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - City Of Brampton Bid - Hvac Upgrades At Gore Bocce Club

Alert Type:

SEALED TENDERS, marked as to contents in the envelope provided will be received by the Purchasing Agent, NOT LATER THAN 2:00:00 p.m. Local Time: TUESDAY JANUARY 31, 2012 for the above mentioned.
Complete Tender Documents are available from Purchasing, 2nd Floor, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4R2.
The cost for each set of tender documents is $50.00, including taxes made payable to the City of Brampton, which is non refundable.
A Non-mandatory Site Visit has been scheduled for 10:30 am, Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at Gore Bocce Club, 9916 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario. Attendees are to meet in the front lobby of the building. Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - University Of Texas At Austin Bid - Hvac Renovation - Peter Thomas Laboratory

Alert Type:

To Potential "PRIME" Bidders / Respondents for Mechanical CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: The University of Texas at Austin, Project Management and Construction Services, is requesting your response to the Notice to Proposers for the above referenced CONVENTIONAL BID Project. This email is notification that NOTICE TO PROPOSERS (NTP) WITH ATTACHMENTS are available for review at the PMCS Web Site
Plans and Specifications will be available from Project Management and Construction Services starting on January 17, 2012 at the Facilities Complex Building 1 (FC1), 1301 E. Dean Keeton, Room 2.102. Call for availability at 471-3042.
The abbreviated Summary of Work is as follows: Replace existing cold air handler of double-duct system with new, Owner furnished unit. Hook-up piping, ductwork and electrical including two (2) new VFD's, and replace pneumatic controls with new DDC system. Upgrade VAV controls at multiple fume exhaust hoods, and provide ductwork and damper modifications at mixing laterals and fume exhaust fan.
The general Construction Budget for the project is approximately: $270,000.00 to $306,000.00

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - Chesapeake Public Schools Bid - Replacement Of Hvac System - Oscar Smith High School

Alert Type:

Invitation to Bid This sheet provides you with the basics information concerning opening of
bids, time factors, proper address for submitting your bid, and identifies the authorized
representative of the school system who will be your contact.
Conditions of Bid Contained within the Conditions of Bid are the provisions and terms
governing your bid. Please read these pages carefully as they are an integral part of the bid and
any potential award.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US LA - Southeastern Louisiana University Bid - Street Lights & Supplies

Alert Type:

The Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU) Purchasing Department will receive sealed
bids until 2:00 P.M. on the bid opening date specified in the solicitation document. No
bid responses will be considered by the SLU Purchasing Department after 2:00 P.M.
Beginning at that time, bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud to those present in
the SLU Purchasing Department.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - City Of Chicago Bid - Inspection, Maintenance, Repair And Replacement Of Air Conditioning Equipment, Chillers And Pneumatic And Direct Digital Controls

Alert Type:

Bid Submittal Fee: None, Bid Deposit: None, Performance Bond: Required, Drawings: None, Exhibits: 1 through 6 SUBMIT ONE (1) COMPLETE ORIGINAL COPY OF THE EXECUTED BID DOCUMENT
All Bids must be sealed, delivered and received NO LATER than 11:00 a.m., Chicago Time in the
Bid and Bond Room, Room 301, City Hall, on Friday, February 17, 2012.
All bids will be read publicly in the Bid and Bond Room, Room 301, City Hall.
All signatures to be sworn to before a Notary Public

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - Eastern Monroe Public Library Bid - Roof-Mounted Hvac Equipment

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received by the Eastern Monroe Public Library, 1002 N. 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, for the following 1. Project Name: Repl. of Roof-Mounted HVAC Eqpt. 2. Project Location: Eastern Monroe Public Library, 1002 N. 9th St, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 A single bid will be required on a lump sum basis for Contract No. 09911.1 Mechanical Construction. Sealed bids will be received by the Eastern Monroe Public Library, c.o. Barbara Keiser, Library Director at the address above until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 30, 2012, and will be publicly opened and read out loud thereafter in the Eastern Monroe Public Library Community Room. The Owner assumes no responsibility for bids mailed, but not received by the 2:00 p.m. deadline on the above bid due date. Proposal Form, Bidding Instructions and Contract Documents may be obtained and examined at the office of Strunk-Albert Engineering, Consulting Engineers, 804 Seven Bridge Road, Route 209, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. Telephone inquiries regarding this Advertisement for Bids may be directed to Christopher T. Strunk (Project Manager) at (570) 421-2025. Copies of the Contract Documents must be secured by prospective prime bidders by applying to the Engineer named above on or after Tuesday, January 3, 2012, and providing a non-refundable deposit $75.00 per set. Bidders requesting express delivery shall include in their check an additional $20.00 to cover shipping and handling or else bidder shall provide their shipping account number. Make checks payable to Strunk-Albert Engineering. Contract Documents obtained from other sources may not be complete and will not include the official Bid Proposal forms. Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes with the project information clearly marked on the envelope. Each bidder must deposit with the bid, security in the amount not less than 10% of the total bid submitted in the form of cash, by a certified check, a bank good faith check or other irrevocable letter of credit drawn upon a bank authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, or by a bond with corporate surety. The work in connection with this project constitutes a Public Works by a Public Body under Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act. Bidders are advised that prevailing minimum wage rates, promulgated by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Labor, which must be paid to workmen employed on this project, are incorporated in the Contract Documents. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the project site at 10:00 a.m. on January 12, 2012 in the Board Room. Interested bidders shall meet in the Eastern Monroe Public Library Community Room. The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory but it is the only opportunity for bidders to access the building. The Eastern Monroe Public Library reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof or items therein and to waive any defects, errors, omissions, mistakes, or irregularities in proposals.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US CA - SMUD RFP - Renewable Energy Engineering And Technical Services

Alert Type:

The Proposer shall provide all labor, material, and equipment required to perform the Service described as: RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES

SMUD owns and/or operates a variety of utility scale renewable energy facilities. SMUD currently owns and operates a 102 MW wind farm in the Solano County Collinsville-Montezuma Hills Wind Resources Area comprised of Vestas V47 and V90 turbines (soon to be expanded by 128 MW under transferred ownership) and 10 MW of solar (photovoltaics, fixed and tracking arrays on ground, pedestal mounted and rooftop). Existing ancillary facilities include 6 meteorological towers, an O&M building, and Russell gen-tie substation.

SMUD also embarks upon studies and investigations which may include wind, solar (photovoltaic and/or concentrated solar power), compressed air energy storage, biomass, geothermal, renewable resource forecasting and GIS mapping.
The facilities of interest are generally located in Sacramento and Solano County; however, additional facilities under consideration or study may be located in areas throughout California, Nevada and other western states.

The scope of services under this contract will be defined via Task Order Authorization on an as-needed basis. However, these services are expected to require detailed engineering, analysis investigation and design services for SMUD’s renewable energy projects. These Engineering and Technical Services are likely to cover multiple engineering disciplines, but will be specific to renewable energy projects as described in tasks assigned by SMUD at its discretion via task orders. These task orders will define the scope, schedule and budget for each specific task.

Engineering tasks will be implemented according to the engineering process described in Section 2.4 Task Proposal Process. The work may include evaluation and engineering of existing installations or new projects, engineering studies, engineering analysis, work scope development, etc.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - Office Of General Services Bid - Replace Cooling Towers

Alert Type:

Replace Cooling Towers This contract is WICKS Exempt and has a combined goal. Estimated Cost: $250,000 - $500,000

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Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - City Of Windsor Bid - Huron Lodge - Pantry Hvac Upgrades

Alert Type:

Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Purchasing Supervisor, 400
City Hall Square East, Suite 403, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 7K6, up to and including ELEVENTHIRTY FIFTY-NINE (11:30:59) A.M. (E.S.T.), TUESDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 2012 to supply and install a variable refrigerant flow split air conditioning system, complete with
refrigeration piping, drainage piping, power and accessories for four (4) pantries.
There will be a MANDATORY site-visit held on Tuesday, January 24 th, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) at Huron Lodge, 1881 Cabana Road West. Failure to attend will result in bid disqualification.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - Office Of General Services Bid - Provide Security Windows And Heating System

Alert Type:

Provide Security Windows and Heating System-Cell Block 'G', Building No. 16 Estimated Cost:1)$2,000,000 - $3,000,000 2)Under $25,000 3)$250,000 - $500,000

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US VA - Spotsylvania County Schools RFP - Smith Station Elementary School Hvac Improvements & Roof Replacement

Alert Type:

Sealed bids in duplicate will be received at the Spotsylvania County Schools Administration Building, 8020 River Stone Drive
Fredericksburg, VA, until 2:00 p.m. local prevailing time, Tuesday, January 31, 2012 for the general contract for HVAC
Improvements and Roof Replacement at Smith Station Elementary School. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The project is generally described as HVAC improvements and roof replacement at Smith Station Elementary School.
The Owner will accept proposals from all Contractors qualified under the terms of the Documents and who attend the Pre-bid
A mandatory Pre-bid Conference will be held at 1:30pm, January 17, 2012, at the Smith Station Elementary School, 7320
Smith Station Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407. Attendance of all General Contractors planning to submit a proposal is
specifically required. Bids received from Contractors who did not attend the Pre-bid Conference will be returned

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US OH - National Aeronautics And Space Administration Bid - Cooling Tower Repair: Grc Lewis Field And Plum Brook Station

Alert Type:

THIS IS A COMPETITIVE 8(a) SET ASIDE.NASA/GRC plans to issue an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for Cooling Tower Repair work atLewis Field in Cleveland, OH and at Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, OH.Lewis Field work includes Cooling Towers No. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and shall entail thereplacement of designated valves, repair or replacement of designated structural members,replacement of designated fill materials, replacement of fan vibration switches, repairand coating of concrete basins, removal and install of gearboxes and oil filtrationlines, preparing and painting of designated steelwork and equipment, repair orrefurbishment of designated pumps and piping. All Lewis Field work shall be initiated andcompleted during a seven (7) week outage period in the months of July-August 2012.Plum Brook Stations Space Power Facility (SPF) work shall entail site improvements,equipment foundations, aboveground and underground piping, aboveground and undergroundelectrical, install of cooling towers, install of water treatment system, install ofcirculation pumps, install of new cooling water equipment controls including integrationwith existing facility controls, and demolition of existing cooling water towers, pumpsand piping after system switchover. SPF work shall be performed such that the existingcooling water system will remain functional to the maximum extent possible duringconstruction. Switchover to the new equipment will be scheduled by the Government.Contractor shall furnish all personnel, labor, equipment, material, tools, supplies,supervision, management, and services, except as may be expressly set forth as Governmentfurnished, at both NASA Glenn Research Centers Lewis Field located at 21000 BrookparkRoad, Cleveland, Ohio, 44135 and Plum Brook Station located at 6100 Columbus Ave.,Sandusky, Ohio, 44870.The order of magnitude for the procurement is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code and small business sizestandard for this procurement are 238220 and $14 million, respectively. A site visit is anticipated. Details including date, time and location will be includedin the solicitation.This is a 100% 8(a) SET ASIDE.It has been determined the competition will be limited to 8(a) firms located within thegeographical area serviced by the Cleveland Distric Office and other 8(a) constructionfirms with a bona fide place of business within the geographical competitive area, andthe assigned NAICS code. All other 8(a) BD Participants are deemed ineligible to submitoffers.NASA Clause 1852.215-84, Ombudsman, is applicable. The installation Ombudsman is KurtSeablom, 216-433-5593.The solicitation and any documents related to this procurement [with the exception of thespecifications and drawings] will be available over the Internet. These documents willreside on a World-Wide Web (WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browserapplication. The Internet site, or URL, for the NASA Business Opportunities page is .Prospective offerors shall notify this office of their intent to submit an offer. It isthe offeror's responsibility to monitor the Internet site for the release of thesolicitation and amendments (if any). Potential offerors will be responsible fordownloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any). All contractual and technical questions must be submitted in writing. Telephonequestions will not be accepted.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US NY - NYCHA Bid - Replacement Of Boilers At Hope Gardens

Alert Type:

Solicitation:Competitive Sealed Bids

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NH - Department Of Highways Bid - Highway - Pearl Street Lighting

Alert Type:

Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Department of Highways of the City
of Manchester, New Hampshire before or at 2:00 P.M., prevailing time on the 2nd day
of February, 2012, for the following described services.
FY12 – 500-15
This contract consists of furnishing and installing decorative light poles and fixtures on
Pearl Street between Chestnut Street and Union Street, including wiring, conduit,
concrete pole bases, precast polymer concrete hand holes, excavation and backfill, and
Certified Check/Bid Bond $2,000.00

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Energy Project RFP Alert - Canada - University Of Northern British Columbia RFP - Lighting Upgrades Prince George Campus & Regional Campuses

Alert Type:

The University of Northern British Columbia, hereinafter referred to as the
“University” is in the final stages of selecting an experienced contractor(s) to install
lighting retrofits and on an “as and when requested basis”, provide electrical
services. A Blanket Order will be issued to the successful proponent with the term
expiring one year after award with an option to renew, at the University’s discretion
for an additional one (1) year period. Special projects may be issued on separate
purchase orders, but the terms and conditions from this RFP will apply.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Nj Transit Bid - Hvac Upgrade

Alert Type:

Notice is hereby given that this is an electronic bid submission. Electronic bids will be received via the Internet until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 29, 2012, by NJ TRANSIT for HVAC Upgrade located at NJ TRANSIT's Rail Operations Center (ROC), 1148 Newark Turnpike, Kearny, New Jersey 07032. Bids for the project will be downloaded from the Bid Express website on the scheduled Bid Due Date (subject to change by Addenda) at 2:00:00 P.M., and publicly opened and read immediately thereafter. The Bidder must upload its bid prior to the hour named so that it is included in the project download. Late bids can not be accepted. This is the only way to submit a bid for this project; paper bids will not be accepted. The work under this Invitation for Bids generally consists of, but is not limited to, mobilization, coordination of new mechanical work, CRAC Upgrade Work and BAS work. All work must be in strict conformance with the drawings and specifications provided in the Bid Documents. In order to obtain all pertinent Bid Documents, interested firms must register with BID EXPRESS at Contractors that are currently registered with BID EXPRESS to bid NJDOT or any other public construction project do not require further registration, only an additional digital ID. To subscribe, follow instructions on the website. Fees apply to downloading documents and plans and bidding access. The fee schedule is available on the website. All fees are directly payable to Bid Express. All firms must be prequalified by NJ TRANSIT prior to submitting a bid. Contractors must be prequalified for "BC" Building Construction (Non- Operating Railroad Environment) in a classification of "GC" General Contractor with a specialty working in HVAC, Mechanical Systems and a rating of "F" ($400,001 to $500,000). Prequalification questionnaires are available for download from the Bid Express website Completed prequalification forms MUST be submitted to NJ TRANSIT's Bid Desk at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled bid opening date. Late submissions MAY NOT be considered. HVAC Upgrade Prequalification Criteria is also mandatory part of this IFB and is identified in SP. 3 of the Special Provisions. This information is due by 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 14, 2012. A pre-bid conference has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Friday, February 3, 2012. The pre-bid conference will be held at 1148 Newark Turnpike, Kearny, New Jersey. The site visit will immediately follow. Contractors are advised that an NJ TRANSIT escort is necessary while present on railroad property. Unauthorized/unescorted visits are strictly prohibited. Bidders are advised that attendance at both the pre-bid conference and site visit is strongly recommended. This project is subject to the requirements of the Public Works Contractor Registration Act (P.L. 1999, c.238). Contractors and subcontractors are also required to comply with the State of New Jersey, Division of Revenue Business Registration Certificate requirements (P.L. 2004, c.57). In addition, the requirements of Executive Order 134 (P.L. 2005, c.51), Executive Order 117 (2008) and Source Disclosure Requirements (N.J.S.A. 52:34-13.2) apply to this project. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et se...

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US IL - City Of Quincy RFP - Central Fire Hvac Renovation

Alert Type:

Proposals will be accepted in the office of the Director of Purchasing, City of Quincy, 730 Maine Street, Quincy, Illinois 62301 until 4:00 o'clock p.m. Thursday, January 26, 2012 for the purpose of the HVAC renovation of the building at Central Fire Station located at 906 Vermont Street, Quincy, Illinois.
Specifications may be obtained by contacting Deputy Fire Chief Greg Dreyer at the City of Quincy, Central Fire Station, 906 Vermont, Quincy, Illinois 62301 or by phone at 217-228-4459. The City of Quincy reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any and all proposals. The City of Quincy reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal for the city. The City of Quincy is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages minority group participation in the bidding process.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US PA - The Harrisburg School District Bid - Hvac Renovations Scott School The Harrisburg School

Alert Type:

The Harrisburg School District is seeking bids for HVAC Renovations and Upgrades for the Scott Elementary School. Documents are available from the Business Office, 2101 N. Front St., Building 2, Harrisburg, PA 17110 during normal business hours. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference at 4:00, Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at Scott School, 1900 Derry St. Harrisburg, PA 17104. Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened at 10:00 am, Friday, February, 3, 2012 in the board Room at 2101 N. Front St, Building 2, Harrisburg, PA 17110

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US LA - University Of Louisiana RFP - Light Fixtures

Alert Type:

Proposals will be received up to February 1, 2012 2:00PM by the Purchasing Office,
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana. Proposals will not be received
after this specified hour and date. At this time, the proposals will be publicly opened and
read in the Purchasing Office, Room 123, Martin Hall, 104 University Circle, on the
University Campus, Lafayette, Louisiana.
This is a Competitive Sealed Bid. Complete details governing the policies and procedures
to be followed in responding to the request are contained in the attachment.
Bid must be received by the due date and time in the Purchasing Office at the University of
Louisiana at Lafayette, 104 University Circle, Martin Hall, Room 123, Lafayette, LA, 70503.
Bid is to be in a SEALED ENVELOPE with the BID NUMBER and DUE DATE ON THE

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NC - North Carolina State University RFP - Energy Consultant Services

Alert Type:

Sealed Proposals subject to the conditions made a part hereof will be accepted until 2:00 p.m.,
Friday, February 3, 2012 for furnishing services described herein. NC State University’s Utilities and Engineering Services (hereafter referred to as NC State) seeks proposals from qualified technical consulting experts to assist in the energy risk management of
natural gas and fuel oil procurement.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Brooks Development Authority RFI - Design Build Services For Energy Efficiency And Conservation

Alert Type:

Proposals will be received by the BROOKS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY at 3201
Sidney Brooks, San Antonio, TX 78235 until 10AM CST, on January 31, 2012
for design build services for energy efficiency and conservation program.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Energy Project RFP Alert - US TX - Richardson Independent School District RFP - Hvac Rooftop Replacements

Alert Type:

The Richardson Independent School District (RISD) is soliciting proposals for HVAC Rooftop
Replacements as per specifications stated in this solicitation document. Sealed proposals shall be submitted
in an envelope marked on the outside with the bidder’s name, address and proposal number/name, RFP-
Richardson Independent School District
Purchasing Department
970 Security Row
Richardson, Texas 75081
Proposals will be received at the above address until 1:30 PM, Thursday, February 2, 2012. Proposals will
be publicly opened at 2:30 PM the same day

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US NJ - Housing Authority Borough Of Princeton Bid - Boiler Plant Replacement

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received by the Housing Authority Borough of Princeton by the AED - Scott E. Parsons for the Boiler Plant Replacement at Spruce Circle at North Harrison Street in Princeton NJ 08540 together with all work incidental thereto in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by Minervini Vandermark Architecture. Bids will be received by the Owner at it's offices, located at 50 Clay Street - Princeton, NJ 08542 until 11:00 am prevailing time on Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 and will be opened and read aloud immediately thereafter. Bids must include all applicable allowances, unit prices, and numbered alternate bids. SINGLE CONTRACT BIDS: Includes all work and materials required to complete the project. Boiler Plant Replacement at Spruce Circle at North Harrison Street Princeton, NJ 08540 The Instructions to Bidders, Form of Bid, Specifications, Drawings and other contract documents are available at the office of the Owner, 50 Clay Street - Princeton, NJ 08542 for the sum of ($50.00) dollars, "NON-REFUNDABLE", for each complete set. Payment is to be in the form of a check made payable to "The Housing Authority Borough of Princeton". Bid documents will not be mailed to prospective bidders under any circumstances. 1 Bidders shall use complete sets of Bidding Documents in preparing Bids. Neither the Owner nor the Architect will assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2 Each bid must be accompanied by a bid security deposit of an amount equal to at least ten (10%) percent of the amount of the base bid, but not in excess of $20,000, the deposit may be either a certified check or cashier's check drawn on an incorporated bank or trust company payable to the order of the Owner, or a bid bond in favor of the Owner as a guarantee that, in case the contract is awarded to the bidder, he will execute such contract. Upon failure to do so, the bid security will become liable up to its full amount for any difference between the amount of his bid and the Contract which the Owner may be obliged to award another bidder or bidders. 3 The bid security deposits of all excepting the three lowest bidders will, if requested, be returned after ten (10) days from the opening of bids, Sundays and holidays excepted, and the remaining deposits will be returned when the contract of the successful bidder is approved. The bid bond must be issued by a surety company listed in the most recently published U.S. Treasury Circular No.570. Regardless of whether the bid bond or certified check is submitted for a bid guarantee, each bidder must submit a Consent of Surety from a surety company which is listed in the most recently published U.S. Treasury Circular No. 570, stating that it will issue the necessary Performance and Maintenance bonds should the bidder enter into a contract for this work with the Housing Authority of the Borough of Princeton ". 4 The successful bidder will be required to furnish a New Jersey Statutory Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount of the contract sum. 5 The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in, or to reject, any or all bids. 6 Attention of the bidders is called particularly to the requirements of conditions of employment

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US MT - Department Of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Missoula, Montana Bid - Hvac System Upgrade

Alert Type:

Sealed bids will be received until the closing time of 2:00 p.m. on FEBRUARY 9, 2012, and will be publicly opened and read aloud in the offices of the Architecture & Engineering Division, 1520 East Sixth Avenue, P O Box 200103, Helena MT 59620-0103, for: REGION 2 HVAC SYSTEM UPGRADE, DEPARTMENT OF FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS, MISSOULA, MONTANA, A/E #2010-35-04. Bids shall be submitted on the form provided within the Contract Documents. Contract documents may be obtained at the offices of: DC ENGINEERING 123 SPRUCE ST MISSOULA MT 50802 406 829-8828 FAX 406 829-8829 A refundable deposit of $50.00 will be required for each plan set. A PRE-BID WALK-THROUGH IS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2012, AT 10:00 A.M. PARTICIPANTS SHOULD MEET IN THE LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, FWP REGION 2 HEADQUARTERS, 3201 SPURGIN ROAD, MISSOULA. ATTENDANCE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security meeting the requirements of the state of Montana in the amount of 10% of the total bid. After award, the successful bidder must furnish an approved Performance Security and a Labor & Material Payment Security each in the amount of 100% of the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least thirty (30) calendar days after the scheduled time for receipt of bids except as noted in the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any and all irregularities or informalities and the right to determine what constitutes any and all irregularities or informalities.

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US GA - City Of St. Marys Bid - Gefa Energy Efficiency Retrofit

Alert Type:

Sealed bids for the replacement of HVAC and other works required for the St. Marys Police Department and U.S. Coast Guard facilities of City of St. Marys GEFA Energy Efficiency _Retrofit Project 2012, will be received by the City of St. Marys, Purchasing Department, 418 Osborne Street, St. Marys, GA 31558 until 2:00 p.m. on February 14, 2012, at which time they will be publicly opened on the same date in St. Marys City Hall Council Chambers. No submitted bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. Project Manuals are open for public inspection beginning at 9:00 a.m. on January 13, 2012 at the office of City of St. Marys, Purchasing Department (located in City Hall), 418 Osborne Street, St. Marys, Georgia 31558, phone: 912-510-4045, and are available for distribution upon receipt of $25.00 for the Invitation to Bid Package. No refunds will be made. Any questions and/or requests for clarification concerning the Bid Package must be submitted in writing to Mrs. Sarah Lee - Purchasing Agent, St. Marys, Georgia (FAX#: 912-510-4012). Questions by telephone will NOT be addressed. Responses to all submitted questions and/or requests for clarification will be provided to all project proposers on record._The deadline for providing answers to questions will be February 8, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting (Proposer or his/her representative must be present to qualify to bid) held at the City of St. Marys Council Chambers, 418 Osborne Street, St. Marys, GA 31558, at 10 a.m., _February 1, 2012, followed by a site visit. The City of St. Marys reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality not in the best interest of the City. The Contractor and any subcontractor shall abide by the Georgia State Construction Industry Licensing Board Rules and Regulations.

For more details please visit:

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Energy Project RFP Alert - US LA - ASW-52 Bid - Replacement Of The Existing Hvac System Air Route Surveillance Radar

Alert Type:


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is seeking competent and qualified Small Business construction contractors interested in providing offers for this project.

Work will consist of, but is not limited to:
1. The contractor shall demolish the entire existing HVAC System
2. The contractor shall furnish and install a new HVAC System
3. The contractor shall provide temporary HVAC Services

The contractor shall completely prepare site for building operations including demolition and removal of existing structures. Furnish labor and equipment and perform for the demolition of existing Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) System and ductwork

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.

Energy Project RFP Alert - US MO - Raytown Quality Schools RFP - Gym Lighting Retrofit

Alert Type:

Raytown Quality Schools is seeking to upgrade the lighting in 5 gymnasiums withing the district

For more details please visit:

To learn about all the energy incentives and projects available, check out or download our iOS app Watt Rebate today.